import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { HandbookHelper } from "../helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper"; import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { RagfairServerHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairServerHelper"; import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData"; import { Exit, ILocationBase } from "../models/eft/common/ILocationBase"; import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { TraderInfo } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { IChangeRequirement, ICompletion, ICompletionAvailableFor, IElimination, IEliminationCondition, IExploration, IExplorationCondition, IKillConditionProps, IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest, IReward, IRewards } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests"; import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest } from "../models/eft/quests/IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest"; import { BaseClasses } from "../models/enums/BaseClasses"; import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { ELocationName } from "../models/enums/ELocationName"; import { HideoutAreas } from "../models/enums/HideoutAreas"; import { Money } from "../models/enums/Money"; import { QuestStatus } from "../models/enums/QuestStatus"; import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders"; import { IEliminationConfig, IQuestConfig, IRepeatableQuestConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IQuestConfig"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer"; import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { PaymentService } from "../services/PaymentService"; import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService"; import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { MathUtil } from "../utils/MathUtil"; import { ObjectId } from "../utils/ObjectId"; import { ProbabilityObject, ProbabilityObjectArray, RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil"; export interface IQuestTypePool { types: string[], pool: IQuestPool } export interface IQuestPool { Exploration: IExplorationPool Elimination: IEliminationPool } export interface IExplorationPool { locations: Partial> } export interface IEliminationPool { targets: IEliminationTargetPool } export interface IEliminationTargetPool { Savage?: ITargetLocation AnyPmc?: ITargetLocation bossBully?: ITargetLocation bossGluhar?: ITargetLocation bossKilla?: ITargetLocation bossSanitar?: ITargetLocation bossTagilla?: ITargetLocation bossKojaniy?: ITargetLocation } export interface ITargetLocation { locations: string[] } @injectable() export class RepeatableQuestController { protected questConfig: IQuestConfig; constructor( @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, @inject("MathUtil") protected mathUtil: MathUtil, @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("ProfileFixerService") protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, @inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, @inject("RagfairServerHelper") protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, @inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("PaymentService") protected paymentService: PaymentService, @inject("ObjectId") protected objectId: ObjectId, @inject("ItemFilterService") protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer ) { this.questConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.QUEST); } /** * Handle client/repeatalbeQuests/activityPeriods * Returns an array of objects in the format of repeatable quests to the client. * repeatableQuestObject = { * id: Unique Id, * name: "Daily", * endTime: the time when the quests expire * activeQuests: currently available quests in an array. Each element of quest type format (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json). * inactiveQuests: the quests which were previously active (required by client to fail them if they are not completed) * } * * The method checks if the player level requirement for repeatable quests (e.g. daily lvl5, weekly lvl15) is met and if the previously active quests * are still valid. This ischecked by endTime persisted in profile accordning to the resetTime configured for each repeatable kind (daily, weekly) * in QuestCondig.js * * If the condition is met, new repeatableQuests are created, old quests (which are persisted in the profile.RepeatableQuests[i].activeQuests) are * moved to profile.RepeatableQuests[i].inactiveQuests. This memory is required to get rid of old repeatable quest data in the profile, otherwise * they'll litter the profile's Quests field. * (if the are on "Succeed" but not "Completed" we keep them, to allow the player to complete them and get the rewards) * The new quests generated are again persisted in profile.RepeatableQuests * * * @param {string} sessionId Player's session id * @returns {array} array of "repeatableQuestObjects" as descibed above */ public getClientRepeatableQuests(_info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IPmcDataRepeatableQuest[] { const returnData: Array = []; const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); const time = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); const scavQuestUnlocked = pmcData?.Hideout?.Areas?.find(hideoutArea => hideoutArea.type === HideoutAreas.INTEL_CENTER)?.level >= 1; // Daily / weekly / Daily_Savage for (const repeatableConfig of this.questConfig.repeatableQuests) { // get daily/weekly data from profile, add empty object if missing const currentRepeatableType = this.getRepeatableQuestSubTypeFromProfile(repeatableConfig, pmcData); if (repeatableConfig.side === "Pmc" && pmcData.Info.Level >= repeatableConfig.minPlayerLevel || repeatableConfig.side === "Scav" && scavQuestUnlocked) { if (time > currentRepeatableType.endTime - 1) { currentRepeatableType.endTime = time + repeatableConfig.resetTime; currentRepeatableType.inactiveQuests = []; this.logger.debug(`Generating new ${}`); // put old quests to inactive (this is required since only then the client makes them fail due to non-completion) // we also need to push them to the "inactiveQuests" list since we need to remove them from offraidData.profile.Quests // after a raid (the client seems to keep quests internally and we want to get rid of old repeatable quests) // and remove them from the PMC's Quests and RepeatableQuests[i].activeQuests const questsToKeep = []; //for (let i = 0; i < currentRepeatable.activeQuests.length; i++) for (const activeQuest of currentRepeatableType.activeQuests) { // check if the quest is ready to be completed, if so, don't remove it const quest = pmcData.Quests.filter(q => q.qid === activeQuest._id); if (quest.length > 0) { if (quest[0].status === QuestStatus.AvailableForFinish) { questsToKeep.push(activeQuest); this.logger.debug(`Keeping repeatable quest ${activeQuest._id} in activeQuests since it is available to AvailableForFinish`); continue; } } this.profileFixerService.removeDanglingConditionCounters(pmcData); pmcData.Quests = pmcData.Quests.filter(q => q.qid !== activeQuest._id); currentRepeatableType.inactiveQuests.push(activeQuest); } currentRepeatableType.activeQuests = questsToKeep; // introduce a dynamic quest pool to avoid duplicates const questTypePool = this.generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig, pmcData.Info.Level); for (let i = 0; i < repeatableConfig.numQuests; i++) { let quest = null; let lifeline = 0; while (!quest && questTypePool.types.length > 0) { quest = this.generateRepeatableQuest( pmcData.Info.Level, pmcData.TradersInfo, questTypePool, repeatableConfig ); lifeline++; if (lifeline > 10) { this.logger.debug("We were stuck in repeatable quest generation. This should never happen. Please report"); break; } } // check if there are no more quest types available if (questTypePool.types.length === 0) { break; } quest.side = repeatableConfig.side; currentRepeatableType.activeQuests.push(quest); } } else { this.logger.debug(`[Quest Check] ${} quests are still valid.`); } } // create stupid redundant change requirements from quest data for (const quest of currentRepeatableType.activeQuests) { currentRepeatableType.changeRequirement[quest._id] = { changeCost: quest.changeCost, changeStandingCost: quest.changeStandingCost }; } returnData.push({ id: this.objectId.generate(), name:, endTime: currentRepeatableType.endTime, activeQuests: currentRepeatableType.activeQuests, inactiveQuests: currentRepeatableType.inactiveQuests, changeRequirement: currentRepeatableType.changeRequirement }); } return returnData; } /** * Get repeatable quest data from profile from name (daily/weekly), creates base repeatable quest object if none exists * @param repeatableConfig daily/weekly config * @param pmcData Profile to search * @returns IPmcDataRepeatableQuest */ protected getRepeatableQuestSubTypeFromProfile(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcData: IPmcData): IPmcDataRepeatableQuest { // Get from profile, add if missing let repeatableQuestDetails = pmcData.RepeatableQuests.find(x => ===; if (!repeatableQuestDetails) { repeatableQuestDetails = { name:, activeQuests: [], inactiveQuests: [], endTime: 0, changeRequirement: {} }; // Add base object that holds repeatable data to profile pmcData.RepeatableQuests.push(repeatableQuestDetails); } return repeatableQuestDetails; } /** * This method is called by GetClientRepeatableQuests and creates one element of quest type format (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json). * It randomly draws a quest type (currently Elimination, Completion or Exploration) as well as a trader who is providing the quest */ protected generateRepeatableQuest( pmcLevel: number, pmcTraderInfo: Record, questTypePool: IQuestTypePool, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig ): IRepeatableQuest { const questType = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(questTypePool.types)[0]; // get traders from whitelist and filter by quest type availability let traders = repeatableConfig.traderWhitelist.filter(x => x.questTypes.includes(questType)).map(x => x.traderId); // filter out locked traders traders = traders.filter(x => pmcTraderInfo[x].unlocked); const traderId = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(traders)[0]; switch (questType) { case "Elimination": return this.generateEliminationQuest(pmcLevel, traderId, questTypePool, repeatableConfig); case "Completion": return this.generateCompletionQuest(pmcLevel, traderId, repeatableConfig); case "Exploration": return this.generateExplorationQuest(pmcLevel, traderId, questTypePool, repeatableConfig); default: throw new Error(`Unknown mission type ${questType}. Should never be here!`); } } /** * Just for debug reasons. Draws dailies a random assort of dailies extracted from dumps */ public generateDebugDailies(dailiesPool: any, factory: any, number: number): any { let randomQuests = []; if (factory) { // First is factory extract always add for debugging randomQuests.push(dailiesPool[0]); number -= 1; } randomQuests = randomQuests.concat(this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(dailiesPool, number, false)); for (let i = 0; i < randomQuests.length; i++) { randomQuests[i]._id = this.objectId.generate(); const conditions = randomQuests[i].conditions.AvailableForFinish; for (let j = 0; j < conditions.length; j++) { if ("counter" in conditions[j]._props) { conditions[j] = this.objectId.generate(); } } } return randomQuests; } /** * Generates the base object of quest type format given as templates in assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json * The templates include Elimination, Completion and Extraction quest types * * @param {string} type quest type: "Elimination", "Completion" or "Extraction" * @param {string} traderId trader from which the quest will be provided * @param {string} side scav daily or pmc daily/weekly quest * @returns {object} a object which contains the base elements for repeatable quests of the requests type * (needs to be filled with reward and conditions by called to make a valid quest) */ // @Incomplete: define Type for "type". protected generateRepeatableTemplate(type: string, traderId: string, side: string): IRepeatableQuest { const quest = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.repeatableQuests.templates[type]); quest._id = this.objectId.generate(); quest.traderId = traderId; /* in locale, these id correspond to the text of quests template ids -pmc : Elimination = 616052ea3054fc0e2c24ce6e / Completion = 61604635c725987e815b1a46 / Exploration = 616041eb031af660100c9967 template ids -scav : Elimination = 62825ef60e88d037dc1eb428 / Completion = 628f588ebb558574b2260fe5 / Exploration = 62825ef60e88d037dc1eb42c */ // Get template id from config based on side and type of quest quest.templateId = this.questConfig.questTemplateIds[side.toLowerCase()][type.toLowerCase()]; ="{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.note = quest.note.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.description = quest.description.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.successMessageText = quest.successMessageText.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.failMessageText = quest.failMessageText.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.startedMessageText = quest.startedMessageText.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); quest.changeQuestMessageText = quest.changeQuestMessageText.replace("{traderId}", traderId).replace("{templateId}",quest.templateId); return quest; } /** * Generates a valid Exploration quest * * @param {integer} pmcLevel player's level for reward generation * @param {string} traderId trader from which the quest will be provided * @param {object} questTypePool Pools for quests (used to avoid redundant quests) * @param {object} repeatableConfig The configuration for the repeatably kind (daily, weekly) as configured in QuestConfig for the requestd quest * @returns {object} object of quest type format for "Exploration" (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) */ protected generateExplorationQuest( pmcLevel: number, traderId: string, questTypePool: IQuestTypePool, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig ): IExploration { const explorationConfig = repeatableConfig.questConfig.Exploration; if (Object.keys(questTypePool.pool.Exploration.locations).length === 0) { // there are no more locations left for exploration; delete it as a possible quest type questTypePool.types = questTypePool.types.filter(t => t !== "Exploration"); return null; } // if the location we draw is factory, it's possible to either get factory4_day and factory4_night or only one // of the both const locationKey: string = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromDict(questTypePool.pool.Exploration.locations)[0]; const locationTarget = questTypePool.pool.Exploration.locations[locationKey]; // remove the location from the available pool delete questTypePool.pool.Exploration.locations[locationKey]; const numExtracts = this.randomUtil.randInt(1, explorationConfig.maxExtracts + 1); const quest = this.generateRepeatableTemplate("Exploration", traderId,repeatableConfig.side) as IExploration; const exitStatusCondition: IExplorationCondition = { _parent: "ExitStatus", _props: { id: this.objectId.generate(), dynamicLocale: true, status: [ "Survived" ] } }; const locationCondition: IExplorationCondition = { _parent: "Location", _props: { id: this.objectId.generate(), dynamicLocale: true, target: locationTarget } }; quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0] = this.objectId.generate(); quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.counter.conditions = [ exitStatusCondition, locationCondition ]; quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.value = numExtracts; quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0] = this.objectId.generate(); quest.location = this.getQuestLocationByMapId(locationKey); if (Math.random() < repeatableConfig.questConfig.Exploration.specificExits.probability) { // Filter by whitelist, it's also possible that the field "PassageRequirement" does not exist (e.g. Shoreline) // Scav exits are not listed at all in locations.base currently. If that changes at some point, additional filtering will be required const mapExits = (this.databaseServer.getTables().locations[locationKey.toLowerCase()].base as ILocationBase).exits; const possibleExists = mapExits.filter( x => (!("PassageRequirement" in x) || repeatableConfig.questConfig.Exploration.specificExits.passageRequirementWhitelist.includes(x.PassageRequirement)) && x.Chance > 0 ); const exit = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(possibleExists, 1)[0]; const exitCondition = this.generateExplorationExitCondition(exit); quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.counter.conditions.push(exitCondition); } // Difficulty for exploration goes from 1 extract to maxExtracts // Difficulty for reward goes from 0.2...1 -> map const difficulty = this.mathUtil.mapToRange(numExtracts, 1, explorationConfig.maxExtracts, 0.2, 1); quest.rewards = this.generateReward(pmcLevel, difficulty, traderId, repeatableConfig); return quest; } /** * Generates a valid Completion quest * * @param {integer} pmcLevel player's level for requested items and reward generation * @param {string} traderId trader from which the quest will be provided * @param {object} repeatableConfig The configuration for the repeatably kind (daily, weekly) as configured in QuestConfig for the requestd quest * @returns {object} object of quest type format for "Completion" (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) */ protected generateCompletionQuest( pmcLevel: number, traderId: string, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig ): ICompletion { const completionConfig = repeatableConfig.questConfig.Completion; const levelsConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.levels; const roublesConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.roubles; // in the available dumps only 2 distinct items were ever requested let numberDistinctItems = 1; if (Math.random() > 0.75) { numberDistinctItems = 2; } const quest = this.generateRepeatableTemplate("Completion", traderId,repeatableConfig.side) as ICompletion; // Filter the items.json items to items the player must retrieve to complete queist: shouldn't be a quest item or "non-existant" let itemSelection = this.getRewardableItems(repeatableConfig); // Be fair, don't let the items be more expensive than the reward let roublesBudget = Math.floor(this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, roublesConfig) * this.randomUtil.getFloat(0.5, 1)); roublesBudget = Math.max(roublesBudget, 5000); itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget); // We also have the option to use whitelist and/or blacklist which is defined in repeatableQuests.json as // [{"minPlayerLevel": 1, "itemIds": ["id1",...]}, {"minPlayerLevel": 15, "itemIds": ["id3",...]}] if (repeatableConfig.questConfig.Completion.useWhitelist) { const itemWhitelist = this.databaseServer.getTables(); // Filter and concatenate the arrays according to current player level const itemIdsWhitelisted = itemWhitelist.filter(p => p.minPlayerLevel <= pmcLevel).reduce((a, p) => a.concat(p.itemIds), []); itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => { // Whitelist can contain item tpls and item base type ids return (itemIdsWhitelisted.some(v => this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], v)) || itemIdsWhitelisted.includes(x[0])); }); // check if items are missing //const flatList = itemSelection.reduce((a, il) => a.concat(il[0]), []); //const missing = itemIdsWhitelisted.filter(l => !flatList.includes(l)); } if (repeatableConfig.questConfig.Completion.useBlacklist) { const itemBlacklist = this.databaseServer.getTables(); // we filter and concatenate the arrays according to current player level const itemIdsBlacklisted = itemBlacklist.filter(p => p.minPlayerLevel <= pmcLevel).reduce((a, p) => a.concat(p.itemIds), []); itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => { return itemIdsBlacklisted.every(v => !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], v)) || !itemIdsBlacklisted.includes(x[0]); }); } if (itemSelection.length === 0) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive")); return null; } // Draw items to ask player to retrieve for (let i = 0; i < numberDistinctItems; i++) { const itemSelected = itemSelection[this.randomUtil.randInt(itemSelection.length)]; const itemUnitPrice = this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(itemSelected[0]); let minValue = completionConfig.minRequestedAmount; let maxValue = completionConfig.maxRequestedAmount; if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemSelected[0], BaseClasses.AMMO)) { minValue = completionConfig.minRequestedBulletAmount; maxValue = completionConfig.maxRequestedBulletAmount; } let value = minValue; // get the value range within budget maxValue = Math.min(maxValue, Math.floor(roublesBudget / itemUnitPrice)); if (maxValue > minValue) { // if it doesn't blow the budget we have for the request, draw a random amount of the selected // item type to be requested value = this.randomUtil.randInt(minValue, maxValue + 1); } roublesBudget -= value * itemUnitPrice; // push a CompletionCondition with the item and the amount of the item quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish.push(this.generateCompletionAvailableForFinish(itemSelected[0], value)); if (roublesBudget > 0) { // reduce the list possible items to fulfill the new budget constraint itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget); if (itemSelection.length === 0) { break; } } else { break; } } quest.rewards = this.generateReward(pmcLevel, 1, traderId, repeatableConfig); return quest; } /** * Generates a valid Elimination quest * * @param {integer} pmcLevel player's level for requested items and reward generation * @param {string} traderId trader from which the quest will be provided * @param {object} questTypePool Pools for quests (used to avoid redundant quests) * @param {object} repeatableConfig The configuration for the repeatably kind (daily, weekly) as configured in QuestConfig for the requestd quest * @returns {object} object of quest type format for "Elimination" (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) */ protected generateEliminationQuest( pmcLevel: number, traderId: string, questTypePool: IQuestTypePool, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig ): IElimination { const eliminationConfig = this.getEliminationConfigByPmcLevel(pmcLevel, repeatableConfig); const locationsConfig = repeatableConfig.locations; let targetsConfig = this.probabilityObjectArray(eliminationConfig.targets); const bodypartsConfig = this.probabilityObjectArray(eliminationConfig.bodyParts); // the difficulty of the quest varies in difficulty depending on the condition // possible conditions are // - amount of npcs to kill // - type of npc to kill (scav, boss, pmc) // - with hit to what body part they should be killed // - from what distance they should be killed // a random combination of listed conditions can be required // possible conditions elements and their relative probability can be defined in QuestConfig.js // We use ProbabilityObjectArray to draw by relative probability. e.g. for targets: // "targets": { // "Savage": 7, // "AnyPmc": 2, // "bossBully": 0.5 //} // higher is more likely. We define the difficulty to be the inverse of the relative probability. // We want to generate a reward which is scaled by the difficulty of this mission. To get a upper bound with which we scale // the actual difficulty we calculate the minimum and maximum difficulty (max being the sum of max of each condition type // times the number of kills we have to perform): // the minumum difficulty is the difficulty for the most probable (= easiest target) with no additional conditions const minDifficulty = 1 / targetsConfig.maxProbability(); // min difficulty is lowest amount of scavs without any constraints // Target on bodyPart max. difficulty is that of the least probable element const maxTargetDifficulty = 1 / targetsConfig.minProbability(); const maxBodyPartsDifficulty = eliminationConfig.minKills / bodypartsConfig.minProbability(); // maxDistDifficulty is defined by 2, this could be a tuning parameter if we don't like the reward generation const maxDistDifficulty = 2; const maxKillDifficulty = eliminationConfig.maxKills; function difficultyWeighing(target: number, bodyPart: number, dist: number, kill: number): number { return Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(target) + bodyPart + dist) * kill; } targetsConfig = targetsConfig.filter(x => Object.keys(questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets).includes(x.key)); if (targetsConfig.length === 0 || targetsConfig.every(x => { // there are no more targets left for elimination; delete it as a possible quest type // also if only bosses are left we need to leave otherwise it's a guaranteed boss elimination // -> then it would not be a quest with low probability anymore questTypePool.types = questTypePool.types.filter(t => t !== "Elimination"); return null; } const targetKey = targetsConfig.draw()[0]; const targetDifficulty = 1 / targetsConfig.probability(targetKey); let locations = questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets[targetKey].locations; // we use any as location if "any" is in the pool and we do not hit the specific location random // we use any also if the random condition is not met in case only "any" was in the pool let locationKey = "any"; if (locations.includes("any") && (eliminationConfig.specificLocationProb < Math.random() || locations.length <= 1)) { locationKey = "any"; delete questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets[targetKey]; } else { locations = locations.filter(l => l !== "any"); if (locations.length > 0) { locationKey = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(locations)[0]; questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets[targetKey].locations = locations.filter(l => l !== locationKey); if (questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets[targetKey].locations.length === 0) { delete questTypePool.pool.Elimination.targets[targetKey]; } } else { // never should reach this if everything works out this.logger.debug("Ecountered issue when creating Elimination quest. Please report."); } } // draw the target body part and calculate the difficulty factor let bodyPartsToClient = null; let bodyPartDifficulty = 0; if (eliminationConfig.bodyPartProb > Math.random()) { // if we add a bodyPart condition, we draw randomly one or two parts // each bodyPart of the BODYPARTS ProbabilityObjectArray includes the string(s) which need to be presented to the client in // e.g. we draw "Arms" from the probability array but must present ["LeftArm", "RightArm"] to the client bodyPartsToClient = []; const bodyParts = bodypartsConfig.draw(this.randomUtil.randInt(1, 3), false); let probability = 0; for (const bi of bodyParts) { // more than one part lead to an "OR" condition hence more parts reduce the difficulty probability += bodypartsConfig.probability(bi); for (const biClient of { bodyPartsToClient.push(biClient); } } bodyPartDifficulty = 1 / probability; } // draw a distance condition let distance = null; let distanceDifficulty = 0; let isDistanceRequirementAllowed = !eliminationConfig.distLocationBlacklist.includes(locationKey); if ( { // get all boss spawn information const bossSpawns = Object.values(this.databaseServer.getTables().locations).filter(x => "base" in x && "Id" in x.base).map( (x) => ({ "Id": x.base.Id, "BossSpawn": x.base.BossLocationSpawn }) ); // filter for the current boss to spawn on map const thisBossSpawns = (x) => ({ "Id": x.Id, "BossSpawn": x.BossSpawn.filter(e => e.BossName === targetKey) }) ).filter(x => x.BossSpawn.length > 0); // remove blacklisted locations const allowedSpawns = thisBossSpawns.filter(x => !eliminationConfig.distLocationBlacklist.includes(x.Id)); // if the boss spawns on nom-blacklisted locations and the current location is allowed we can generate a distance kill requirement isDistanceRequirementAllowed = isDistanceRequirementAllowed && (allowedSpawns.length > 0); } if (eliminationConfig.distProb > Math.random() && isDistanceRequirementAllowed) { // random distance with lower values more likely; simple distribution for starters... distance = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.random() - Math.random()) * (1 + eliminationConfig.maxDist - eliminationConfig.minDist) + eliminationConfig.minDist); distance = Math.ceil(distance / 5) * 5; distanceDifficulty = maxDistDifficulty * distance / eliminationConfig.maxDist; } // draw how many npcs are required to be killed const kills = this.randomUtil.randInt(eliminationConfig.minKills, eliminationConfig.maxKills + 1); const killDifficulty = kills; // not perfectly happy here; we give difficulty = 1 to the quest reward generation when we have the most diffucult mission // e.g. killing reshala 5 times from a distance of 200m with a headshot. const maxDifficulty = difficultyWeighing(1, 1, 1, 1); const curDifficulty = difficultyWeighing( targetDifficulty / maxTargetDifficulty, bodyPartDifficulty / maxBodyPartsDifficulty, distanceDifficulty / maxDistDifficulty, killDifficulty / maxKillDifficulty ); // aforementioned issue makes it a bit crazy since now all easier quests give significantly lower rewards than Completion / Exploration // I therefore moved the mapping a bit up (from 0.2...1 to 0.5...2) so that normal difficulty still gives good reward and having the // crazy maximum difficulty will lead to a higher difficulty reward gain factor than 1 const difficulty = this.mathUtil.mapToRange(curDifficulty, minDifficulty, maxDifficulty, 0.5, 2); const quest = this.generateRepeatableTemplate("Elimination", traderId,repeatableConfig.side) as IElimination; quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0] = this.objectId.generate(); quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.counter.conditions = []; if (locationKey !== "any") { quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.counter.conditions.push(this.generateEliminationLocation(locationsConfig[locationKey])); } quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.counter.conditions.push(this.generateEliminationCondition(targetKey, bodyPartsToClient, distance)); quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0]._props.value = kills; quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish[0] = this.objectId.generate(); quest.location = this.getQuestLocationByMapId(locationKey); quest.rewards = this.generateReward(pmcLevel, Math.min(difficulty, 1), traderId, repeatableConfig); return quest; } /** * Get the relevant elimination config based on the current players PMC level * @param pmcLevel Level of PMC character * @param repeatableConfig Main repeatable config * @returns IEliminationConfig */ protected getEliminationConfigByPmcLevel(pmcLevel: number, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): IEliminationConfig { return repeatableConfig.questConfig.Elimination.find(x => pmcLevel >= x.levelRange.min && pmcLevel <= x.levelRange.max); } /** * Convert a location into an quest code can read (e.g. factory4_day into 55f2d3fd4bdc2d5f408b4567) * @param locationKey e.g factory4_day * @returns guid */ protected getQuestLocationByMapId(locationKey: string): string { return this.questConfig.locationIdMap[locationKey]; } /** * Exploration repeatable quests can specify a required extraction point. * This method creates the according object which will be appended to the conditions array * * @param {string} exit The exit name to generate the condition for * @returns {object} Exit condition */ protected generateExplorationExitCondition(exit: Exit): IExplorationCondition { return { _parent: "ExitName", _props: { exitName: exit.Name, id: this.objectId.generate(), dynamicLocale: true } }; } /** * A repeatable quest, besides some more or less static components, exists of reward and condition (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) * This is a helper method for GenerateCompletionQuest to create a completion condition (of which a completion quest theoretically can have many) * * @param {string} targetItemId id of the item to request * @param {integer} value amount of items of this specific type to request * @returns {object} object of "Completion"-condition */ protected generateCompletionAvailableForFinish(targetItemId: string, value: number): ICompletionAvailableFor { let minDurability = 0; let onlyFoundInRaid = true; if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(targetItemId, BaseClasses.WEAPON) || this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(targetItemId, BaseClasses.ARMOR)) { minDurability = 80; } if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(targetItemId, BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_USEC) || this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(targetItemId, BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_BEAR)) { onlyFoundInRaid = false; } return { _props: { id: this.objectId.generate(), parentId: "", dynamicLocale: true, index: 0, visibilityConditions: [], target: [targetItemId], value: value, minDurability: minDurability, maxDurability: 100, dogtagLevel: 0, onlyFoundInRaid: onlyFoundInRaid }, _parent: "HandoverItem", dynamicLocale: true }; } /** * A repeatable quest, besides some more or less static components, exists of reward and condition (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) * This is a helper method for GenerateEliminationQuest to create a location condition. * * @param {string} location the location on which to fulfill the elimination quest * @returns {object} object of "Elimination"-location-subcondition */ protected generateEliminationLocation(location: string[]): IEliminationCondition { return { _props: { target: location, id: this.objectId.generate(), dynamicLocale: true }, _parent: "Location" }; } /** * A repeatable quest, besides some more or less static components, exists of reward and condition (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json) * This is a helper method for GenerateEliminationQuest to create a kill condition. * * @param {string} target array of target npcs e.g. "AnyPmc", "Savage" * @param {array} bodyParts array of body parts with which to kill e.g. ["stomach", "thorax"] * @param {number} distance distance from which to kill (currently only >= supported) * @returns {object} object of "Elimination"-kill-subcondition */ protected generateEliminationCondition(target: string, bodyPart: string[], distance: number): IEliminationCondition { const killConditionProps: IKillConditionProps = { target: target, value: 1, id: this.objectId.generate(), dynamicLocale: true }; if (target.startsWith("boss")) { = "Savage"; killConditionProps.savageRole = [target]; } if (bodyPart) { killConditionProps.bodyPart = bodyPart; } if (distance) { killConditionProps.distance = { compareMethod: ">=", value: distance }; } return { _props: killConditionProps, _parent: "Kills" }; } /** * Used to create a quest pool during each cycle of repeatable quest generation. The pool will be subsequently * narrowed down during quest generation to avoid duplicate quests. Like duplicate extractions or elimination quests * where you have to e.g. kill scavs in same locations. * @param repeatableConfig main repeatable quest config * @param pmcLevel level of pmc generating quest pool * @returns IQuestTypePool */ protected generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcLevel: number): IQuestTypePool { const questPool: IQuestTypePool = { types: repeatableConfig.types.slice(), pool: { Exploration: { locations: {} }, Elimination: { targets: {} } } }; for (const location in repeatableConfig.locations) { if (location !== ELocationName.ANY) { questPool.pool.Exploration.locations[location] = repeatableConfig.locations[location]; } } const eliminationConfig = this.getEliminationConfigByPmcLevel(pmcLevel, repeatableConfig); const targetsConfig = this.probabilityObjectArray(eliminationConfig.targets); for (const probabilityObject of targetsConfig) { // Target is boss if ( { questPool.pool.Elimination.targets[probabilityObject.key] = { locations: ["any"] }; } else { const possibleLocations = Object.keys(repeatableConfig.locations); // Set possible locations for elimination task, ift arget is savage, exclude labs from locations questPool.pool.Elimination.targets[probabilityObject.key] = (probabilityObject.key === "Savage") ? { locations: possibleLocations.filter(x => x !== "laboratory")} : { locations: possibleLocations }; } } return questPool; } /** * Generate the reward for a mission. A reward can consist of * - Experience * - Money * - Items * - Trader Reputation * * The reward is dependent on the player level as given by the wiki. The exact mapping of pmcLevel to * experience / money / items / trader reputation can be defined in QuestConfig.js * * There's also a random variation of the reward the spread of which can be also defined in the config. * * Additonaly, a scaling factor w.r.t. quest difficulty going from 0.2...1 can be used * * @param {integer} pmcLevel player's level * @param {number} difficulty a reward scaling factor goint from 0.2 to 1 * @param {string} traderId the trader for reputation gain (and possible in the future filtering of reward item type based on trader) * @param {object} repeatableConfig The configuration for the repeatably kind (daily, weekly) as configured in QuestConfig for the requestd quest * @returns {object} object of "Reward"-type that can be given for a repeatable mission */ protected generateReward( pmcLevel: number, difficulty: number, traderId: string, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig ): IRewards { // difficulty could go from 0.2 ... -> for lowest diffuculty receive 0.2*nominal reward const levelsConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.levels; const roublesConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.roubles; const xpConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.experience; const itemsConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.items; const rewardSpreadConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.rewardSpread; const reputationConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.reputation; if (isNaN(difficulty)) { difficulty = 1; this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-difficulty_was_nan")); } // rewards are generated based on pmcLevel, difficulty and a random spread const rewardXP = Math.floor(difficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, xpConfig) * this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig)); const rewardRoubles = Math.floor(difficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, roublesConfig) * this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig)); const rewardNumItems = this.randomUtil.randInt(1, Math.round(this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, itemsConfig)) + 1); const rewardReputation = Math.round(100 * difficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, reputationConfig) * this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig)) / 100; // possible improvement -> draw trader-specific items e.g. with this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(val._id, ItemHelper.BASECLASS.FoodDrink) let roublesBudget = rewardRoubles; // first filter for type and baseclass to avoid lookup in handbook for non-available items const rewardableItems = this.getRewardableItems(repeatableConfig); // blacklist // rome-ignore lint/complexity/useSimplifiedLogicExpression: let itemSelection = rewardableItems.filter(x => !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_USEC) && !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_BEAR) && !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.MOUNT) ); const minPrice = Math.min(25000, 0.5 * roublesBudget); itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget && this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) > minPrice); if (itemSelection.length === 0) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range", {minPrice: minPrice, roublesBudget: roublesBudget})); // in case we don't find any items in the price range // rome-ignore lint/complexity/useSimplifiedLogicExpression: itemSelection = rewardableItems.filter(x => !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_USEC) && !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.DOG_TAG_BEAR) && !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(x[0], BaseClasses.MOUNT) && this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget ); } const rewards: IRewards = { Started: [], Success: [ { "value": rewardXP, "type": "Experience", "index": 0 } ], Fail: [] }; if (traderId === Traders.PEACEKEEPER) { // convert to equivalent dollars rewards.Success.push(this.generateRewardItem(Money.DOLLARS, this.handbookHelper.fromRUB(rewardRoubles, Money.DOLLARS), 1)); } else { rewards.Success.push(this.generateRewardItem(Money.ROUBLES, rewardRoubles, 1)); } let index = 2; if (itemSelection.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < rewardNumItems; i++) { let value = 1; let children = null; const itemSelected = itemSelection[this.randomUtil.randInt(itemSelection.length)]; if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemSelected[0], BaseClasses.AMMO)) { // Dont reward ammo that stacks to less than what's defined in config if (itemSelected[1]._props.StackMaxSize < repeatableConfig.rewardAmmoStackMinSize) { continue; } // if we provide ammo we don't want to provide just one bullet value = this.randomUtil.randInt(repeatableConfig.rewardAmmoStackMinSize, itemSelected[1]._props.StackMaxSize); } else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemSelected[0], BaseClasses.WEAPON)) { const defaultPreset = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(itemSelected[0]); if (defaultPreset) { children = this.ragfairServerHelper.reparentPresets(defaultPreset._items[0], defaultPreset._items); } } rewards.Success.push(this.generateRewardItem(itemSelected[0], value, index, children)); // TODO: maybe also non-default use ragfair to calculate the price // this.ragfairServer.getWeaponPresetPrice(item, items, existingPrice) roublesBudget -= value * this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(itemSelected[0]); index += 1; // if we still have budget narrow down the items if (roublesBudget > 0) { itemSelection = itemSelection.filter(x => this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget); if (itemSelection.length === 0) { break; } } else { break; } } } if (rewardReputation > 0) { const reward: IReward = { target: traderId, value: rewardReputation, type: "TraderStanding", index: index }; rewards.Success.push(reward); } return rewards; } /** * Helper to create a reward item structured as required by the client * * @param {string} tpl itemId of the rewarded item * @param {integer} value amount of items to give * @param {integer} index all rewards will be appended to a list, for unkown reasons the client wants the index * @returns {object} object of "Reward"-item-type */ protected generateRewardItem(tpl: string, value: number, index: number, preset = null): IReward { const id = this.objectId.generate(); const rewardItem: IReward = { target: id, value: value, type: "Item", index: index }; const rootItem = { "_id": id, "_tpl": tpl, "upd": { "StackObjectsCount": value } }; if (preset) { rewardItem.items = this.ragfairServerHelper.reparentPresets(rootItem, preset); } else { rewardItem.items = [rootItem]; } return rewardItem; } public debugLogRepeatableQuestIds(pmcData: IPmcData): void { for (const repeatable of pmcData.RepeatableQuests) { const activeQuestsIds = []; const inactiveQuestsIds = []; for (const active of repeatable.activeQuests) { activeQuestsIds.push(active._id); } for (const inactive of repeatable.inactiveQuests) { inactiveQuestsIds.push(inactive._id); } this.logger.debug(`${} activeIds ${activeQuestsIds}`); this.logger.debug(`${} inactiveIds ${inactiveQuestsIds}`); } } protected probabilityObjectArray(configArrayInput: ProbabilityObject[]): ProbabilityObjectArray { const configArray = this.jsonUtil.clone(configArrayInput); const probabilityArray = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const configObject of configArray) { probabilityArray.push(new ProbabilityObject(configObject.key, configObject.relativeProbability,; } return probabilityArray; } /** * Handle RepeatableQuestChange event */ public changeRepeatableQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse { let repeatableToChange: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest; let changeRequirement: IChangeRequirement; let existingQuestTraderId: string; // Daily or weekly for (const currentRepeatable of pmcData.RepeatableQuests) { // Check for existing quest in (daily/weekly arrays) const existingQuest = currentRepeatable.activeQuests.find(x => x._id === body.qid); if (existingQuest) { existingQuestTraderId = existingQuest.traderId; } const numQuests = currentRepeatable.activeQuests.length; currentRepeatable.activeQuests = currentRepeatable.activeQuests.filter(x => x._id !== body.qid); if (numQuests > currentRepeatable.activeQuests.length) { // Get saved costs to replace existing quest changeRequirement = this.jsonUtil.clone(currentRepeatable.changeRequirement[body.qid]); delete currentRepeatable.changeRequirement[body.qid]; const repeatableConfig = this.questConfig.repeatableQuests.find(x => ===; const questTypePool = this.generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig, pmcData.Info.Level); // TODO: somehow we need to reduce the questPool by the currently active quests (for all repeatables) let newRepeatableQuest: IRepeatableQuest = null; let attemptsToGenerateQuest = 0; while (!newRepeatableQuest && questTypePool.types.length > 0) { newRepeatableQuest = this.generateRepeatableQuest( pmcData.Info.Level, pmcData.TradersInfo, questTypePool, repeatableConfig ); attemptsToGenerateQuest++; if (attemptsToGenerateQuest > 10) { this.logger.debug("We were stuck in repeatable quest generation. This should never happen. Please report"); break; } } if (newRepeatableQuest) { // Add newly generated quest to daily/weekly array newRepeatableQuest.side = repeatableConfig.side; currentRepeatable.activeQuests.push(newRepeatableQuest); currentRepeatable.changeRequirement[newRepeatableQuest._id] = { changeCost: newRepeatableQuest.changeCost, changeStandingCost: newRepeatableQuest.changeStandingCost }; } // Found and replaced the quest in current repeatable repeatableToChange = this.jsonUtil.clone(currentRepeatable); delete repeatableToChange.inactiveQuests; break; } } let output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID); if (!repeatableToChange) { return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, "Unable to find repeatable quest to replace"); } // Charge player money for replacing quest for (const cost of changeRequirement.changeCost) { output = this.paymentService.addPaymentToOutput(pmcData, cost.templateId, cost.count, sessionID, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { return output; } } // Reduce standing with trader for not doing their quest const droppedQuestTrader = pmcData.TradersInfo[existingQuestTraderId]; droppedQuestTrader.standing -= changeRequirement.changeStandingCost; // Update client output with new repeatable output.profileChanges[sessionID].repeatableQuests = [repeatableToChange]; return output; } /** * Picks rewardable items from items.json. This means they need to fit into the inventory and they shouldn't be keys (debatable) * @param repeatableQuestConfig config file * @returns a list of rewardable items [[_tpl, itemTemplate],...] */ protected getRewardableItems(repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): [string, ITemplateItem][] { // check for specific baseclasses which don't make sense as reward item // also check if the price is greater than 0; there are some items whose price can not be found // those are not in the game yet (e.g. AGS grenade launcher) return Object.entries(this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items).filter( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars ([tpl, itemTemplate]) => { // Base "Item" item has no parent, ignore it if (itemTemplate._parent === "") { return false; } return this.isValidRewardItem(tpl, repeatableQuestConfig); } ); } /** * Checks if an id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that may be a reward * or content of bot loot. Items that are tested as valid may be in a player backpack or stash. * @param {string} tpl template id of item to check * @returns boolean: true if item is valid reward */ protected isValidRewardItem(tpl: string, repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): boolean { let valid = this.itemHelper.isValidItem(tpl); if (!valid) { return valid; // not valid item } // Item is on repeatable or global blacklist if (repeatableQuestConfig.rewardBlacklist.includes(tpl) || this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(tpl)) { return false; } // Item has blacklisted base type for (const baseType of repeatableQuestConfig.rewardBaseTypeBlacklist) { if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, baseType)) { return false; } } // rome-ignore lint/complexity/useSimplifiedLogicExpression: valid = !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.KEY) && !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.ARMBAND) && !this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(tpl); return valid; } }