import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt/helpers/InventoryHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { TraderAssortHelper } from "@spt/helpers/TraderAssortHelper"; import { TraderHelper } from "@spt/helpers/TraderHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { Item } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { IAddItemsDirectRequest } from "@spt/models/eft/inventory/IAddItemsDirectRequest"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { IProcessBuyTradeRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/trade/IProcessBuyTradeRequestData"; import { IProcessSellTradeRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/trade/IProcessSellTradeRequestData"; import { BackendErrorCodes } from "@spt/models/enums/BackendErrorCodes"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders"; import { IInventoryConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IInventoryConfig"; import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt/routers/EventOutputHolder"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { RagfairServer } from "@spt/servers/RagfairServer"; import { FenceService } from "@spt/services/FenceService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { PaymentService } from "@spt/services/PaymentService"; import { TraderPurchasePersisterService } from "@spt/services/TraderPurchasePersisterService"; import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner"; import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt/utils/HttpResponseUtil"; @injectable() export class TradeHelper { protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig; protected inventoryConfig: IInventoryConfig; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, @inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("PaymentService") protected paymentService: PaymentService, @inject("FenceService") protected fenceService: FenceService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, @inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, @inject("RagfairServer") protected ragfairServer: RagfairServer, @inject("TraderAssortHelper") protected traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper, @inject("TraderPurchasePersisterService") protected traderPurchasePersisterService: TraderPurchasePersisterService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, @inject("PrimaryCloner") protected cloner: ICloner, ) { this.traderConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER); this.inventoryConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.INVENTORY); } /** * Buy item from flea or trader * @param pmcData Player profile * @param buyRequestData data from client * @param sessionID Session id * @param foundInRaid Should item be found in raid * @param output IItemEventRouterResponse * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse */ public buyItem( pmcData: IPmcData, buyRequestData: IProcessBuyTradeRequestData, sessionID: string, foundInRaid: boolean, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, ): void { let offerItems: Item[] = []; let buyCallback: (buyCount: number) => void; if (buyRequestData.tid.toLocaleLowerCase() === "ragfair") { buyCallback = (buyCount: number) => { const allOffers = this.ragfairServer.getOffers(); // We store ragfair offerid in buyRequestData.item_id const offerWithItem = allOffers.find((x) => x._id === buyRequestData.item_id); const itemPurchased = offerWithItem.items[0]; // Ensure purchase does not exceed trader item limit const assortHasBuyRestrictions = this.itemHelper.hasBuyRestrictions(itemPurchased); if (assortHasBuyRestrictions) { this.checkPurchaseIsWithinTraderItemLimit( sessionID, buyRequestData.tid, itemPurchased, buyRequestData.item_id, buyCount, ); // Decrement trader item count const itemPurchaseDetails = { items: [{ itemId: buyRequestData.item_id, count: buyCount }], traderId: buyRequestData.tid, }; this.traderHelper.addTraderPurchasesToPlayerProfile(sessionID, itemPurchaseDetails, itemPurchased); } }; // Get raw offer from ragfair, clone to prevent altering offer itself const allOffers = this.ragfairServer.getOffers(); const offerWithItemCloned = this.cloner.clone(allOffers.find((x) => x._id === buyRequestData.item_id)); offerItems = offerWithItemCloned.items; } else if (buyRequestData.tid === Traders.FENCE) { buyCallback = (buyCount: number) => { // Update assort/flea item values const traderAssorts = this.traderHelper.getTraderAssortsByTraderId(buyRequestData.tid).items; const itemPurchased = traderAssorts.find((assort) => assort._id === buyRequestData.item_id); // Decrement trader item count itemPurchased.upd.StackObjectsCount -= buyCount; this.fenceService.amendOrRemoveFenceOffer(buyRequestData.item_id, buyCount); }; const fenceItems = this.fenceService.getRawFenceAssorts().items; const rootItemIndex = fenceItems.findIndex((item) => item._id === buyRequestData.item_id); if (rootItemIndex === -1) { this.logger.debug(`Tried to buy item ${buyRequestData.item_id} from fence that no longer exists`); const message = this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists"); this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, message); return; } offerItems = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(fenceItems, buyRequestData.item_id); } else { // Non-fence trader buyCallback = (buyCount: number) => { // Update assort/flea item values const traderAssorts = this.traderHelper.getTraderAssortsByTraderId(buyRequestData.tid).items; const itemPurchased = traderAssorts.find((item) => item._id === buyRequestData.item_id); // Ensure purchase does not exceed trader item limit const assortHasBuyRestrictions = this.itemHelper.hasBuyRestrictions(itemPurchased); if (assortHasBuyRestrictions) { // Will throw error if check fails this.checkPurchaseIsWithinTraderItemLimit( sessionID, buyRequestData.tid, itemPurchased, buyRequestData.item_id, buyCount, ); } // Check if trader has enough stock if (itemPurchased.upd.StackObjectsCount < buyCount) { throw new Error( `Unable to purchase ${buyCount} items, this would exceed the remaining stock left ${itemPurchased.upd.StackObjectsCount} from the traders assort: ${buyRequestData.tid} this refresh`, ); } // Decrement trader item count itemPurchased.upd.StackObjectsCount -= buyCount; if (assortHasBuyRestrictions) { const itemPurchaseDat = { items: [{ itemId: buyRequestData.item_id, count: buyCount }], traderId: buyRequestData.tid, }; this.traderHelper.addTraderPurchasesToPlayerProfile(sessionID, itemPurchaseDat, itemPurchased); } }; // Get all trader assort items const traderItems = this.traderAssortHelper.getAssort(sessionID, buyRequestData.tid).items; // Get item + children for purchase const relevantItems = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(traderItems, buyRequestData.item_id); offerItems.push(...relevantItems); } // Get item details from db const itemDbDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(offerItems[0]._tpl)[1]; const itemMaxStackSize = itemDbDetails._props.StackMaxSize; const itemsToSendTotalCount = buyRequestData.count; let itemsToSendRemaining = itemsToSendTotalCount; // Construct array of items to send to player const itemsToSendToPlayer: Item[][] = []; while (itemsToSendRemaining > 0) { const offerClone = this.cloner.clone(offerItems); // Handle stackable items that have a max stack size limit const itemCountToSend = Math.min(itemMaxStackSize, itemsToSendRemaining); offerClone[0].upd.StackObjectsCount = itemCountToSend; // Prevent any collisions this.itemHelper.remapRootItemId(offerClone); if (offerClone.length > 1) { this.itemHelper.reparentItemAndChildren(offerClone[0], offerClone); } itemsToSendToPlayer.push(offerClone); // Remove amount of items added to player stash itemsToSendRemaining -= itemCountToSend; } // Construct request const request: IAddItemsDirectRequest = { itemsWithModsToAdd: itemsToSendToPlayer, foundInRaid: foundInRaid, callback: buyCallback, useSortingTable: false, }; // Add items + their children to stash this.inventoryHelper.addItemsToStash(sessionID, request, pmcData, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { return; } /// Pay for purchase this.paymentService.payMoney(pmcData, buyRequestData, sessionID, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { const errorMessage = `Transaction failed: ${output.warnings[0].errmsg}`; this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, errorMessage, BackendErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_TRADING_ERROR); } } /** * Sell item to trader * @param profileWithItemsToSell Profile to remove items from * @param profileToReceiveMoney Profile to accept the money for selling item * @param sellRequest Request data * @param sessionID Session id * @param output IItemEventRouterResponse */ public sellItem( profileWithItemsToSell: IPmcData, profileToReceiveMoney: IPmcData, sellRequest: IProcessSellTradeRequestData, sessionID: string, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, ): void { // Find item in inventory and remove it for (const itemToBeRemoved of sellRequest.items) { const itemIdToFind =\s+/g, ""); // Strip out whitespace // Find item in player inventory, or show error to player if not found const matchingItemInInventory = profileWithItemsToSell.Inventory.items.find((x) => x._id === itemIdToFind); if (!matchingItemInInventory) { const errorMessage = `Unable to sell item ${}, cannot be found in player inventory`; this.logger.error(errorMessage); this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, errorMessage); return; } this.logger.debug(`Selling: id: ${matchingItemInInventory._id} tpl: ${matchingItemInInventory._tpl}`); if (sellRequest.tid === Traders.FENCE) { this.fenceService.addItemsToFenceAssort( profileWithItemsToSell.Inventory.items, matchingItemInInventory, ); } // Also removes children this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(profileWithItemsToSell,, sessionID, output); } // Give player money for sold item(s) this.paymentService.giveProfileMoney(profileToReceiveMoney, sellRequest.price, sellRequest, output, sessionID); } /** * Traders allow a limited number of purchases per refresh cycle (default 60 mins) * @param sessionId Session id * @param traderId Trader assort is purchased from * @param assortBeingPurchased the item from trader being bought * @param assortId Id of assort being purchased * @param count How many of the item are being bought */ protected checkPurchaseIsWithinTraderItemLimit( sessionId: string, traderId: string, assortBeingPurchased: Item, assortId: string, count: number, ): void { const traderPurchaseData = this.traderPurchasePersisterService.getProfileTraderPurchase( sessionId, traderId, assortBeingPurchased._id, ); if ((traderPurchaseData?.count ?? 0 + count) > assortBeingPurchased.upd?.BuyRestrictionMax) { throw new Error( `Unable to purchase ${count} items, this would exceed your purchase limit of ${assortBeingPurchased.upd.BuyRestrictionMax} from the traders assort: ${assortId} this refresh`, ); } } }