import { inject, injectable, injectAll } from "tsyringe"; import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "../helpers/BotGeneratorHelper"; import { BotWeaponGeneratorHelper } from "../helpers/BotWeaponGeneratorHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper"; import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper"; import { MinMax } from "../models/common/MinMax"; import { IPreset } from "../models/eft/common/IGlobals"; import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { Inventory, ModsChances } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { EquipmentSlots } from "../models/enums/EquipmentSlots"; import { GenerateWeaponResult } from "../models/spt/bots/GenerateWeaponResult"; import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer"; import { BotWeaponModLimitService } from "../services/BotWeaponModLimitService"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil"; import { BotEquipmentModGenerator } from "./BotEquipmentModGenerator"; import { IInventoryMagGen } from "./weapongen/IInventoryMagGen"; import { InventoryMagGen } from "./weapongen/InventoryMagGen"; @injectable() export class BotWeaponGenerator { protected readonly modMagazineSlotId = "mod_magazine"; protected botConfig: IBotConfig; constructor( @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("WeightedRandomHelper") protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, @inject("BotGeneratorHelper") protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, @inject("BotWeaponGeneratorHelper") protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, @inject("BotWeaponModLimitService") protected botWeaponModLimitService: BotWeaponModLimitService, @inject("BotEquipmentModGenerator") protected botEquipmentModGenerator: BotEquipmentModGenerator, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @injectAll("InventoryMagGen") protected inventoryMagGenComponents: IInventoryMagGen[] ) { this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT); this.inventoryMagGenComponents.sort((a, b) => a.getPriority() - b.getPriority()); } /** * Pick a random weapon based on weightings and generate a functional weapon * @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster * @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json * @param weaponParentId * @param modChances * @param botRole role of bot, e.g. assault/followerBully * @param isPmc Is weapon generated for a pmc * @returns GenerateWeaponResult object */ public generateRandomWeapon(sessionId: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): GenerateWeaponResult { const weaponTpl = this.pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool(equipmentSlot, botTemplateInventory); return this.generateWeaponByTpl(sessionId, weaponTpl, equipmentSlot, botTemplateInventory, weaponParentId, modChances, botRole, isPmc, botLevel); } /** * Get a random weighted weapon from a bots pool of weapons * @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster * @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json * @returns weapon tpl */ public pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool(equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory): string { const weaponPool =[equipmentSlot]; return this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem(weaponPool); } /** * Generated a weapon based on the supplied weapon tpl * @param weaponTpl weapon tpl to generate (use pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool()) * @param equipmentSlot slot to fit into, primary/secondary/holster * @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json * @param weaponParentId ParentId of the weapon being generated * @param modChances Dictionary of item types and % chance weapon will have that mod * @param botRole e.g. assault/exusec * @param isPmc * @returns GenerateWeaponResult object */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars public generateWeaponByTpl(sessionId: string, weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): GenerateWeaponResult { const modPool = botTemplateInventory.mods; const weaponItemTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(weaponTpl)[1]; if (!weaponItemTemplate) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-missing_item_template", weaponTpl)); this.logger.error(`WeaponSlot -> ${equipmentSlot}`); return; } // Find ammo to use when filling magazines/chamber if (!botTemplateInventory.Ammo) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json", botRole)); throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-generation_failed")); } const ammoTpl = this.getWeightedCompatibleAmmo(botTemplateInventory.Ammo, weaponItemTemplate); // Create with just base weapon item let weaponWithModsArray = this.constructWeaponBaseArray(weaponTpl, weaponParentId, equipmentSlot, weaponItemTemplate, botRole); // Add mods to weapon base if (Object.keys(modPool).includes(weaponTpl)) { const botEquipmentRole = this.botGeneratorHelper.getBotEquipmentRole(botRole); const modLimits = this.botWeaponModLimitService.getWeaponModLimits(botEquipmentRole); weaponWithModsArray = this.botEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForWeapon(sessionId, weaponWithModsArray, modPool, weaponWithModsArray[0]._id, weaponItemTemplate, modChances, ammoTpl, botRole, botLevel, modLimits, botEquipmentRole); } // Use weapon preset from globals.json if weapon isnt valid if (!this.isWeaponValid(weaponWithModsArray, botRole)) { // Weapon is bad, fall back to weapons preset weaponWithModsArray = this.getPresetWeaponMods(weaponTpl, equipmentSlot, weaponParentId, weaponItemTemplate, botRole); } // Fill existing magazines to full and sync ammo type for (const magazine of weaponWithModsArray.filter(x => x.slotId === this.modMagazineSlotId)) { this.fillExistingMagazines(weaponWithModsArray, magazine, ammoTpl); } // Fill UBGL if found const ubglMod = weaponWithModsArray.find(x => x.slotId === "mod_launcher"); let ubglAmmoTpl: string = undefined; if (ubglMod) { const ubglTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(ubglMod._tpl)[1]; ubglAmmoTpl = this.getWeightedCompatibleAmmo(botTemplateInventory.Ammo, ubglTemplate); this.fillUbgl(weaponWithModsArray, ubglMod, ubglAmmoTpl); } return { weapon: weaponWithModsArray, chosenAmmoTpl: ammoTpl, chosenUbglAmmoTpl: ubglAmmoTpl, weaponMods: modPool, weaponTemplate: weaponItemTemplate }; } /** * Create array with weapon base as only element and * add additional properties based on weapon type * @param weaponTpl Weapon tpl to create item with * @param weaponParentId Weapons parent id * @param equipmentSlot e.g. primary/secondary/holster * @param weaponItemTemplate db template for weapon * @param botRole for durability values * @returns Base weapon item in array */ protected constructWeaponBaseArray(weaponTpl: string, weaponParentId: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponItemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[] { return [{ _id: this.hashUtil.generate(), _tpl: weaponTpl, parentId: weaponParentId, slotId: equipmentSlot, ...this.botGeneratorHelper.generateExtraPropertiesForItem(weaponItemTemplate, botRole) }]; } /** * Get the mods necessary to kit out a weapon to its preset level * @param weaponTpl weapon to find preset for * @param equipmentSlot the slot the weapon will be placed in * @param weaponParentId Value used for the parentid * @returns array of weapon mods */ protected getPresetWeaponMods(weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponParentId: string, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[] { // Invalid weapon generated, fallback to preset this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default", weaponTpl)); const weaponMods = []; // TODO: Right now, preset weapons trigger a lot of warnings regarding missing ammo in magazines & such let preset: IPreset; for (const presetObj of Object.values(this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.ItemPresets)) { if (presetObj._items[0]._tpl === weaponTpl) { preset = this.jsonUtil.clone(presetObj); break; } } if (preset) { const parentItem = preset._items[0]; preset._items[0] = { ...parentItem, ...{ "parentId": weaponParentId, "slotId": equipmentSlot, ...this.botGeneratorHelper.generateExtraPropertiesForItem(itemTemplate, botRole) } }; weaponMods.push(...preset._items); } else { throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-missing_weapon_preset", weaponTpl)); } return weaponMods; } /** * Checks if all required slots are occupied on a weapon and all it's mods * @param weaponItemArray Weapon + mods * @param botRole role of bot weapon is for * @returns true if valid */ protected isWeaponValid(weaponItemArray: Item[], botRole: string): boolean { for (const mod of weaponItemArray) { const modDbTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(mod._tpl)[1]; if (!modDbTemplate._props.Slots?.length) { continue; } // Iterate over slots in db item, if required, check tpl in that slot matches the filter list for (const modSlot of modDbTemplate._props.Slots) { // ignore optional mods if (!modSlot._required) { continue; } const allowedTpls = modSlot._props.filters[0].Filter; const slotName = modSlot._name; const weaponSlotItem = weaponItemArray.find(x => x.parentId === mod._id && x.slotId === slotName); if (!weaponSlotItem) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item", {modSlot: modSlot._name, modName: modDbTemplate._name, slotId: mod.slotId, botRole: botRole})); return false; } if (!allowedTpls.includes(weaponSlotItem._tpl)) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item", {modSlot: modSlot._name, modName: modDbTemplate._name, weaponTpl: weaponSlotItem._tpl})); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Generates extra magazines or bullets (if magazine is internal) and adds them to TacticalVest and Pockets. * Additionally, adds extra bullets to SecuredContainer * @param generatedWeaponResult object with properties for generated weapon (weapon mods pool / weapon template / ammo tpl) * @param magCounts Magazine count to add to inventory * @param inventory Inventory to add magazines to * @param botRole The bot type we're getting generating extra mags for */ public addExtraMagazinesToInventory(generatedWeaponResult: GenerateWeaponResult, magCounts: MinMax, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void { const weaponMods = generatedWeaponResult.weapon; const weaponTemplate = generatedWeaponResult.weaponTemplate; const ammoTpl = generatedWeaponResult.chosenAmmoTpl; const magazineTpl = this.getMagazineTplFromWeaponTemplate(weaponMods, weaponTemplate, botRole); const magTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(magazineTpl)[1]; if (!magTemplate) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item", magazineTpl)); return; } const ammoTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(ammoTpl)[1]; if (!ammoTemplate) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item", ammoTpl)); return; } // Has an UBGL if (generatedWeaponResult.chosenUbglAmmoTpl) { this.addUbglGrenadesToBotInventory(weaponMods, generatedWeaponResult, inventory); } const inventoryMagGenModel = new InventoryMagGen(magCounts, magTemplate, weaponTemplate, ammoTemplate, inventory); this.inventoryMagGenComponents.find(v => v.canHandleInventoryMagGen(inventoryMagGenModel)).process(inventoryMagGenModel); // Add x stacks of bullets to SecuredContainer (bots use a magic mag packing skill to reload instantly) this.addAmmoToSecureContainer(this.botConfig.secureContainerAmmoStackCount, ammoTpl, 999, inventory); } /** * Add Grendaes for UBGL to bots vest and secure container * @param weaponMods Weapon array with mods * @param generatedWeaponResult result of weapon generation * @param inventory bot inventory to add grenades to */ protected addUbglGrenadesToBotInventory(weaponMods: Item[], generatedWeaponResult: GenerateWeaponResult, inventory: PmcInventory): void { // Find ubgl mod item + get details of it from db const ubglMod = weaponMods.find(x => x.slotId === "mod_launcher"); const ubglDbTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(ubglMod._tpl)[1]; // Define min/max of how many grenades bot will have const ubglMinMax = { min: 1, max: 2 }; // get ammo template from db const ubglAmmoDbTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(generatedWeaponResult.chosenUbglAmmoTpl)[1]; // Add greandes to bot inventory const ubglAmmoGenModel = new InventoryMagGen(ubglMinMax, ubglDbTemplate, ubglDbTemplate, ubglAmmoDbTemplate, inventory); this.inventoryMagGenComponents.find(v => v.canHandleInventoryMagGen(ubglAmmoGenModel)).process(ubglAmmoGenModel); // Store extra grenades in secure container this.addAmmoToSecureContainer(5, generatedWeaponResult.chosenUbglAmmoTpl, 20, inventory); } /** * Add ammo to the secure container * @param stackCount How many stacks of ammo to add * @param ammoTpl Ammo type to add * @param stackSize Size of the ammo stack to add * @param inventory Player inventory */ protected addAmmoToSecureContainer(stackCount: number, ammoTpl: string, stackSize: number, inventory: PmcInventory): void { for (let i = 0; i < stackCount; i++) { const id = this.hashUtil.generate(); this.botWeaponGeneratorHelper.addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot([EquipmentSlots.SECURED_CONTAINER], id, ammoTpl, [{ _id: id, _tpl: ammoTpl, upd: { StackObjectsCount: stackSize } }], inventory); } } /** * Get a weapons magazine tpl from a weapon template * @param weaponMods mods from a weapon template * @param weaponTemplate Weapon to get magazine tpl for * @param botRole the bot type we are getting the magazine for * @returns magazine tpl string */ protected getMagazineTplFromWeaponTemplate(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): string { const magazine = weaponMods.find(m => m.slotId === this.modMagazineSlotId); if (!magazine) { // Edge case - magazineless chamber loaded weapons dont have magazines, e.g. mp18 // return default mag tpl if (weaponTemplate._props.ReloadMode === "OnlyBarrel") { return this.botWeaponGeneratorHelper.getWeaponsDefaultMagazineTpl(weaponTemplate); } // log error if no magazine AND not a chamber loaded weapon (e.g. shotgun revolver) if (!weaponTemplate._props.isChamberLoad) { // Shouldn't happen this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber", weaponTemplate._id)); } const defaultMagTplId = this.botWeaponGeneratorHelper.getWeaponsDefaultMagazineTpl(weaponTemplate); this.logger.debug(`[${botRole}] Unable to find magazine for weapon ${weaponTemplate._id} ${weaponTemplate._name}, using mag template default ${defaultMagTplId}.`); return defaultMagTplId; } return magazine._tpl; } /** * Finds and return a compatible ammo tpl based on the bots ammo weightings (x.json/inventory/equipment/ammo) * @param ammo a list of ammo tpls the weapon can use * @param weaponTemplate the weapon we want to pick ammo for * @returns an ammo tpl that works with the desired gun */ protected getWeightedCompatibleAmmo(ammo: Record>, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string { const desiredCaliber = this.getWeaponCaliber(weaponTemplate); const compatibleCartridges = ammo[desiredCaliber]; if (!compatibleCartridges || compatibleCartridges?.length === 0) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default", {weaponId: weaponTemplate._id, weaponName: weaponTemplate._name, defaultAmmo: weaponTemplate._props.defAmmo})); // Immediately returns, as default ammo is guaranteed to be compatible return weaponTemplate._props.defAmmo; } const chosenAmmoTpl = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem(compatibleCartridges); if (weaponTemplate._props.Chambers[0] && !weaponTemplate._props.Chambers[0]._props.filters[0].Filter.includes(chosenAmmoTpl)) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default", {chosenAmmo: chosenAmmoTpl, weaponId: weaponTemplate._id, weaponName: weaponTemplate._name, defaultAmmo: weaponTemplate._props.defAmmo})); // Incompatible ammo found, return default (can happen with .366 and 7.62x39 weapons) return weaponTemplate._props.defAmmo; } return chosenAmmoTpl; } /** * Get a weapons compatible cartridge caliber * @param weaponTemplate Weapon to look up caliber of * @returns caliber as string */ protected getWeaponCaliber(weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string { if (weaponTemplate._props.Caliber) { return weaponTemplate._props.Caliber; } if (weaponTemplate._props.ammoCaliber) { return weaponTemplate._props.ammoCaliber; } // UBGLs use a linked weapon that contains caliber info if (weaponTemplate._props.LinkedWeapon) { const linkedWeaponItem = this.itemHelper.getItem(weaponTemplate._props.LinkedWeapon)[1]; if (!linkedWeaponItem) { return; } return linkedWeaponItem._props.ammoCaliber; } } /** * Fill existing magazines to full, while replacing their contents with specified ammo * @param weaponMods Weapon with children * @param magazine Magazine item * @param cartridgeTpl Cartridge to insert into magazine */ protected fillExistingMagazines(weaponMods: Item[], magazine: Item, cartridgeTpl: string): void { const magazineTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(magazine._tpl)[1]; if (!magazineTemplate) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item", magazine._tpl)); return; } const parentItem = this.itemHelper.getItem(magazineTemplate._parent)[1]; // the revolver shotgun uses a magazine with chambers, not cartridges ("camora_xxx") // Exchange of the camora ammo is not necessary we could also just check for stackSize > 0 here // and remove the else if (this.botWeaponGeneratorHelper.magazineIsCylinderRelated(parentItem._name)) { this.fillCamorasWithAmmo(weaponMods, magazine._id, cartridgeTpl); } else { this.addOrUpdateMagazinesChildWithAmmo(weaponMods, magazine, cartridgeTpl, magazineTemplate); } } /** * Add desired ammo tpl as item to weaponmods array, placed as child to UBGL * @param weaponMods Weapon with children * @param ubglMod UBGL item * @param ubglAmmoTpl Grenade ammo tpl */ protected fillUbgl(weaponMods: Item[], ubglMod: Item, ubglAmmoTpl: string): void { weaponMods.push( { _id: this.hashUtil.generate(), _tpl: ubglAmmoTpl, parentId: ubglMod._id, slotId: "patron_in_weapon" } ); } /** * Add cartridge item to weapon Item array, if it already exists, update * @param weaponWithMods Weapon items array to amend * @param magazine magazine item details we're adding cartridges to * @param chosenAmmoTpl cartridge to put into the magazine * @param newStackSize how many cartridges should go into the magazine * @param magazineTemplate magazines db template */ protected addOrUpdateMagazinesChildWithAmmo(weaponWithMods: Item[], magazine: Item, chosenAmmoTpl: string, magazineTemplate: ITemplateItem): void { const magazineCartridgeChildItem = weaponWithMods.find(m => m.parentId === magazine._id && m.slotId === "cartridges"); if (magazineCartridgeChildItem) { // Easier to delete and create below instaed of modifying existing item weaponWithMods = weaponWithMods.slice(weaponWithMods.indexOf(magazineCartridgeChildItem), 1); } // Create array with just magazine const magazineWithCartridges = [magazine]; // Add full cartridge child items to above array this.itemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge(magazineWithCartridges, magazineTemplate, chosenAmmoTpl, 1); // Replace existing magazine with above array of mag + cartridge stacks weaponWithMods.splice(weaponWithMods.indexOf(magazine), 1, ...magazineWithCartridges); } /** * Fill each Camora with a bullet * @param weaponMods Weapon mods to find and update camora mod(s) from * @param magazineId magazine id to find and add to * @param ammoTpl ammo template id to hydate with */ protected fillCamorasWithAmmo(weaponMods: Item[], magazineId: string, ammoTpl: string): void { // for CylinderMagazine we exchange the ammo in the "camoras". // This might not be necessary since we already filled the camoras with a random whitelisted and compatible ammo type, // but I'm not sure whether this is also used elsewhere const camoras = weaponMods.filter(x => x.parentId === magazineId && x.slotId.startsWith("camora")); for (const camora of camoras) { camora._tpl = ammoTpl; } } }