import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper"; import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/WeightedRandomHelper"; import { IPreset } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IGlobals"; import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { AddItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/inventory/IAddItemRequestData"; import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses"; import { ISealedAirdropContainerSettings, RewardDetails } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IInventoryConfig"; import { LootItem } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/services/LootItem"; import { LootRequest } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/services/LootRequest"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { ItemFilterService } from "@spt-aki/services/ItemFilterService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { RagfairLinkedItemService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairLinkedItemService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; type ItemLimit = { current: number, max: number }; @injectable() export class LootGenerator { constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper, @inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, @inject("WeightedRandomHelper") protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("RagfairLinkedItemService") protected ragfairLinkedItemService: RagfairLinkedItemService, @inject("ItemFilterService") protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService ) {} /** * Generate a list of items based on configuration options parameter * @param options parameters to adjust how loot is generated * @returns An array of loot items */ public createRandomLoot(options: LootRequest): LootItem[] { const result: LootItem[] = []; const itemTypeCounts = this.initItemLimitCounter(options.itemLimits); const tables = this.databaseServer.getTables(); const itemBlacklist = new Set([...this.itemFilterService.getBlacklistedItems(), ...options.itemBlacklist]); if (!options.allowBossItems) { for (const bossItem of this.itemFilterService.getBossItems()) { itemBlacklist.add(bossItem); } } // Handle sealed weapon containers const desiredWeaponCrateCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(options.weaponCrateCount.min, options.weaponCrateCount.max); if (desiredWeaponCrateCount > 0) { // Get list of all sealed containers from db const sealedWeaponContainerPool = Object.values(tables.templates.items).filter(x => x._name.includes("event_container_airdrop")); for (let index = 0; index < desiredWeaponCrateCount; index++) { // Choose one at random + add to results array const chosenSealedContainer = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(sealedWeaponContainerPool); result.push({ id: this.hashUtil.generate(), tpl: chosenSealedContainer._id, isPreset: false, stackCount: 1 }); } } // Get items from items.json that have a type of item + not in global blacklist + basetype is in whitelist const items = Object.entries(tables.templates.items).filter(x => !itemBlacklist.has(x[1]._id) && x[1]._type.toLowerCase() === "item" && !x[1]._props.QuestItem && options.itemTypeWhitelist.includes(x[1]._parent)); const randomisedItemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(options.itemCount.min, options.itemCount.max); for (let index = 0; index < randomisedItemCount; index++) { if (!this.findAndAddRandomItemToLoot(items, itemTypeCounts, options, result)) { index--; } } const globalDefaultPresets = Object.entries(tables.globals.ItemPresets).filter(x => x[1]._encyclopedia !== undefined); const randomisedPresetCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(options.presetCount.min, options.presetCount.max); const itemBlacklistArray = Array.from(itemBlacklist); for (let index = 0; index < randomisedPresetCount; index++) { if (!this.findAndAddRandomPresetToLoot(globalDefaultPresets, itemTypeCounts, itemBlacklistArray, result)) { index--; } } return result; } /** * Construct item limit record to hold max and current item count for each item type * @param limits limits as defined in config * @returns record, key: item tplId, value: current/max item count allowed */ protected initItemLimitCounter(limits: Record): Record { const itemTypeCounts: Record = {}; for (const itemTypeId in limits) { itemTypeCounts[itemTypeId] = { current: 0, max: limits[itemTypeId] }; } return itemTypeCounts; } /** * Find a random item in items.json and add to result array * @param items items to choose from * @param itemTypeCounts item limit counts * @param options item filters * @param result array to add found item to * @returns true if item was valid and added to pool */ protected findAndAddRandomItemToLoot( items: [string, ITemplateItem][], itemTypeCounts: Record, options: LootRequest, result: LootItem[]): boolean { const randomItem = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(items)[1]; const itemLimitCount = itemTypeCounts[randomItem._parent]; if (itemLimitCount && itemLimitCount.current > itemLimitCount.max) { return false; } const newLootItem: LootItem = { id: this.hashUtil.generate(), tpl: randomItem._id, isPreset: false, stackCount: 1 }; // Check if armor has level in allowed whitelist if (randomItem._parent === BaseClasses.ARMOR || randomItem._parent === BaseClasses.VEST) { if (!options.armorLevelWhitelist.includes(Number(randomItem._props.armorClass))) { return false; } } // Special case - handle items that need a stackcount > 1 if (randomItem._props.StackMaxSize > 1) { newLootItem.stackCount = this.getRandomisedStackCount(randomItem, options); } newLootItem.tpl = randomItem._id; result.push(newLootItem); if (itemLimitCount) { // Increment item count as it's in limit array itemLimitCount.current++; } // Item added okay return true; } /** * Get a randomised stack count for an item between its StackMinRandom and StackMaxSize values * @param item item to get stack count of * @param options loot options * @returns stack count */ protected getRandomisedStackCount(item: ITemplateItem, options: LootRequest): number { let min = item._props.StackMinRandom; let max = item._props.StackMaxSize; if (options.itemStackLimits[item._id]) { min = options.itemStackLimits[item._id].min; max = options.itemStackLimits[item._id].max; } return this.randomUtil.getInt(min, max); } /** * Find a random item in items.json and add to result array * @param globalDefaultPresets presets to choose from * @param itemTypeCounts item limit counts * @param itemBlacklist items to skip * @param result array to add found preset to * @returns true if preset was valid and added to pool */ protected findAndAddRandomPresetToLoot( globalDefaultPresets: [string, IPreset][], itemTypeCounts: Record, itemBlacklist: string[], result: LootItem[]): boolean { // Choose random preset and get details from item.json using encyclopedia value (encyclopedia === tplId) const randomPreset = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(globalDefaultPresets)[1]; if (!randomPreset?._encyclopedia) { this.logger.debug(`Airdrop - preset with id: ${randomPreset._id} lacks encyclopedia property, skipping`); return false; } const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(randomPreset._encyclopedia); if (!itemDetails[0]) { this.logger.debug(`Airdrop - Unable to find preset with tpl: ${randomPreset._encyclopedia}, skipping`); return false; } // Skip blacklisted items if (itemBlacklist.includes(randomPreset._items[0]._tpl)) { return false; } // Some custom mod items are lacking a parent property if (!itemDetails[1]._parent) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("loot-item_missing_parentid", itemDetails[1]?._name)); return false; } // Check picked preset hasn't exceeded spawn limit const itemLimitCount = itemTypeCounts[itemDetails[1]._parent]; if (itemLimitCount && itemLimitCount.current > itemLimitCount.max) { return false; } const newLootItem: LootItem = { tpl: randomPreset._items[0]._tpl, isPreset: true, stackCount: 1 }; result.push(newLootItem); if (itemLimitCount) { // increment item count as its in limit array itemLimitCount.current++; } // item added okay return true; } /** * Sealed weapon containers have a weapon + associated mods inside them + assortment of other things (food/meds) * @param containerSettings sealed weapon container settings * @returns Array of items to add to player inventory */ public getSealedWeaponCaseLoot(containerSettings: ISealedAirdropContainerSettings): AddItem[] { const itemsToReturn: AddItem[] = []; // choose a weapon to give to the player (weighted) const chosenWeaponTpl = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(containerSettings.weaponRewardWeight); const weaponDetailsDb = this.itemHelper.getItem(chosenWeaponTpl); if (!weaponDetailsDb[0]) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward", chosenWeaponTpl)); return itemsToReturn; } // Get weapon preset - default or choose a random one from all possible let chosenWeaponPreset = containerSettings.defaultPresetsOnly ? this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(chosenWeaponTpl) : this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(this.presetHelper.getPresets(chosenWeaponTpl)); if (!chosenWeaponPreset) { this.logger.warning(`Default preset for weapon ${chosenWeaponTpl} not found, choosing random instead`); chosenWeaponPreset = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(this.presetHelper.getPresets(chosenWeaponTpl)); } // Add preset to return object itemsToReturn.push({ count: 1, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention item_id: chosenWeaponPreset._id, isPreset: true }); // Get items related to chosen weapon const linkedItemsToWeapon = this.ragfairLinkedItemService.getLinkedDbItems(chosenWeaponTpl); itemsToReturn.push(...this.getSealedContainerWeaponModRewards(containerSettings, linkedItemsToWeapon, chosenWeaponPreset)); // Handle non-weapon mod reward types itemsToReturn.push(...this.getSealedContainerNonWeaponModRewards(containerSettings, weaponDetailsDb[1])); return itemsToReturn; } /** * Get non-weapon mod rewards for a sealed container * @param containerSettings Sealed weapon container settings * @param weaponDetailsDb Details for the weapon to reward player * @returns AddItem array */ protected getSealedContainerNonWeaponModRewards(containerSettings: ISealedAirdropContainerSettings, weaponDetailsDb: ITemplateItem): AddItem[] { const rewards: AddItem[] = []; for (const rewardTypeId in containerSettings.rewardTypeLimits) { const settings = containerSettings.rewardTypeLimits[rewardTypeId]; const rewardCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(settings.min, settings.max); if (rewardCount === 0) { continue; } // Edge case - ammo boxes if (rewardTypeId === BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX) { // Get ammoboxes from db const ammoBoxesDetails = => { const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(x); return itemDetails[1]; }); // Need to find boxes that matches weapons caliber const weaponCaliber = weaponDetailsDb._props.ammoCaliber; const ammoBoxesMatchingCaliber = ammoBoxesDetails.filter(x => x._props.ammoCaliber === weaponCaliber); if (ammoBoxesMatchingCaliber.length === 0) { this.logger.debug(`No ammo box with caliber ${weaponCaliber} found, skipping`); continue; } // No need to add ammo to box, inventoryHelper.addItem() will handle it const chosenAmmoBox = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(ammoBoxesMatchingCaliber); rewards.push({ count: rewardCount, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention item_id: chosenAmmoBox._id, isPreset: false }); continue; } // Get all items of the desired type + not quest items + not globally blacklisted const rewardItemPool = Object.values(this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items) .filter(x => x._parent === rewardTypeId && x._type.toLowerCase() === "item" && !this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(x._id) && (!containerSettings.allowBossItems && !this.itemFilterService.isBossItem(x._id)) && !x._props.QuestItem); if (rewardItemPool.length === 0) { this.logger.debug(`No items with base type of ${rewardTypeId} found, skipping`); continue; } for (let index = 0; index < rewardCount; index++) { // choose a random item from pool const chosenRewardItem = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(rewardItemPool); this.addOrIncrementItemToArray(chosenRewardItem._id, rewards); } } return rewards; } /** * Iterate over the container weaponModRewardLimits settings and create an array of weapon mods to reward player * @param containerSettings Sealed weapon container settings * @param linkedItemsToWeapon All items that can be attached/inserted into weapon * @param chosenWeaponPreset The weapon preset given to player as reward * @returns AddItem array */ protected getSealedContainerWeaponModRewards(containerSettings: ISealedAirdropContainerSettings, linkedItemsToWeapon: ITemplateItem[], chosenWeaponPreset: IPreset): AddItem[] { const modRewards: AddItem[] = []; for (const rewardTypeId in containerSettings.weaponModRewardLimits) { const settings = containerSettings.weaponModRewardLimits[rewardTypeId]; const rewardCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(settings.min, settings.max); // Nothing to add, skip reward type if (rewardCount === 0) { continue; } // Get items that fulfil reward type critera from items that fit on gun const relatedItems = linkedItemsToWeapon.filter(x => x._parent === rewardTypeId && !this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(x._id)); if (!relatedItems || relatedItems.length === 0) { this.logger.debug(`No items found to fulfil reward type ${rewardTypeId} for weapon: ${chosenWeaponPreset._name}, skipping type`); continue; } // Find a random item of the desired type and add as reward for (let index = 0; index < rewardCount; index++) { const chosenItem = this.randomUtil.drawRandomFromList(relatedItems); this.addOrIncrementItemToArray(chosenItem[0]._id, modRewards); } } return modRewards; } /** * Handle event-related loot containers - currently just the halloween jack-o-lanterns that give food rewards * @param rewardContainerDetails * @returns AddItem array */ public getRandomLootContainerLoot(rewardContainerDetails: RewardDetails): AddItem[] { const itemsToReturn: AddItem[] = []; // Get random items and add to newItemRequest for (let index = 0; index < rewardContainerDetails.rewardCount; index++) { // Pick random reward from pool, add to request object const chosenRewardItemTpl = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(rewardContainerDetails.rewardTplPool); this.addOrIncrementItemToArray(chosenRewardItemTpl, itemsToReturn); } return itemsToReturn; } /** * A bug in inventoryHelper.addItem() means you cannot add the same item to the array twice with a count of 1, it causes duplication * Default adds 1, or increments count * @param itemTplToAdd items tpl we want to add to array * @param resultsArray Array to add item tpl to */ protected addOrIncrementItemToArray(itemTplToAdd: string, resultsArray: AddItem[]): void { const existingItemIndex = resultsArray.findIndex(x => x.item_id === itemTplToAdd); if (existingItemIndex > -1) { // Exists in array already, increment count resultsArray[existingItemIndex].count++; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention resultsArray.push({item_id: itemTplToAdd, count: 1, isPreset: false}); } } }