import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { ProfileController } from "../controllers/ProfileController"; import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData"; import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData"; import { INullResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/INullResponseData"; import { IGetMiniProfileRequestData } from "../models/eft/launcher/IGetMiniProfileRequestData"; import { GetProfileStatusResponseData } from "../models/eft/profile/GetProfileStatusResponseData"; import { IGetProfileSettingsRequest } from "../models/eft/profile/IGetProfileSettingsRequest"; import { IProfileChangeNicknameRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/IProfileChangeNicknameRequestData"; import { IProfileChangeVoiceRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/IProfileChangeVoiceRequestData"; import { IProfileCreateRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/IProfileCreateRequestData"; import { ISearchFriendRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/ISearchFriendRequestData"; import { ISearchFriendResponse } from "../models/eft/profile/ISearchFriendResponse"; import { IValidateNicknameRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/IValidateNicknameRequestData"; import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil"; /** Handle profile related client events */ @injectable() export class ProfileCallbacks { constructor( @inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("ProfileController") protected profileController: ProfileController) { } public createProfile(url: string, info: IProfileCreateRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { this.profileController.createProfile(info, sessionID); return this.httpResponse.getBody({ uid: `pmc${sessionID}` }); } /** * Get the complete player profile (scav + pmc character) * @param url * @param info Empty * @param sessionID Session id * @returns Profile object */ public getProfileData(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { return this.httpResponse.getBody(this.profileController.getCompleteProfile(sessionID)); } /** * Handle the creation of a scav profile for player * Occurs post-raid and when profile first created immediately after character details are confirmed by player * @param url * @param info empty * @param sessionID Session id * @returns Profile object */ public regenerateScav(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { return this.httpResponse.getBody([this.profileController.generatePlayerScav(sessionID)]); } /** * Handle client/game/profile/voice/change event * @param url * @param info Change voice request object * @param sessionID Session id * @returns Client response */ public changeVoice(url: string, info: IProfileChangeVoiceRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData { this.profileController.changeVoice(info, sessionID); return this.httpResponse.nullResponse(); } /** * Handle client/game/profile/nickname/change event * Client allows player to adjust their profile name * @param url * @param info Change nickname request object * @param sessionID Session id * @returns client response */ public changeNickname(url: string, info: IProfileChangeNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { const output = this.profileController.changeNickname(info, sessionID); if (output === "taken") { return this.httpResponse.getBody(null, 255, "The nickname is already in use"); } if (output === "tooshort") { return this.httpResponse.getBody(null, 1, "The nickname is too short"); } return this.httpResponse.getBody({ status: 0, nicknamechangedate: this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() }); } public validateNickname(url: string, info: IValidateNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { const output = this.profileController.validateNickname(info, sessionID); if (output === "taken") { return this.httpResponse.getBody(null, 255, "The nickname is already in use"); } if (output === "tooshort") { return this.httpResponse.getBody(null, 256, "The nickname is too short"); } return this.httpResponse.getBody({ "status": "ok" }); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars public getReservedNickname(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { return this.httpResponse.getBody("SPTarkov"); } /** * Called when creating a character when choosing a character face/voice * @param url * @param info response (empty) * @param sessionID * @returns */ public getProfileStatus(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { const response: GetProfileStatusResponseData = { maxPveCountExceeded: false, profiles: [ { "profileid": `scav${sessionID}`, profileToken: null, "status": "Free", "sid": "", "ip": "", "port": 0, version: "live", location: "bigmap", raidMode: "Online", mode: "deathmatch", shortId: "xxx1x1" }, { "profileid": `pmc${sessionID}`, profileToken: null, "status": "Free", "sid": "", "ip": "", "port": 0 } ] }; return this.httpResponse.getBody(response); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars public getProfileSettings(url: string, info: IGetProfileSettingsRequest, sessionId: string): IGetBodyResponseData { return this.httpResponse.emptyResponse(); } public searchFriend(url: string, info: ISearchFriendRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData { return this.httpResponse.getBody(this.profileController.getFriends(info, sessionID)); } public getMiniProfile(url: string, info: IGetMiniProfileRequestData, sessionID: string): string { return this.httpResponse.noBody(this.profileController.getMiniProfile(sessionID)); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars public getAllMiniProfiles(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): string { return this.httpResponse.noBody(this.profileController.getMiniProfiles()); } }