import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { RagfairAssortGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/RagfairAssortGenerator"; import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { PaymentHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PaymentHelper"; import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper"; import { RagfairServerHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairServerHelper"; import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { IBarterScheme } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader"; import { IRagfairOffer, OfferRequirement } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer"; import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { MemberCategory } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MemberCategory"; import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money"; import { Condition, Dynamic, IArmorPlateBlacklistSettings, IRagfairConfig, } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer"; import { FenceService } from "@spt-aki/services/FenceService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { RagfairOfferService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairOfferService"; import { RagfairPriceService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairPriceService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class RagfairOfferGenerator { protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig; protected allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter: { tpl: string; price: number; }[]; /** Internal counter to ensure each offer created has a unique value for its intId property */ protected offerCounter = 0; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("RagfairServerHelper") protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, @inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, @inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer, @inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper, @inject("RagfairAssortGenerator") protected ragfairAssortGenerator: RagfairAssortGenerator, @inject("RagfairOfferService") protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, @inject("RagfairPriceService") protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("PaymentHelper") protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, @inject("FenceService") protected fenceService: FenceService, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR); } /** * Create a flea offer and store it in the Ragfair server offers array * @param userID Owner of the offer * @param time Time offer is listed at * @param items Items in the offer * @param barterScheme Cost of item (currency or barter) * @param loyalLevel Loyalty level needed to buy item * @param sellInOnePiece Flags sellInOnePiece to be true * @returns IRagfairOffer */ public createFleaOffer( userID: string, time: number, items: Item[], barterScheme: IBarterScheme[], loyalLevel: number, sellInOnePiece = false, ): IRagfairOffer { const offer = this.createOffer(userID, time, items, barterScheme, loyalLevel, sellInOnePiece); this.ragfairOfferService.addOffer(offer); return offer; } /** * Create an offer object ready to send to ragfairOfferService.addOffer() * @param userID Owner of the offer * @param time Time offer is listed at * @param items Items in the offer * @param barterScheme Cost of item (currency or barter) * @param loyalLevel Loyalty level needed to buy item * @param sellInOnePiece Set StackObjectsCount to 1 * @returns IRagfairOffer */ protected createOffer( userID: string, time: number, items: Item[], barterScheme: IBarterScheme[], loyalLevel: number, sellInOnePiece = false, ): IRagfairOffer { const isTrader = this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID); const offerRequirements: OfferRequirement[] = []; for (const barter of barterScheme) { const requirement: OfferRequirement = { _tpl: barter._tpl, count: +barter.count.toFixed(2), onlyFunctional: barter.onlyFunctional ?? false, }; offerRequirements.push(requirement); } const itemsClone = this.jsonUtil.clone(items); // Add cartridges to offers for ammo boxes if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemsClone[0]._tpl, BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX)) { // On offer refresh dont re-add cartridges to ammo box that already has cartridges if (Object.keys(itemsClone).length === 1) { this.itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(itemsClone, this.itemHelper.getItem(items[0]._tpl)[1]); } } const itemCount = items.filter((x) => x.slotId === "hideout").length; const roublePrice = Math.round(this.convertOfferRequirementsIntoRoubles(offerRequirements)); const offer: IRagfairOffer = { _id: this.hashUtil.generate(), intId: this.offerCounter, user: { id: this.getTraderId(userID), memberType: (userID === "ragfair") ? MemberCategory.DEFAULT : this.ragfairServerHelper.getMemberType(userID), nickname: this.ragfairServerHelper.getNickname(userID), rating: this.getRating(userID), isRatingGrowing: this.getRatingGrowing(userID), avatar: this.getAvatarUrl(isTrader, userID), }, root: items[0]._id, items: itemsClone, itemsCost: Math.round(this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(items[0]._tpl)), // Handbook price requirements: offerRequirements, requirementsCost: roublePrice, summaryCost: roublePrice, startTime: time, endTime: this.getOfferEndTime(userID, time), loyaltyLevel: loyalLevel, sellInOnePiece: sellInOnePiece, priority: false, locked: false, unlimitedCount: false, notAvailable: false, CurrentItemCount: itemCount, }; this.offerCounter++; return offer; } /** * Calculate the offer price that's listed on the flea listing * @param offerRequirements barter requirements for offer * @returns rouble cost of offer */ protected convertOfferRequirementsIntoRoubles(offerRequirements: OfferRequirement[]): number { let roublePrice = 0; for (const requirement of offerRequirements) { roublePrice += this.paymentHelper.isMoneyTpl(requirement._tpl) ? Math.round(this.calculateRoublePrice(requirement.count, requirement._tpl)) : this.ragfairPriceService.getFleaPriceForItem(requirement._tpl) * requirement.count; // get flea price for barter offer items } return roublePrice; } /** * Get avatar url from trader table in db * @param isTrader Is user we're getting avatar for a trader * @param userId persons id to get avatar of * @returns url of avatar */ protected getAvatarUrl(isTrader: boolean, userId: string): string { if (isTrader) { return this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[userId].base.avatar; } return "/files/trader/avatar/unknown.jpg"; } /** * Convert a count of currency into roubles * @param currencyCount amount of currency to convert into roubles * @param currencyType Type of currency (euro/dollar/rouble) * @returns count of roubles */ protected calculateRoublePrice(currencyCount: number, currencyType: string): number { if (currencyType === Money.ROUBLES) { return currencyCount; } return this.handbookHelper.inRUB(currencyCount, currencyType); } /** * Check userId, if its a player, return their pmc _id, otherwise return userId parameter * @param userId Users Id to check * @returns Users Id */ protected getTraderId(userId: string): string { if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userId)) { return this.saveServer.getProfile(userId).characters.pmc._id; } return userId; } /** * Get a flea trading rating for the passed in user * @param userId User to get flea rating of * @returns Flea rating value */ protected getRating(userId: string): number { if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userId)) { // Player offer return this.saveServer.getProfile(userId).characters.pmc.RagfairInfo.rating; } if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userId)) { // Trader offer return 1; } // Generated pmc offer return this.randomUtil.getFloat(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.rating.min, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.rating.max); } /** * Is the offers user rating growing * @param userID user to check rating of * @returns true if its growing */ protected getRatingGrowing(userID: string): boolean { if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID)) { // player offer return this.saveServer.getProfile(userID).characters.pmc.RagfairInfo.isRatingGrowing; } if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID)) { // trader offer return true; } // generated offer // 50/50 growing/falling return this.randomUtil.getBool(); } /** * Get number of section until offer should expire * @param userID Id of the offer owner * @param time Time the offer is posted * @returns number of seconds until offer expires */ protected getOfferEndTime(userID: string, time: number): number { if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID)) { // Player offer = current time + offerDurationTimeInHour; const offerDurationTimeHours = this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.RagFair.offerDurationTimeInHour; return this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() + Math.round(offerDurationTimeHours * TimeUtil.ONE_HOUR_AS_SECONDS); } if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID)) { // Trader offer return this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[userID].base.nextResupply; } // Generated fake-player offer return Math.round( time + this.randomUtil.getInt( this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.endTimeSeconds.min, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.endTimeSeconds.max, ), ); } /** * Create multiple offers for items by using a unique list of items we've generated previously * @param expiredOffers optional, expired offers to regenerate */ public async generateDynamicOffers(expiredOffers: Item[][] = null): Promise { const replacingExpiredOffers = expiredOffers?.length > 0; const config = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic; // get assort items from param if they exist, otherwise grab freshly generated assorts const assortItemsToProcess: Item[][] = replacingExpiredOffers ? expiredOffers : this.ragfairAssortGenerator.getAssortItems(); // Store all functions to create an offer for every item and pass into Promise.all to run async const assorOffersForItemsProcesses = []; for (const assortItemWithChildren of assortItemsToProcess) { assorOffersForItemsProcesses.push( this.createOffersFromAssort(assortItemWithChildren, replacingExpiredOffers, config), ); } await Promise.all(assorOffersForItemsProcesses); } /** * @param assortItemWithChildren Item with its children to process into offers * @param isExpiredOffer is an expired offer * @param config Ragfair dynamic config */ protected async createOffersFromAssort( assortItemWithChildren: Item[], isExpiredOffer: boolean, config: Dynamic, ): Promise { const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(assortItemWithChildren[0]._tpl); const isPreset = this.presetHelper.isPreset(assortItemWithChildren[0].upd.sptPresetId); // Only perform checks on newly generated items, skip expired items being refreshed if (!(isExpiredOffer || this.ragfairServerHelper.isItemValidRagfairItem(itemDetails))) { return; } // Armor presets can hold plates above the allowed flea level, remove if necessary if (isPreset && this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList) { this.removeBannedPlatesFromPreset(assortItemWithChildren, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.armorPlate); } // Get number of offers to create // Limit to 1 offer when processing expired - like-for-like replacement const offerCount = isExpiredOffer ? 1 : Math.round(this.randomUtil.getInt(config.offerItemCount.min, config.offerItemCount.max)); // Store all functions to create offers for this item and pass into Promise.all to run async const assortSingleOfferProcesses = []; for (let index = 0; index < offerCount; index++) { // Clone the item so we don't have shared references and generate new item IDs const clonedAssort = this.jsonUtil.clone(assortItemWithChildren); this.itemHelper.reparentItemAndChildren(clonedAssort[0], clonedAssort); // Clear unnecessary properties delete clonedAssort[0].parentId; delete clonedAssort[0].slotId; assortSingleOfferProcesses.push(this.createSingleOfferForItem(clonedAssort, isPreset, itemDetails)); } await Promise.all(assortSingleOfferProcesses); } /** * iterate over an items chidren and look for plates above desired level and remove them * @param presetWithChildren preset to check for plates * @param plateSettings Settings * @returns True if plate removed */ protected removeBannedPlatesFromPreset( presetWithChildren: Item[], plateSettings: IArmorPlateBlacklistSettings, ): boolean { if (!this.itemHelper.armorItemCanHoldMods(presetWithChildren[0]._tpl)) { // Cant hold armor inserts, skip return false; } const plateSlots = presetWithChildren.filter((item) => this.itemHelper.getRemovablePlateSlotIds().includes(item.slotId?.toLowerCase()) ); if (plateSlots.length === 0) { // Has no plate slots e.g. "front_plate", exit return false; } let removedPlate = false; for (const plateSlot of plateSlots) { const plateDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(plateSlot._tpl)[1]; if (plateSettings.ignoreSlots.includes(plateSlot.slotId.toLowerCase())) { continue; } const plateArmorLevel = Number.parseInt(plateDetails._props.armorClass) ?? 0; if (plateArmorLevel > plateSettings.maxProtectionLevel) { presetWithChildren.splice(presetWithChildren.indexOf(plateSlot), 1); removedPlate = true; } } return removedPlate; } /** * Create one flea offer for a specific item * @param itemWithChildren Item to create offer for * @param isPreset Is item a weapon preset * @param itemDetails raw db item details * @returns Item array */ protected async createSingleOfferForItem( itemWithChildren: Item[], isPreset: boolean, itemDetails: [boolean, ITemplateItem], ): Promise { // Set stack size to random value itemWithChildren[0].upd.StackObjectsCount = this.ragfairServerHelper.calculateDynamicStackCount( itemWithChildren[0]._tpl, isPreset, ); const isBarterOffer = this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.chancePercent); const isPackOffer = this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.chancePercent) && !isBarterOffer && itemWithChildren.length === 1 && this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses( itemWithChildren[0]._tpl, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.itemTypeWhitelist, ); const randomUserId = this.hashUtil.generate(); // Remove removable plates if % check passes if (this.itemHelper.armorItemCanHoldMods(itemWithChildren[0]._tpl)) { const armorConfig = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.armor; const shouldRemovePlates = this.randomUtil.getChance100(armorConfig.removeRemovablePlateChance); if (shouldRemovePlates && this.itemHelper.armorItemHasRemovablePlateSlots(itemWithChildren[0]._tpl)) { const offerItemPlatesToRemove = itemWithChildren.filter((item) => armorConfig.plateSlotIdToRemovePool.includes(item.slotId?.toLowerCase()) ); for (const plateItem of offerItemPlatesToRemove) { itemWithChildren.splice(itemWithChildren.indexOf(plateItem), 1); } } } let barterScheme: IBarterScheme[]; if (isPackOffer) { // Set pack size const stackSize = this.randomUtil.getInt( this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.itemCountMin, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.itemCountMax, ); itemWithChildren[0].upd.StackObjectsCount = stackSize; // Don't randomise pack items barterScheme = this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(itemWithChildren, isPackOffer, stackSize); } else if (isBarterOffer) { // Apply randomised properties this.randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(randomUserId, itemWithChildren, itemDetails[1]); barterScheme = this.createBarterBarterScheme(itemWithChildren); } else { // Apply randomised properties this.randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(randomUserId, itemWithChildren, itemDetails[1]); barterScheme = this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(itemWithChildren, isPackOffer); } const offer = this.createFleaOffer( randomUserId, this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(), itemWithChildren, barterScheme, 1, isPreset || isPackOffer, ); // sellAsOnePiece } /** * Generate trader offers on flea using the traders assort data * @param traderID Trader to generate offers for */ public generateFleaOffersForTrader(traderID: string): void { // Ensure old offers don't exist this.ragfairOfferService.removeAllOffersByTrader(traderID); // Add trader offers const time = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); const trader = this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[traderID]; const assorts = trader.assort; // Trader assorts / assort items are missing if (!assorts?.items?.length) { this.logger.error( this.localisationService.getText( "ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers", trader.base.nickname, ), ); return; } for (const item of assorts.items) { // We only want to process 'base' items, no children if (item.slotId !== "hideout") { // skip mod items continue; } // Run blacklist check on trader offers if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.traderItems) { const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(item._tpl); if (!itemDetails[0]) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item", item._tpl)); continue; } // Don't include items that BSG has blacklisted from flea if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList && !itemDetails[1]._props.CanSellOnRagfair) { continue; } } const isPreset = this.presetHelper.isPreset(item._id); const items: Item[] = isPreset ? this.ragfairServerHelper.getPresetItems(item) : [...[item], ...this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByAssort(item._id, assorts.items)]; const barterScheme = assorts.barter_scheme[item._id]; if (!barterScheme) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-missing_barter_scheme", { itemId: item._id, tpl: item._tpl, name: trader.base.nickname, }), ); continue; } const barterSchemeItems = assorts.barter_scheme[item._id][0]; const loyalLevel = assorts.loyal_level_items[item._id]; const offer = this.createFleaOffer(traderID, time, items, barterSchemeItems, loyalLevel, false); // Refresh complete, reset flag to false trader.base.refreshTraderRagfairOffers = false; } } /** * Get array of an item with its mods + condition properties (e.g durability) * Apply randomisation adjustments to condition if item base is found in ragfair.json/dynamic/condition * @param userID id of owner of item * @param itemWithMods Item and mods, get condition of first item (only first array item is modified) * @param itemDetails db details of first item */ protected randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(userID: string, itemWithMods: Item[], itemDetails: ITemplateItem): void { // Add any missing properties to first item in array this.addMissingConditions(itemWithMods[0]); if (!(this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID) || this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID))) { const parentId = this.getDynamicConditionIdForTpl(itemDetails._id); if (!parentId) { // No condition details found, don't proceed with modifying item conditions return; } // Roll random chance to randomise item condition if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition[parentId].conditionChance * 100)) { this.randomiseItemCondition(parentId, itemWithMods, itemDetails); } } } /** * Get the relevant condition id if item tpl matches in ragfair.json/condition * @param tpl Item to look for matching condition object * @returns condition id */ protected getDynamicConditionIdForTpl(tpl: string): string { // Get keys from condition config dictionary const configConditions = Object.keys(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition); for (const baseClass of configConditions) { if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, baseClass)) { return baseClass; } } return undefined; } /** * Alter an items condition based on its item base type * @param conditionSettingsId also the parentId of item being altered * @param itemWithMods Item to adjust condition details of * @param itemDetails db item details of first item in array */ protected randomiseItemCondition( conditionSettingsId: string, itemWithMods: Item[], itemDetails: ITemplateItem, ): void { const rootItem = itemWithMods[0]; const itemConditionValues: Condition = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition[conditionSettingsId]; const maxMultiplier = this.randomUtil.getFloat(itemConditionValues.max.min, itemConditionValues.max.max); const currentMultiplier = this.randomUtil.getFloat( itemConditionValues.current.min, itemConditionValues.current.max, ); // Randomise armor + plates + armor related things if ( this.itemHelper.armorItemCanHoldMods(rootItem._tpl) || this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(rootItem._tpl, [BaseClasses.ARMOR_PLATE, BaseClasses.ARMORED_EQUIPMENT]) ) { this.randomiseArmorDurabilityValues(itemWithMods, currentMultiplier, maxMultiplier); // Add hits to visor const visorMod = itemWithMods.find((item) => item.parentId === BaseClasses.ARMORED_EQUIPMENT && item.slotId === "mod_equipment_000" ); if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(25) && visorMod) { this.itemHelper.addUpdObjectToItem(visorMod); visorMod.upd.FaceShield = { Hits: this.randomUtil.getInt(1, 3) }; } return; } // Randomise Weapons if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDetails._id, BaseClasses.WEAPON)) { this.randomiseWeaponDurability(itemWithMods[0], itemDetails, maxMultiplier, currentMultiplier); return; } if (rootItem.upd.MedKit) { // randomize health rootItem.upd.MedKit.HpResource = Math.round(rootItem.upd.MedKit.HpResource * maxMultiplier) || 1; return; } if (rootItem.upd.Key && itemDetails._props.MaximumNumberOfUsage > 1) { // randomize key uses rootItem.upd.Key.NumberOfUsages = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaximumNumberOfUsage * (1 - maxMultiplier)) || 0; return; } if (rootItem.upd.FoodDrink) { // randomize food/drink value rootItem.upd.FoodDrink.HpPercent = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaxResource * maxMultiplier) || 1; return; } if (rootItem.upd.RepairKit) { // randomize repair kit (armor/weapon) uses rootItem.upd.RepairKit.Resource = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaxRepairResource * maxMultiplier) || 1; return; } if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDetails._id, BaseClasses.FUEL)) { const totalCapacity = itemDetails._props.MaxResource; const remainingFuel = Math.round(totalCapacity * maxMultiplier); rootItem.upd.Resource = { UnitsConsumed: totalCapacity - remainingFuel, Value: remainingFuel }; } } /** * Adjust an items durability/maxDurability value * @param item item (weapon/armor) to Adjust * @param itemDbDetails Weapon details from db * @param maxMultiplier Value to multiply max durability by * @param currentMultiplier Value to multiply current durability by */ protected randomiseWeaponDurability( item: Item, itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem, maxMultiplier: number, currentMultiplier: number, ): void { const lowestMaxDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(maxMultiplier, 1) * itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability; const chosenMaxDurability = Math.round( this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestMaxDurability, itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability), ); const lowestCurrentDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(currentMultiplier, 1) * chosenMaxDurability; const chosenCurrentDurability = Math.round( this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestCurrentDurability, chosenMaxDurability), ); item.upd.Repairable.Durability = chosenCurrentDurability || 1; // Never let value become 0 item.upd.Repairable.MaxDurability = chosenMaxDurability; } /** * Randomise the durabiltiy values for an armors plates and soft inserts * @param armorWithMods Armor item with its child mods * @param currentMultiplier Chosen multipler to use for current durability value * @param maxMultiplier Chosen multipler to use for max durability value */ protected randomiseArmorDurabilityValues( armorWithMods: Item[], currentMultiplier: number, maxMultiplier: number, ): void { for (const armorItem of armorWithMods) { const itemDbDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(armorItem._tpl)[1]; if ((parseInt(itemDbDetails._props.armorClass)) > 1) { this.itemHelper.addUpdObjectToItem(armorItem); const lowestMaxDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(maxMultiplier, 1) * itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability; const chosenMaxDurability = Math.round( this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestMaxDurability, itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability), ); const lowestCurrentDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(currentMultiplier, 1) * chosenMaxDurability; const chosenCurrentDurability = Math.round( this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestCurrentDurability, chosenMaxDurability), ); armorItem.upd.Repairable = { Durability: chosenCurrentDurability || 1, // Never let value become 0 MaxDurability: chosenMaxDurability, }; } } } /** * Add missing conditions to an item if needed * Durabiltiy for repairable items * HpResource for medical items * @param item item to add conditions to */ protected addMissingConditions(item: Item): void { const props = this.itemHelper.getItem(item._tpl)[1]._props; const isRepairable = "Durability" in props; const isMedkit = "MaxHpResource" in props; const isKey = "MaximumNumberOfUsage" in props; const isConsumable = props.MaxResource > 1 && "foodUseTime" in props; const isRepairKit = "MaxRepairResource" in props; if (isRepairable && props.Durability > 0) { item.upd.Repairable = { Durability: props.Durability, MaxDurability: props.Durability }; } if (isMedkit && props.MaxHpResource > 0) { item.upd.MedKit = { HpResource: props.MaxHpResource }; } if (isKey) { item.upd.Key = { NumberOfUsages: 0 }; } if (isConsumable) { item.upd.FoodDrink = { HpPercent: props.MaxResource }; } if (isRepairKit) { item.upd.RepairKit = { Resource: props.MaxRepairResource }; } } /** * Create a barter-based barter scheme, if not possible, fall back to making barter scheme currency based * @param offerItems Items for sale in offer * @returns Barter scheme */ protected createBarterBarterScheme(offerItems: Item[]): IBarterScheme[] { // get flea price of item being sold const priceOfItemOffer = this.ragfairPriceService.getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer( offerItems, Money.ROUBLES, false, ); // Dont make items under a designated rouble value into barter offers if (priceOfItemOffer < this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.minRoubleCostToBecomeBarter) { return this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(offerItems, false); } // Get a randomised number of barter items to list offer for const barterItemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt( this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.itemCountMin, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.itemCountMax, ); // Get desired cost of individual item offer will be listed for e.g. offer = 15k, item count = 3, desired item cost = 5k const desiredItemCost = Math.round(priceOfItemOffer / barterItemCount); // amount to go above/below when looking for an item (Wiggle cost of item a little) const offerCostVariance = desiredItemCost * this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.priceRangeVariancePercent / 100; const fleaPrices = this.getFleaPricesAsArray(); // Filter possible barters to items that match the price range + not itself const filtered = fleaPrices.filter((x) => x.price >= desiredItemCost - offerCostVariance && x.price <= desiredItemCost + offerCostVariance && x.tpl !== offerItems[0]._tpl ); // No items on flea have a matching price, fall back to currency if (filtered.length === 0) { return this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(offerItems, false); } // Choose random item from price-filtered flea items const randomItem = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(filtered); return [{ count: barterItemCount, _tpl: randomItem.tpl }]; } /** * Get an array of flea prices + item tpl, cached in generator class inside `allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter` * @returns array with tpl/price values */ protected getFleaPricesAsArray(): { tpl: string; price: number; }[] { // Generate if needed if (!this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter) { const fleaPrices = this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.prices; const fleaArray = Object.entries(fleaPrices).map(([tpl, price]) => ({ tpl: tpl, price: price })); // Only get item prices for items that also exist in items.json const filteredItems = fleaArray.filter((x) => this.itemHelper.getItem(x.tpl)[0]); this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter = filteredItems.filter((x) => !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(x.tpl, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.itemTypeBlacklist) ); } return this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter; } /** * Create a random currency-based barter scheme for an array of items * @param offerWithChildren Items on offer * @param isPackOffer Is the barter scheme being created for a pack offer * @param multipler What to multiply the resulting price by * @returns Barter scheme for offer */ protected createCurrencyBarterScheme( offerWithChildren: Item[], isPackOffer: boolean, multipler = 1, ): IBarterScheme[] { const currency = this.ragfairServerHelper.getDynamicOfferCurrency(); const price = this.ragfairPriceService.getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer(offerWithChildren, currency, isPackOffer) * multipler; return [{ count: price, _tpl: currency }]; } }