import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { VFS } from "../utils/VFS"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig"; @injectable() export class ConfigServer { protected configs: Record = {}; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("VFS") protected vfs: VFS, @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil ) { this.initialize(); } public getConfig(configType: ConfigTypes): T { return this.configs[configType]; } public getConfigByString(configType: string): T { return this.configs[configType]; } public initialize(): void { this.logger.debug("Importing configs..."); // get all filepaths const filepath = (globalThis.G_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION) ? "Aki_Data/Server/configs/" : "./assets/configs/"; const files = this.vfs.getFiles(filepath); // add file content to result for (const file of files) { if (this.vfs.getFileExtension(file) === "json") { const filename = this.vfs.stripExtension(file); const filePathAndName = `${filepath}${file}`; this.configs[`aki-${filename}`] = this.jsonUtil.deserializeWithCacheCheck(this.vfs.readFile(filePathAndName), filePathAndName); } }`Commit hash: ${(this.configs[ConfigTypes.CORE] as ICoreConfig).commit || "DEBUG"}`); } }