import { inject, injectable, injectAll } from "tsyringe"; import os from "node:os"; import { OnLoad } from "../di/OnLoad"; import { OnUpdate } from "../di/OnUpdate"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { EncodingUtil } from "./EncodingUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "./TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class App { protected onUpdateLastRun = {}; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("EncodingUtil") protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, @injectAll("OnLoad") protected onLoadComponents: OnLoad[], @injectAll("OnUpdate") protected onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[] ) { } public async load(): Promise { // execute onLoad callbacks"executing_startup_callbacks")); this.logger.debug(`OS: ${os.arch()} | ${os.version()} | ${process.platform}`); this.logger.debug(`CPU: ${os.cpus()[0]?.model} cores: ${os.cpus().length}`); this.logger.debug(`RAM: ${(os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)}GB`); this.logger.debug(`PATH: ${this.encodingUtil.toBase64(process.argv[0])}`); this.logger.debug(`PATH: ${this.encodingUtil.toBase64(process.execPath)}`); for (const onLoad of this.onLoadComponents) { await onLoad.onLoad(); } setInterval(() => { this.update(this.onUpdateComponents); }, 5000); } protected async update(onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[]): Promise { for (const updateable of onUpdateComponents) { let success = false; const lastRunTimeTimestamp = this.onUpdateLastRun[updateable.getRoute()] || 0; // 0 on first load so all update() calls occur on first load const secondsSinceLastRun = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() - lastRunTimeTimestamp; try { success = await updateable.onUpdate(secondsSinceLastRun); } catch (err) { this.logUpdateException(err, updateable); } if (success) { this.onUpdateLastRun[updateable.getRoute()] = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); } else { /* temporary for debug */ const warnTime = 20 * 60; if (success === void 0 && !(secondsSinceLastRun % warnTime)) { this.logger.debug(this.localisationService.getText("route_onupdate_no_response", updateable.getRoute())); } } } } protected logUpdateException(err: any, updateable: OnUpdate): void { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("scheduled_event_failed_to_run", updateable.getRoute())); if (err.message) { this.logger.error(err.message); } if (err.stack) { this.logger.error(err.stack); } } }