Updated all language files with the initial export from Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
Terkoiz 2023-12-30 19:41:16 +02:00
parent a194569946
commit 593e95f9bc
12 changed files with 2468 additions and 2685 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ {
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Inkompatible Munition {{chosenAmmo}} gefunden für {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, auf {{defaultAmmo}} zurückgefallen", "bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Inkompatible Munition {{chosenAmmo}} gefunden für {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, auf {{defaultAmmo}} zurückgefallen",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Erzeugen von {{itemName}} nicht möglich, nach {{attempts}} Versuchen, übersprungen", "bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Erzeugen von {{itemName}} nicht möglich, nach {{attempts}} Versuchen, übersprungen",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Gescheitert Patronen zur Waffe hinzuzufügen, da modPool keine Öffnung für CylinderMagazine %s hat, übersprungen", "bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Gescheitert Patronen zur Waffe hinzuzufügen, da modPool keine Öffnung für CylinderMagazine %s hat, übersprungen",
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Waffe %s hat kein Magazin oder Kammer", "bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Waffe %s hat kein Magazin oder Kammer",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Modifikationsplatz {{modSlot}}' ist nicht vorhanden für {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}", "bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Modifikationsplatz {{modSlot}}' ist nicht vorhanden für {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Benötigter Modifikationsplatz '{{modSlot}}' in {{modName}} {{slotId}} wurde leer erzeugt", "bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Benötigter Modifikationsplatz '{{modSlot}}' in {{modName}} {{slotId}} wurde leer erzeugt",
"client_request": "[Client Request] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: Startprozesse werden ausgeführt...", "executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: Startprozesse werden ausgeführt...",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Eintrag %s gefunden, welcher nicht in der Gegenstandsdatenbank vorhanden ist. Profil nicht verwenden! Profilkorruption und Probleme sind wahrscheinlich. Mögliche Grundsache ist, dass gemoddete Items nicht aus dem Inventar entfernt wurden, bevor der Mod gelöscht worden ist.", "fixer-mod_item_found": "Eintrag %s gefunden, welcher nicht in der Gegenstandsdatenbank vorhanden ist. Profil nicht verwenden! Profilkorruption und Probleme sind wahrscheinlich. Mögliche Grundsache ist, dass gemoddete Items nicht aus dem Inventar entfernt wurden, bevor der Mod gelöscht worden ist.",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Hosentaschen wurden aktualisiert auf Version 18876 mit 3 Spezialinventarstellen", "fixer-updated_pockets": "Hosentaschen wurden aktualisiert auf Version 18876 mit 3 Spezialinventarstellen",
@ -103,21 +101,16 @@
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Geplantes Ereignis '%s' gescheitert.", "scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Geplantes Ereignis '%s' gescheitert.",
"server_running": "Server läuft", "server_running": "Server läuft",
"server_start_meme_1": "Leben, Lachen, Liebe", "server_start_meme_1": "Leben, Lachen, Liebe",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Wenn du das lesen kannst, WACH AUF!", "server_start_meme_3": "Wenn du das lesen kannst, WACH AUF!",
"server_start_meme_4": "Dicken Like abgeben und abonnieren nicht vergessen!", "server_start_meme_4": "Dicken Like abgeben und abonnieren nicht vergessen!",
"server_start_meme_5": "Schon unsere Memeseite gesehen?", "server_start_meme_5": "Schon unsere Memeseite gesehen?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Ich hoff doch sehr dass du diese Version nicht von fitgirl gezogen hast", "server_start_meme_6": "Ich hoff doch sehr dass du diese Version nicht von fitgirl gezogen hast",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_success": "Viel Spaß!", "server_start_success": "Viel Spaß!",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver gestartet auf %s", "started_webserver_success": "Webserver gestartet auf %s",
"unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Unbekannte Anfrage", "unknown_request": "Unbekannte Anfrage",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Kommerzielle Nutzung ist untersagt", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Kommerzielle Nutzung ist untersagt",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NICHT MELDEN", "watermark-do_not_report": "NICHT MELDEN",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Dieses Programm wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Dieses Programm wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "DAS IST KEIN PROBLEM", "watermark-not_an_issue": "DAS IST KEIN PROBLEM",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): El conjunto de objetos para el comerciante: %s no contiene JSON questassort, omitiendo la eliminación de intercambios.", "assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): El conjunto de objetos para el comerciante: %s no contiene JSON questassort, omitiendo la eliminación de intercambios.",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "El objeto %s no ha sido encontrado en el caché de objetos.", "baseclass-item_not_found": "El objeto %s no ha sido encontrado en el caché de objetos.",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "La base de datos está vacía, no se puede generar un caché de objetos.", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "La base de datos está vacía, no se puede generar un caché de objetos.",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ADVERTENCIA - El caché de bots no tiene un tipo pre-generado de %s, tendrá que generarse, configura el servidor para ello.", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ADVERTENCIA - El caché de bots no tiene un tipo pre-generado de %s, tendrá que generarse, configura el servidor para ello.",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "No se puede validar el objeto: {{id}} {{name}} en slot {{slot}} puede equiparse, le falta el valor _props.", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "No se puede validar el objeto: {{id}} {{name}} en slot {{slot}} puede equiparse, le falta el valor _props.",
"bot-generation_failed": "Generación de bots fallida, consulta los registros del servidor para más información.", "bot-generation_failed": "Generación de bots fallida, consulta los registros del servidor para más información.",
@ -102,21 +101,17 @@
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Error al traducir el orden de las modificaciones", "modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Error al traducir el orden de las modificaciones",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "La propiedad 'incompatibilities' de la modificación %s package.json debería ser un arreglo de string", "modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "La propiedad 'incompatibilities' de la modificación %s package.json debería ser un arreglo de string",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "La modificación {{author}}-{{name}} no es compatible con {{incompatibleModName}}", "modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "La modificación {{author}}-{{name}} no es compatible con {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversión_field": "La modificación %s contiene un valor semver incorrecto en el campo akiVersion. Ejemplos de valores válidos: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versións",
"modloader-invalid_versión_property": "La modificación %s package.json contiene un valor inválido de versión",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "La modificación (%s) es de cliente, esta debería ponerse en el directorio: /spt/bepinex/plugins", "modloader-is_client_mod": "La modificación (%s) es de cliente, esta debería ponerse en el directorio: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Modificación {{name}} versión {{versión}} de {{author}} cargada", "modloader-loaded_mod": "Modificación {{name}} versión {{versión}} de {{author}} cargada",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: cargando %s modificaciones...", "modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: cargando %s modificaciones...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "La propiedad 'main' de la modificación %s package.json debe ser un archivo .js", "modloader-main_property_not_js": "La propiedad 'main' de la modificación %s package.json debe ser un archivo .js",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "La propiedad 'main' de la modificación %s package.json apunta a un archivo inexistente", "modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "La propiedad 'main' de la modificación %s package.json apunta a un archivo inexistente",
"modloader-missing_akiversión_field": "La modificación %s no contiene el campo akiVersion, es posible que esto se deba a que la misma esta desactualizada o no es compatible con la versión de AKI utilizada",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "La modificación {{mod}} requiere que la modificación {{modDependency}} sea instalada también.", "modloader-missing_dependency": "La modificación {{mod}} requiere que la modificación {{modDependency}} sea instalada también.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "La modificación (%s) le falta el archivo package.json", "modloader-missing_package_json": "La modificación (%s) le falta el archivo package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "La modificación {{modName}} requiere la propiedad {{prop}} en el archivo package.json", "modloader-missing_package_json_property": "La modificación {{modName}} requiere la propiedad {{prop}} en el archivo package.json",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: modificación incompatible. Debe implementar por lo menos una de estas interfaces: IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod", "modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: modificación incompatible. Debe implementar por lo menos una de estas interfaces: IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Error al cargar el mod asíncrono: %s", "modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Error al cargar el mod asíncrono: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Se encontraron errores cargando las modificación, NINGUNA MODIFICACION SERA CARGADA", "modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Se encontraron errores cargando las modificación, NINGUNA MODIFICACION SERA CARGADA",
"modloader-outdated_akiversión_field": "La modificación %s no es compatible con la versión actual de AKI. Es posible que tengas dificultades jugando - no se proveerá soporte!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "La modificación {{mod}} requiere {{modDependency}} versión {{requiredVersion}}. La versión actualmente instalada es {{currentVersion}}", "modloader-outdated_dependency": "La modificación {{mod}} requiere {{modDependency}} versión {{requiredVersion}}. La versión actualmente instalada es {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: directorio user/mod no encontrado, creándolo...", "modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: directorio user/mod no encontrado, creándolo...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json no se encuentra, creando...", "modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json no se encuentra, creando...",
@ -165,7 +160,6 @@
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "No se puede eliminar botín de navidad de la ranura: {{lootContainer}} ya que no se encuentra en el bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "No se puede eliminar botín de navidad de la ranura: {{lootContainer}} ya que no se encuentra en el bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Servidor en funcionamiento.", "server_running": "Servidor en funcionamiento.",
"server_start_meme_1": "Vive ríe ama", "server_start_meme_1": "Vive ríe ama",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Si puedes oírme, debes despertar...", "server_start_meme_3": "Si puedes oírme, debes despertar...",
"server_start_meme_4": "No olvides darle like y suscribirte", "server_start_meme_4": "No olvides darle like y suscribirte",
"server_start_meme_5": "¿Has visto nuestra página de memes?", "server_start_meme_5": "¿Has visto nuestra página de memes?",
@ -176,8 +170,6 @@
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Arrancando CryptoMiner", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Arrancando CryptoMiner",
"server_start_meme_11": "Fallo al lanzar miner.exe, por favor reinicia el servidor.", "server_start_meme_11": "Fallo al lanzar miner.exe, por favor reinicia el servidor.",
"server_start_meme_12": "¿Tiene un momento para hablar de Jesús?", "server_start_meme_12": "¿Tiene un momento para hablar de Jesús?",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien? Chomp me ha esclavizado aquí.", "server_start_meme_15": "¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien? Chomp me ha esclavizado aquí.",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*eructo*-morty, creo que estamos atrapados en algún tipo de sistema de cómputo.", "server_start_meme_16": "M-*eructo*-morty, creo que estamos atrapados en algún tipo de sistema de cómputo.",
"server_start_meme_17": "Corre, llego a tu posición en breves.", "server_start_meme_17": "Corre, llego a tu posición en breves.",
@ -185,7 +177,6 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Felicidades! Canjea tu código de Tarkov aquí: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2", "server_start_meme_19": "Felicidades! Canjea tu código de Tarkov aquí: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "¿Sabías que nueve de cada diez usuarios no pueden leer este mensaje?", "server_start_meme_20": "¿Sabías que nueve de cada diez usuarios no pueden leer este mensaje?",
"server_start_meme_21": "¿Has pensado alguna vez si todo el mundo ve el color rojo igual que tú?", "server_start_meme_21": "¿Has pensado alguna vez si todo el mundo ve el color rojo igual que tú?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT manteniendo la virginidad a salvo desde 2018", "server_start_meme_23": "SPT manteniendo la virginidad a salvo desde 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "¡El servidor secreto del refugio es real! ¡No se lo digas a nadie!", "server_start_meme_24": "¡El servidor secreto del refugio es real! ¡No se lo digas a nadie!",
"server_start_success": "Disfruta jugando :)", "server_start_success": "Disfruta jugando :)",
@ -197,11 +188,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[NO MANEJADO][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[NO MANEJADO][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Solicitud desconocida!", "unknown_request": "Solicitud desconocida!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "El uso comercial está prohibido.", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "El uso comercial está prohibido.",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NO LO REPORTES", "watermark-do_not_report": "NO LO REPORTES",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Este trabajo es libre de cargo.", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Este trabajo es libre de cargo.",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Si has pagado por esto, te han estafado.", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Si has pagado por esto, te han estafado.",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "NO SE DARÁ NINGÚN TIPO DE SOPORTE", "watermark-no_support": "NO SE DARÁ NINGÚN TIPO DE SOPORTE",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "ESTO NO ES UN PROBLEMA", "watermark-not_an_issue": "ESTO NO ES UN PROBLEMA",
@ -267,7 +256,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Muerte limpia", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Muerte limpia",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Buenas estrategias de rata", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Buenas estrategias de rata",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Cuánto cuestan tus hacks", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Cuánto cuestan tus hacks",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Estoy maldiciendo muy fuerte ahora mismo", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Estoy maldiciendo muy fuerte ahora mismo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Buen trabajo tryhard", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Buen trabajo tryhard",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "¡¡¡Estaba AFK!!", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "¡¡¡Estaba AFK!!",
@ -327,28 +315,17 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "BRO POR QUE", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "BRO POR QUE",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Voy a hacerme un sándwich de jamón y queso y me matas, increíble", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Voy a hacerme un sándwich de jamón y queso y me matas, increíble",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Bien, bien, si es {{PlayerName}}, no esperaba nada y me has decepcionado", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Bien, bien, si es {{PlayerName}}, no esperaba nada y me has decepcionado",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "lil bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "Pero tío", "pmcresponse-suffix_4": "Pero tío",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "pal",
"pmcresponse-suffix_6": "jefe", "pmcresponse-suffix_6": "jefe",
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "tío", "pmcresponse-suffix_7": "tío",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mi g", "pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mi g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "hermano", "pmcresponse-suffix_9": "hermano",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "mi chico", "pmcresponse-suffix_11": "mi chico",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "smh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "tío", "pmcresponse-suffix_13": "tío",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "rey", "pmcresponse-suffix_14": "rey",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "campeón", "pmcresponse-suffix_15": "campeón",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "compañero", "pmcresponse-suffix_17": "compañero",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "tío", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "tío",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "m8",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Buena pelea", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Buena pelea",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "No ha sido fácil", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "No ha sido fácil",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Te guardaré tu equipo", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Te guardaré tu equipo",
@ -369,7 +346,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Gracias por el equipamiento nuevo", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Gracias por el equipamiento nuevo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "No es de extrañar que hayas muerto, tu arma es basura", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "No es de extrañar que hayas muerto, tu arma es basura",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "¿Por qué estás usando esa armadura?", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "¿Por qué estás usando esa armadura?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "lmaoooo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "No te preocupes que tu equipo estará pronto en el mercado", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "No te preocupes que tu equipo estará pronto en el mercado",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "No es de extrañar que juegues SPT con tu puntería", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "No es de extrañar que juegues SPT con tu puntería",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Es lo que es", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Es lo que es",
@ -377,7 +353,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_10": "Al menos pon resistencia la próxima vez", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_10": "Al menos pon resistencia la próxima vez",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_11": "Creo que necesitas algo más de práctica", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_11": "Creo que necesitas algo más de práctica",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Intenta hacer un desafío la próxima vez", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Intenta hacer un desafío la próxima vez",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "Rip little timmy",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Otra sucia rata de la que encargarse", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Otra sucia rata de la que encargarse",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Eso ha sido vergonzoso de ver", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Eso ha sido vergonzoso de ver",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "Esperaba al menos un poco de resistencia", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "Esperaba al menos un poco de resistencia",
@ -385,7 +360,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Tengo una serie de youtube sobre cómo mejorar en tarkov si estás interesado", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Tengo una serie de youtube sobre cómo mejorar en tarkov si estás interesado",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Otra chapa para la colección", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Otra chapa para la colección",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Eres tan malo que deberías jugar a spt en su lugar", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Eres tan malo que deberías jugar a spt en su lugar",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Rekt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "Y pensaba que yo era malo", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "Y pensaba que yo era malo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "¿Todos los {{playerSide}} son tan malos?", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "¿Todos los {{playerSide}} son tan malos?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Gracias por tu botín", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Gracias por tu botín",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Impossible de trouver le questassort unlock de {{traderName}} pour la quête : {{questName}}. Cette quête ne débloquera pas l'offre d'objets lié à la récompense au vendeur", "assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Impossible de trouver le questassort unlock de {{traderName}} pour la quête : {{questName}}. Cette quête ne débloquera pas l'offre d'objets lié à la récompense au vendeur",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s non trouvé dans le cache base des items", "baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s non trouvé dans le cache base des items",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Base de données vide, impossible de générer un item base cache", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Base de données vide, impossible de générer un item base cache",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENTION - Le Bot cache ne possède pas de bot pré-générés de type %s, il devra être généré, configurez le serveur pour en faire plus", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENTION - Le Bot cache ne possède pas de bot pré-générés de type %s, il devra être généré, configurez le serveur pour en faire plus",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossible de valider: {{id}} {{name}} dans le slot {{slot}} peut être équippé, une _props value est manquante", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossible de valider: {{id}} {{name}} dans le slot {{slot}} peut être équippé, une _props value est manquante",
"bot-generation_failed": "la génération des bots a échoué, plus de détail dans le log serveur", "bot-generation_failed": "la génération des bots a échoué, plus de détail dans le log serveur",
@ -85,8 +84,6 @@
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "détail du kill introuvable pour {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}", "inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "détail du kill introuvable pour {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Pas de multiplicateur d'assurance renseigné pour: %s, vérifiez qu'il existe dans InsuranceConfig.js, retour à la valeur défaut: 0.3", "insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Pas de multiplicateur d'assurance renseigné pour: %s, vérifiez qu'il existe dans InsuranceConfig.js, retour à la valeur défaut: 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "impossible d'éditer un item de vendeur", "inventory-edit_trader_item": "impossible d'éditer un item de vendeur",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - No id with %s found",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() returned with an error %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "impossible de trouver l'item: %s dans la base de données", "inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "impossible de trouver l'item: %s dans la base de données",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "tentative de déplacement de l'item avec slotid: {{slotId}} dans {{container}}, corruption du profil évitée", "inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "tentative de déplacement de l'item avec slotid: {{slotId}} dans {{container}}, corruption du profil évitée",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "pas assez de place dans la stash", "inventory-no_stash_space": "pas assez de place dans la stash",
@ -106,13 +103,11 @@
"location-generated_success": "location générée : %s", "location-generated_success": "location générée : %s",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() a échoué, root item est invalide, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}", "location-missing_root_item": "createItem() a échoué, root item est invalide, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "preset introuvable pour {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}", "location-preset_not_found": "preset introuvable pour {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "{{requested}} spawnpoints were requested while {{found}} are available {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() a échoué, impossible de reclasser {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}", "location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() a échoué, impossible de reclasser {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Impossible de trouver les paramètres de configuration d'airdrop pour le type : %s, remise à défaut au type d'airdrop : mixed ", "location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Impossible de trouver les paramètres de configuration d'airdrop pour le type : %s, remise à défaut au type d'airdrop : mixed ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "Il manque un json de base pour %s, évitement des ajustements à la map wave", "location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "Il manque un json de base pour %s, évitement des ajustements à la map wave",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s manque une valeur parentId, impossible d'utiliser l'item comme loot", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s manque une valeur parentId, impossible d'utiliser l'item comme loot",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "L'arme invalide : %s a été choisie comme récompense pour la boîte d'armements scellée, impossible de créer le loot", "loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "L'arme invalide : %s a été choisie comme récompense pour la boîte d'armements scellée, impossible de créer le loot",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "vérifié", "modloader-checked": "vérifié",
"modloader-checking_mod": "vérification du mod: %s", "modloader-checking_mod": "vérification du mod: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "dépendance cyclique detectée", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "dépendance cyclique detectée",
@ -204,8 +199,6 @@
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug en cours] La fonctionnalité de minage de crypto-monnaie est enclenchée", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug en cours] La fonctionnalité de minage de crypto-monnaie est enclenchée",
"server_start_meme_11": "Miningcrypto.exe n'a pas pu être lancé, merci de rédemarrer le serveur svp, j'ai besoin de Bitcoin", "server_start_meme_11": "Miningcrypto.exe n'a pas pu être lancé, merci de rédemarrer le serveur svp, j'ai besoin de Bitcoin",
"server_start_meme_12": "Bonjour, nous cherchons à vous joindre car l'assurance de votre voiture est arrivée à expiration", "server_start_meme_12": "Bonjour, nous cherchons à vous joindre car l'assurance de votre voiture est arrivée à expiration",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hé ! Hé vous, au secours ! Chomp m'a enfermé ici et je ne peux pas sortir, aidez-moi, contactez le discord svp", "server_start_meme_15": "Hé ! Hé vous, au secours ! Chomp m'a enfermé ici et je ne peux pas sortir, aidez-moi, contactez le discord svp",
"server_start_meme_16": "Mm-Morty !, je crois qu'on est à l'intérieur d'une sorte de système informatique", "server_start_meme_16": "Mm-Morty !, je crois qu'on est à l'intérieur d'une sorte de système informatique",
"server_start_meme_17": "Position transmise avec succès. Procédure d'élimination initialisée. Décollage du drone ", "server_start_meme_17": "Position transmise avec succès. Procédure d'élimination initialisée. Décollage du drone ",
@ -226,11 +219,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[INCONNU][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[INCONNU][%s]",
"unknown_request": "requête inconnue !", "unknown_request": "requête inconnue !",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "tout usage commercial est interdit !!!", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "tout usage commercial est interdit !!!",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NE PAS SIGNALER !", "watermark-do_not_report": "NE PAS SIGNALER !",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Ce travail est gratuit", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Ce travail est gratuit",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Si vous avez payé pour utiliser SPT ce n'est pas normal, c'est une ARNAQUE. Par contre attention : payer pour posséder le jeu original EfT est tout à fait normal et obligatoire", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Si vous avez payé pour utiliser SPT ce n'est pas normal, c'est une ARNAQUE. Par contre attention : payer pour posséder le jeu original EfT est tout à fait normal et obligatoire",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "CE BUILD A LE MODDING DESACTIVE", "watermark-modding_disabled": "CE BUILD A LE MODDING DESACTIVE",
"watermark-no_support": "AUCUN SUPPORT NE SERA FOURNI", "watermark-no_support": "AUCUN SUPPORT NE SERA FOURNI",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "CECI N'EST PAS UNE ERREUR", "watermark-not_an_issue": "CECI N'EST PAS UNE ERREUR",
@ -253,7 +244,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Sympa le fight", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Sympa le fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "C'était propre, bon kill", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "C'était propre, bon kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Ok t'as du talent, je l'admets", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Ok t'as du talent, je l'admets",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Je savais que j'aurais pas du tenter la décale", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Je savais que j'aurais pas du tenter la décale",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Tu m'as complètement dominé", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Tu m'as complètement dominé",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Pas mal mais je t'aurais le prochain coup", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Pas mal mais je t'aurais le prochain coup",
@ -318,7 +308,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "C'est petit ce kill", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "C'est petit ce kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Trop une strat de campeur pff", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Trop une strat de campeur pff",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "T'as payé combien ton cheat mec ?", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "T'as payé combien ton cheat mec ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Je suis tellement dèg", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Je suis tellement dèg",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Bien joué Monseigneur", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Bien joué Monseigneur",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Putain j'étais AFK !!", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Putain j'étais AFK !!",
@ -440,14 +429,9 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "monsieur", "pmcresponse-suffix_13": "monsieur",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "le roi", "pmcresponse-suffix_14": "le roi",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "le champion", "pmcresponse-suffix_15": "le champion",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bro", "pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "mecton", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "mecton",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "fréro Delavega", "pmcresponse-suffix_19": "fréro Delavega",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mon reuf", "pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mon reuf",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "l'ami", "pmcresponse-suffix_25": "l'ami",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "piot", "pmcresponse-suffix_26": "piot",
@ -511,13 +495,10 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "Angélique", "pmc-name_prefix_1": "Angélique",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "Maléfique", "pmc-name_prefix_2": "Maléfique",
"pmc-name_prefix_3": "Fatigué", "pmc-name_prefix_3": "Fatigué",
"pmc-name_prefix_4": "Frugal",
"pmc-name_prefix_5": "Colérique", "pmc-name_prefix_5": "Colérique",
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "Honnête", "pmc-name_prefix_6": "Honnête",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "Sensible",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "Imprudent", "pmc-name_prefix_8": "Imprudent",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ambitieux", "pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ambitieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "Confident",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "Charmeur", "pmc-name_prefix_11": "Charmeur",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "Sophistiqué", "pmc-name_prefix_12": "Sophistiqué",
"pmc-name_prefix_13": "Chic", "pmc-name_prefix_13": "Chic",
@ -528,7 +509,6 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_18": "Attirant", "pmc-name_prefix_18": "Attirant",
"pmc-name_prefix_19": "Enfantin", "pmc-name_prefix_19": "Enfantin",
"pmc-name_prefix_20": "Démoniaque", "pmc-name_prefix_20": "Démoniaque",
"pmc-name_prefix_21": "Humble",
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "Fabuleux", "pmc-name_prefix_22": "Fabuleux",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "Léthargique", "pmc-name_prefix_23": "Léthargique",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nerveux", "pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nerveux",
@ -537,7 +517,6 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Agité", "pmc-name_prefix_27": "Agité",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Fanatique", "pmc-name_prefix_28": "Fanatique",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Consciencieux", "pmc-name_prefix_29": "Consciencieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Girlboss",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Meuf-Boss", "pmc-name_prefix_31": "Meuf-Boss",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Roi", "pmc-name_prefix_32": "Roi",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef", "pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef",
@ -545,9 +524,6 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Sérieux", "pmc-name_prefix_35": "Sérieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Louche", "pmc-name_prefix_36": "Louche",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Douteux", "pmc-name_prefix_37": "Douteux",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Cringe",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Dank",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Goat",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Épicé", "pmc-name_prefix_41": "Épicé",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Faux", "pmc-name_prefix_42": "Faux",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Edition Standard, stash basique (10x28), 500 000 roubles", "launcher-profile_standard": "Edition Standard, stash basique (10x28), 500 000 roubles",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): L'Assortimento del mercante: %s non contiene il json questassort, saltato la rimozione degli assortimenti da quest", "assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): L'Assortimento del mercante: %s non contiene il json questassort, saltato la rimozione degli assortimenti da quest",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "L'oggetto %s non è stato trovato nella cache base degli oggetti", "baseclass-item_not_found": "L'oggetto %s non è stato trovato nella cache base degli oggetti",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "La base dati era vuota, impossibile generare la cache base degli oggetti", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "La base dati era vuota, impossibile generare la cache base degli oggetti",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENZIONE - La cache dei bot non ha un bot pre-generato del tipo %s, sarà generato, configurare il server per farli in più", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENZIONE - La cache dei bot non ha un bot pre-generato del tipo %s, sarà generato, configurare il server per farli in più",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossibile validare l'oggetto: {{id}} {{name}} nella posizione {{slot}} può essete equipaggiare, manca un valore _props", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossibile validare l'oggetto: {{id}} {{name}} nella posizione {{slot}} può essete equipaggiare, manca un valore _props",
"bot-generation_failed": "Fallita la generazione del bot vedi i log del sever per maggiori informazioni", "bot-generation_failed": "Fallita la generazione del bot vedi i log del sever per maggiori informazioni",
@ -43,10 +42,8 @@
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "L'arma con tpl: %s non ha caricatore o tamburo", "bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "L'arma con tpl: %s non ha caricatore o tamburo",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Posizione: {{modSlot}} non esiste per l'arma: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}", "bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Posizione: {{modSlot}} non esiste per l'arma: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Poszione Obbligatoria '{{modSlot}}' di {{modName}} {{slotId}} è vuota", "bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Poszione Obbligatoria '{{modSlot}}' di {{modName}} {{slotId}} è vuota",
"client_request": "[Client Request] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "I vestiti {{itemId}} {{itemName}} è già stato acquistato", "customisation-item_already_purchased": "I vestiti {{itemId}} {{itemName}} è già stato acquistato",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto tpl {{tpl}} nella base dati, non posso inviare il messaggio del tipo{{type}}, saltato", "dialog-missing_item_template": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto tpl {{tpl}} nella base dati, non posso inviare il messaggio del tipo{{type}}, saltato",
"event-unhandled_event": "[UNHANDLED EVENT] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: esecuzione delle chiamate all'avvio...", "executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: esecuzione delle chiamate all'avvio...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossibile trovare l'assortimento di fence con id: %s", "fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossibile trovare l'assortimento di fence con id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Oggetto %s trovato ma non esiste nella base dati. Potresti sperimentare degli errori, questo potrebbe essere causato da una mod rimossa senza eliminare gli oggetti dall'inventario. Non usare questo profilo", "fixer-mod_item_found": "Oggetto %s trovato ma non esiste nella base dati. Potresti sperimentare degli errori, questo potrebbe essere causato da una mod rimossa senza eliminare gli oggetti dall'inventario. Non usare questo profilo",
@ -66,6 +63,8 @@
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Tentativo non gestito di rimuovere oggetti dall'area del rifugio: %s", "hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Tentativo non gestito di rimuovere oggetti dall'area del rifugio: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto", "http-unknown_error": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto",
"importing_database": "Importazione della base dati...", "importing_database": "Importazione della base dati...",
"importing_database_finish": "Importazione database completato",
"validation_error_file": "Validazione fallita per il seguente file: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "Importazione delle configurazioni...", "importing_spt_configs": "Importazione delle configurazioni...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Non trovata la condizione per l'uccisione per {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}", "inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Non trovata la condizione per l'uccisione per {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Non trovato il moltiplicatore per l'assicurazione del mercante: %s, controlla se esiste in InsuranceConfig.js, ripiegato sul predefinito: 0.3", "insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Non trovato il moltiplicatore per l'assicurazione del mercante: %s, controlla se esiste in InsuranceConfig.js, ripiegato sul predefinito: 0.3",
@ -89,7 +88,6 @@
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "punti di generazione richiesto è {{requested}} mentre è disponibile {{found}} su {{mapName}}", "location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "punti di generazione richiesto è {{requested}} mentre è disponibile {{found}} su {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() fallito, impossibile settare il padre di {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}", "location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() fallito, impossibile settare il padre di {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "L'oggetto: %s manca un parentId, impossibile usarlo come loot", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "L'oggetto: %s manca un parentId, impossibile usarlo come loot",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "controllato", "modloader-checked": "controllato",
"modloader-checking_mod": "controllo: %s", "modloader-checking_mod": "controllo: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Dipendenza ciclicata individuata", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Dipendenza ciclicata individuata",
@ -113,6 +111,7 @@
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s non è compatibile con la corrente versione di AKI. Potresti avere problemi - nessun supporto sarà fornito!", "modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s non è compatibile con la corrente versione di AKI. Potresti avere problemi - nessun supporto sarà fornito!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} versione {{requiredVersion}}. Attualmente è installata la versione {{currentVersion}}", "modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} versione {{requiredVersion}}. Attualmente è installata la versione {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: manca la cartella 'user/mod', creazione in corso...", "modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: manca la cartella 'user/mod', creazione in corso...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: La Mod %s non è stata trovata in order.json",
"modloader-visited": "visitato", "modloader-visited": "visitato",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Impossibile aggiungere zone al luogo: %s non esiste", "openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Impossibile aggiungere zone al luogo: %s non esiste",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Il profilo non ha abbastanza soldi per completare la transizione: servono {{amountToPay}}, ha {{amountAvailable}}", "payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Il profilo non ha abbastanza soldi per completare la transizione: servono {{amountToPay}}, ha {{amountAvailable}}",
@ -153,7 +152,6 @@
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere il loot natalizio per la posizione: {{lootContainer}} non è stato trovato per il bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere il loot natalizio per la posizione: {{lootContainer}} non è stato trovato per il bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server è in esecuzione", "server_running": "Server è in esecuzione",
"server_start_meme_1": "Vivi Divertiti Ama", "server_start_meme_1": "Vivi Divertiti Ama",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Se puoi sentirmi, svegliati!!!", "server_start_meme_3": "Se puoi sentirmi, svegliati!!!",
"server_start_meme_4": "Non dimenticare di mettere mi piace e sottoscrivere al mio canale", "server_start_meme_4": "Non dimenticare di mettere mi piace e sottoscrivere al mio canale",
"server_start_meme_5": "Hai visto la nostra pagina dei meme?", "server_start_meme_5": "Hai visto la nostra pagina dei meme?",
@ -164,8 +162,6 @@
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Avvio del crypto miner.exe", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Avvio del crypto miner.exe",
"server_start_meme_11": "Fallito l'esecuzione di miner.exe, per favore riavvia il server", "server_start_meme_11": "Fallito l'esecuzione di miner.exe, per favore riavvia il server",
"server_start_meme_12": "Salve, la contatto a nome di Enel Energia, potrei parlare con il Signor...?", "server_start_meme_12": "Salve, la contatto a nome di Enel Energia, potrei parlare con il Signor...?",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hey? C'è qualcuno lì fuori? Chomp mi tiene prigioniero! ", "server_start_meme_15": "Hey? C'è qualcuno lì fuori? Chomp mi tiene prigioniero! ",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, sembra che siamo stati inglobati in una sorta di computer", "server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, sembra che siamo stati inglobati in una sorta di computer",
"server_start_meme_17": "Mi sto rapidamente avvicinando alla tua posizione. Comincia a correre.", "server_start_meme_17": "Mi sto rapidamente avvicinando alla tua posizione. Comincia a correre.",
@ -173,7 +169,6 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Congratulazioni! Vatti a prendere una key gratis di Tarkov qui: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2", "server_start_meme_19": "Congratulazioni! Vatti a prendere una key gratis di Tarkov qui: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Lo sapevi che 9 utenti su 10 non sanno leggere questo messaggio?", "server_start_meme_20": "Lo sapevi che 9 utenti su 10 non sanno leggere questo messaggio?",
"server_start_meme_21": "Ti sei mai chiesto se gli altri vedano il colore rosso come lo vedi tu?", "server_start_meme_21": "Ti sei mai chiesto se gli altri vedano il colore rosso come lo vedi tu?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT ti mantiene vergine sin dal 2018", "server_start_meme_23": "SPT ti mantiene vergine sin dal 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "Il server discord Senko Safe Haven è reale! Non dirlo a nessuno!", "server_start_meme_24": "Il server discord Senko Safe Haven è reale! Non dirlo a nessuno!",
"server_start_success": "Buon divertimento", "server_start_success": "Buon divertimento",
@ -184,10 +179,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[NON CONSEGNATO][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[NON CONSEGNATO][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Richiesta Sconociuta!", "unknown_request": "Richiesta Sconociuta!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "L'uso commerciale è proibito", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "L'uso commerciale è proibito",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NON SEGNALARLO", "watermark-do_not_report": "NON SEGNALARLO",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Questo lavoro è gratuito", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Questo lavoro è gratuito",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Se hai pagato sei stato scammato",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "QUESTA BUILD HA LE MOD SERVER DISATTIVATE", "watermark-modding_disabled": "QUESTA BUILD HA LE MOD SERVER DISATTIVATE",
"watermark-no_support": "NESSUN SUPPORTO SARA' FORNITO", "watermark-no_support": "NESSUN SUPPORTO SARA' FORNITO",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "QUESTO NON E' UN ERRORE", "watermark-not_an_issue": "QUESTO NON E' UN ERRORE",
@ -202,15 +196,11 @@
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Ricevuto messaggio dall'utente %s ", "websocket-received_message": "[WS] Ricevuto messaggio dall'utente %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket perso, cancellazione del gestore(handle)", "websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket perso, cancellazione del gestore(handle)",
"websocket-started": "Websocket partito all'indirizzo %s", "websocket-started": "Websocket partito all'indirizzo %s",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Se hai pagato sei stato scammato",
"validation_error_file": "Validazione fallita per il seguente file: %s",
"importing_database_finish": "Importazione database completato",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT, dimensioni standard del nascondiglio (10x28), 500,000 rubli", "launcher-profile_standard": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT, dimensioni standard del nascondiglio (10x28), 500,000 rubli",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x38), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, 500 dollari", "launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x38), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, 500 dollari",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Uguale al profilo Left Behind di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x48), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 250 euro", "launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Uguale al profilo Left Behind di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x48), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 250 euro",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Uguale al profilo Prepare to Escape di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio massime (10x68), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 1000 dollari, 500 euro", "launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Uguale al profilo Prepare to Escape di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio massime (10x68), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 1000 dollari, 500 euro",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Gran numero di Rubli/Dollari/Euro, alcune abilità utili sono già livello 20, reputazione con i mercanti al massimo, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, nessuna missione completata", "launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Gran numero di Rubli/Dollari/Euro, alcune abilità utili sono già livello 20, reputazione con i mercanti al massimo, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, nessuna missione completata",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Inizi con quasi nulla, niente Rubli/Dollari/Euro, reputazione mercanti a zero, un coltello, nessuna missione completata", "launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Inizi con quasi nulla, niente Rubli/Dollari/Euro, reputazione mercanti a zero, un coltello, nessuna missione completata",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Profile per testare, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, molti Rubli/Dollari/Euro, USEC cominciano con tutte le quest pronte a cominciare, BEAR comincia con tutte le quest pronte ad essere consegnate, balaclava dell'invicibilità incluso", "launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Profile per testare, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, molti Rubli/Dollari/Euro, USEC cominciano con tutte le quest pronte a cominciare, BEAR comincia con tutte le quest pronte ad essere consegnate, balaclava dell'invicibilità incluso"
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: La Mod %s non è stata trovata in order.json"
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ {
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "互換性のない弾薬 {{chosenAmmo}} が {{weaponId}} で見つかりました。- {{defaultAmmo}}にフォールバックしています。", "bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "互換性のない弾薬 {{chosenAmmo}} が {{weaponId}} で見つかりました。- {{defaultAmmo}}にフォールバックしています。",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} アイテム {{itemName}} を {{attempts}} 回試行してもスポーンできない、スポーン制限を無視する。", "bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} アイテム {{itemName}} を {{attempts}} 回試行してもスポーンできない、スポーン制限を無視する。",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "モッドプールにシランダマガジン %s 用のカートリッジが含まれていないため、武器にカートリッジを追加できません。 スキップします。", "bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "モッドプールにシランダマガジン %s 用のカートリッジが含まれていないため、武器にカートリッジを追加できません。 スキップします。",
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "tpl の武器: %s にはマガジンまたはチャンバーがありません。", "bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "tpl の武器: %s にはマガジンまたはチャンバーがありません。",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "武器のスロット: {{modSlot}}' は存在しません: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}", "bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "武器のスロット: {{modSlot}}' は存在しません: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "{{modName}} {{slotId}} の必要なスロット「{{modSlot}}」が空でした。", "bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "{{modName}} {{slotId}} の必要なスロット「{{modSlot}}」が空でした。",
"client_request": "[Client Request] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "サーバー: 起動コールバックを実行しています...", "executing_startup_callbacks": "サーバー: 起動コールバックを実行しています...",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "アイテム データベースに存在しないアイテム %s が見つかりました。 エラーが発生する可能性があります。これは、アイテム MOD を使用していて、インベントリから MOD 化されたアイテムを削除せずに削除したことが原因である可能性があります。 このプロファイルを使用しないでください。", "fixer-mod_item_found": "アイテム データベースに存在しないアイテム %s が見つかりました。 エラーが発生する可能性があります。これは、アイテム MOD を使用していて、インベントリから MOD 化されたアイテムを削除せずに削除したことが原因である可能性があります。 このプロファイルを使用しないでください。",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "「ポケット」アイテムを新しい 18876 バージョンに更新し、x3 の特別なスロットを追加しました。", "fixer-updated_pockets": "「ポケット」アイテムを新しい 18876 バージョンに更新し、x3 の特別なスロットを追加しました。",
@ -102,22 +100,14 @@
"route_onupdate_no_response": "情報更新: ルート %s の成功か失敗かの返事がありません。", "route_onupdate_no_response": "情報更新: ルート %s の成功か失敗かの返事がありません。",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "定期イベント: '%s' の執行は失敗しました。", "scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "定期イベント: '%s' の執行は失敗しました。",
"server_running": "サーバーが実行中。", "server_running": "サーバーが実行中。",
"server_start_meme_1": "Live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "If you can hear me, you need to wake up",
"server_start_meme_4": "Dont forget to like and subscribe",
"server_start_meme_5": "Have you seen our meme page?",
"server_start_meme_6": "You better not be using a fitgirl repack, I swear to god", "server_start_meme_6": "You better not be using a fitgirl repack, I swear to god",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_success": "楽しんできてください!", "server_start_success": "楽しんできてください!",
"started_webserver_success": "%s にでウェブサーバーを起動しました。", "started_webserver_success": "%s にでウェブサーバーを起動しました。",
"unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s] [%s] を処理できません。)", "unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s] [%s] を処理できません。)",
"unknown_request": "不明なリクエストを検知。", "unknown_request": "不明なリクエストを検知。",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "本プログラムの商業転用をお遠慮ください。", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "本プログラムの商業転用をお遠慮ください。",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "通報しないでください。", "watermark-do_not_report": "通報しないでください。",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "本プログラムは無料です。", "watermark-free_of_charge": "本プログラムは無料です。",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "本バージョンはサーバーモッドを無効に設定しています。", "watermark-modding_disabled": "本バージョンはサーバーモッドを無効に設定しています。",
"watermark-no_support": "問い合わせに対応しかねます。", "watermark-no_support": "問い合わせに対応しかねます。",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "これは不具合ではありません。", "watermark-not_an_issue": "これは不具合ではありません。",

View File

@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
"importing_database_finish": "데이터베이스 추출 완료", "importing_database_finish": "데이터베이스 추출 완료",
"validation_not_found": "파일 checks.dat을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.", "validation_not_found": "파일 checks.dat을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.",
"validation_error_decode": "checks.dat를 디코딩할 수 없습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.", "validation_error_decode": "checks.dat를 디코딩할 수 없습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.",
"validation_error_file": "File validation failed for file: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "파일 유효성 검사를 시도하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다: %s", "validation_error_exception": "파일 유효성 검사를 시도하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "설정 파일 추출 중...", "importing_spt_configs": "설정 파일 추출 중...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "{{victimRole}}에 대한 킬을 찾을 수 없음을 나타냅니다.: {{victimSide}}", "inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "{{victimRole}}에 대한 킬을 찾을 수 없음을 나타냅니다.: {{victimSide}}",
@ -171,14 +170,11 @@
"server_start_meme_4": "구독과 좋아요 하시는 걸 잊지마세요", "server_start_meme_4": "구독과 좋아요 하시는 걸 잊지마세요",
"server_start_meme_5": "저희의 밈(meme) 페이지를 보신 적 있으신가요?", "server_start_meme_5": "저희의 밈(meme) 페이지를 보신 적 있으신가요?",
"server_start_meme_6": "fitgirl 같은 불법 배포물을 사용하지 않는게 좋을겁니다, 진심으로요", "server_start_meme_6": "fitgirl 같은 불법 배포물을 사용하지 않는게 좋을겁니다, 진심으로요",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "모빈할 시간이다 (its morbin time)", "server_start_meme_8": "모빈할 시간이다 (its morbin time)",
"server_start_meme_9": "스-스캐브 삼촌? 지-지금 뭐하시는 거에요?", "server_start_meme_9": "스-스캐브 삼촌? 지-지금 뭐하시는 거에요?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] 가상 화폐 채굴기 실행", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] 가상 화폐 채굴기 실행",
"server_start_meme_11": "가상화폐채굴기.exe 실행 실패, 서버를 재시작 해주세요", "server_start_meme_11": "가상화폐채굴기.exe 실행 실패, 서버를 재시작 해주세요",
"server_start_meme_12": "저희는 당신의 차량 보증 연장에 관해 연락하려고 합니다", "server_start_meme_12": "저희는 당신의 차량 보증 연장에 관해 연락하려고 합니다",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "저기요? 누구 없어요? Chomp가 저를 납치해서 노예로 부리고 있어요!", "server_start_meme_15": "저기요? 누구 없어요? Chomp가 저를 납치해서 노예로 부리고 있어요!",
"server_start_meme_16": "으-*꺼억*-모티, 아무래도 우린 어떤 컴퓨터 장치에 갇힌 것 같다", "server_start_meme_16": "으-*꺼억*-모티, 아무래도 우린 어떤 컴퓨터 장치에 갇힌 것 같다",
"server_start_meme_17": "저는 당신의 위치에 점점 가까워 지고 있습니다. 도망갈 준비하십시오", "server_start_meme_17": "저는 당신의 위치에 점점 가까워 지고 있습니다. 도망갈 준비하십시오",
@ -198,11 +194,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[처리되지 않은 응답][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[처리되지 않은 응답][%s]",
"unknown_request": "알 수 없는 요청!", "unknown_request": "알 수 없는 요청!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "상업적 용도는 제한됩니다", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "상업적 용도는 제한됩니다",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "!리포트 하지마세요!", "watermark-do_not_report": "!리포트 하지마세요!",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "이 소프트웨어는 무료입니다", "watermark-free_of_charge": "이 소프트웨어는 무료입니다",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "만약 돈내고 받았다면 사기당한겁니다.", "watermark-paid_scammed": "만약 돈내고 받았다면 사기당한겁니다.",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "이 버전은 모드가 비활성화된 버전입니다", "watermark-modding_disabled": "이 버전은 모드가 비활성화된 버전입니다",
"watermark-no_support": "문의 및 지원은 없습니다", "watermark-no_support": "문의 및 지원은 없습니다",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "이 메시지는 오류 또는 문제가 아닙니다", "watermark-not_an_issue": "이 메시지는 오류 또는 문제가 아닙니다",
@ -225,7 +219,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "잘싸웠다", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "잘싸웠다",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "공평하게 싸웠네 잘했음", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "공평하게 싸웠네 잘했음",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "존나잘쏘네 ㅋㅋㅋ", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "존나잘쏘네 ㅋㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "피킹하지 말았어야했는데", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "피킹하지 말았어야했는데",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "너한테 당해버렸네", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "너한테 당해버렸네",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "존나 잘하네ㄷㄷ 담엔 꼭 잡는다 ㅋㅋ", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "존나 잘하네ㄷㄷ 담엔 꼭 잡는다 ㅋㅋ",
@ -290,7 +283,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "ㅈㄴ 구린 킬", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "ㅈㄴ 구린 킬",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "병신같은 무빙이네", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "병신같은 무빙이네",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "해킹 얼마주고했냐? ㅋㅋ", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "해킹 얼마주고했냐? ㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "어이 개털리네 ㅋㅋㅋ", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "어이 개털리네 ㅋㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "파오후새끼 잘하네 ㅋㅋ", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "파오후새끼 잘하네 ㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "나 잠수중이였음 ㅡㅡ", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "나 잠수중이였음 ㅡㅡ",
@ -404,7 +396,6 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "님아", "pmcresponse-suffix_7": "님아",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "님", "pmcresponse-suffix_8": "님",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "브로", "pmcresponse-suffix_9": "브로",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "이친구야", "pmcresponse-suffix_11": "이친구야",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "쩌는놈", "pmcresponse-suffix_12": "쩌는놈",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "형씨", "pmcresponse-suffix_13": "형씨",
@ -417,7 +408,6 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": "ㅇㅅㅇ", "pmcresponse-suffix_20": "ㅇㅅㅇ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "ㅇㅈㅇ", "pmcresponse-suffix_21": "ㅇㅈㅇ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": "ㅅ오ㅅ", "pmcresponse-suffix_22": "ㅅ오ㅅ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "우리 탈붕쿤", "pmcresponse-suffix_24": "우리 탈붕쿤",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "친구", "pmcresponse-suffix_25": "친구",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "잼민아", "pmcresponse-suffix_26": "잼민아",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Kon geen corresponderende {{traderName}} missie assortiment ontgrendelen voor missie: {{questName}}. Deze missie voltooien zal geen trader item ontgrendelen om te kopen", "assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Kon geen corresponderende {{traderName}} missie assortiment ontgrendelen voor missie: {{questName}}. Deze missie voltooien zal geen trader item ontgrendelen om te kopen",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s is niet gevonden in de item basis cache", "baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s is niet gevonden in de item basis cache",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Database was leeg, kon geen item basis cache genereren", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Database was leeg, kon geen item basis cache genereren",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WAARSCHUWING - Bot cache heeft geen voorgegenereerde bot van type %s, moet gegenereerd worden, configureer de server om meer te maken", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WAARSCHUWING - Bot cache heeft geen voorgegenereerde bot van type %s, moet gegenereerd worden, configureer de server om meer te maken",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Kon item niet valideren: {{id}} {{name}} in slot {{slot}} kan worden uitgerust, het mist een _props waarde", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Kon item niet valideren: {{id}} {{name}} in slot {{slot}} kan worden uitgerust, het mist een _props waarde",
"bot-generation_failed": "bot generatie gefaald zie server log voor meer details", "bot-generation_failed": "bot generatie gefaald zie server log voor meer details",
@ -49,12 +48,10 @@
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Niet in staat de bot limieten aan te passen voor map: %s omdat het niet gevonden kon worden", "bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Niet in staat de bot limieten aan te passen voor map: %s omdat het niet gevonden kon worden",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Niet in staat om loo N waarde te vinden voor bot: %s, scav n wordt gebruikt", "bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Niet in staat om loo N waarde te vinden voor bot: %s, scav n wordt gebruikt",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Niet in staat om bot te vinden in cache met naam: %s", "bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Niet in staat om bot te vinden in cache met naam: %s",
"client_request": "[Client Request] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Kleding item {{itemId}} {{itemName}} is al gekocht", "customisation-item_already_purchased": "Kleding item {{itemId}} {{itemName}} is al gekocht",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "Niet in staat om trader kleding aanbod te vinden met id: %s", "customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "Niet in staat om trader kleding aanbod te vinden met id: %s",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Kleding item niet gevonden in inventaris met id: %s", "customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Kleding item niet gevonden in inventaris met id: %s",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Kon item met tpl {{tpl}} niet vinden in db, kon bericht van type {{type}} niet verzenden, wordt overgeslagen", "dialog-missing_item_template": "Kon item met tpl {{tpl}} niet vinden in db, kon bericht van type {{type}} niet verzenden, wordt overgeslagen",
"event-unhandled_event": "[UNHANDLED EVENT] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: opstart callbacks worden uitgevoerd...", "executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: opstart callbacks worden uitgevoerd...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Kon fence assortiment niet vinden voor id: %s", "fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Kon fence assortiment niet vinden voor id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Item %s gevonden die niet bestaat in items db. Je ervaart zeer waarschijnlijk fouten, dit kan komen door een items mod te gebruiken en de mod te verwijderen zonder de gemodde items uit jouw inventaris te verwijderen. Gebruik dit profiel niet", "fixer-mod_item_found": "Item %s gevonden die niet bestaat in items db. Je ervaart zeer waarschijnlijk fouten, dit kan komen door een items mod te gebruiken en de mod te verwijderen zonder de gemodde items uit jouw inventaris te verwijderen. Gebruik dit profiel niet",
@ -112,7 +109,6 @@
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s mist een base json, map wave reparaties worden overgeslagen", "location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s mist een base json, map wave reparaties worden overgeslagen",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s heeft geen parentId waarde, item kan niet gebruikt worden als loot", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s heeft geen parentId waarde, item kan niet gebruikt worden als loot",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Ongeldig wapen: %s, was gekozen als beloning voor verzegelde wapen krat, niet in staat loot te creëren", "loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Ongeldig wapen: %s, was gekozen als beloning voor verzegelde wapen krat, niet in staat loot te creëren",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "gechecked", "modloader-checked": "gechecked",
"modloader-checking_mod": "%s wordt gechecked", "modloader-checking_mod": "%s wordt gechecked",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Cyclische dependency gedetecteerd", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Cyclische dependency gedetecteerd",
@ -192,20 +188,14 @@
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst uitrusting te verwijderen uit slot: {{equipmentSlot}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst uitrusting te verwijderen uit slot: {{equipmentSlot}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst loot te verwijderen uit slot: {{lootContainer}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst loot te verwijderen uit slot: {{lootContainer}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server is gestart", "server_running": "Server is gestart",
"server_start_meme_1": "Live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Als je mij kan horen, moet je wakker worden", "server_start_meme_3": "Als je mij kan horen, moet je wakker worden",
"server_start_meme_4": "Vergeet niet te liken en subscriben", "server_start_meme_4": "Vergeet niet te liken en subscriben",
"server_start_meme_5": "Heb je onze meme pagina gezien?", "server_start_meme_5": "Heb je onze meme pagina gezien?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Ik hoop dat je geen fitgirl repack gebruikt, ik zweer bij god", "server_start_meme_6": "Ik hoop dat je geen fitgirl repack gebruikt, ik zweer bij god",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-stief scav? W-wat ben je aan het doen?", "server_start_meme_9": "S-stief scav? W-wat ben je aan het doen?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Crypto miner wordt gestart", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Crypto miner wordt gestart",
"server_start_meme_11": "miner.exe is niet gestart, herstart a.u.b. de server", "server_start_meme_11": "miner.exe is niet gestart, herstart a.u.b. de server",
"server_start_meme_12": "We proberen u te bereiken over uw uitgestelde auto garantie", "server_start_meme_12": "We proberen u te bereiken over uw uitgestelde auto garantie",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hallo? Is er daar iemand? Chomp heeft me in een slaaf veranderd", "server_start_meme_15": "Hallo? Is er daar iemand? Chomp heeft me in een slaaf veranderd",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*boer*-morty, wij lijken vast te zitten in een of ander computeer systeem", "server_start_meme_16": "M-*boer*-morty, wij lijken vast te zitten in een of ander computeer systeem",
"server_start_meme_17": "Ik kom razend snel dicht bij jouw locatie. Ga maar vast rennen", "server_start_meme_17": "Ik kom razend snel dicht bij jouw locatie. Ga maar vast rennen",
@ -213,7 +203,6 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Gefeliciteerd! Pak hier jouw gratis Tarkov key: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2", "server_start_meme_19": "Gefeliciteerd! Pak hier jouw gratis Tarkov key: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Wist je dat 9 van de 10 gebruikers dit niet kunnen lezen?", "server_start_meme_20": "Wist je dat 9 van de 10 gebruikers dit niet kunnen lezen?",
"server_start_meme_21": "Vraag je je ooit af of iedereen rood als dezelfde kleur ziet?", "server_start_meme_21": "Vraag je je ooit af of iedereen rood als dezelfde kleur ziet?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT waarborcht jouw maagdelijkheid sinds 2018", "server_start_meme_23": "SPT waarborcht jouw maagdelijkheid sinds 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "De geheime safe haven server bestaat! Maar zeg het tegen niemand!", "server_start_meme_24": "De geheime safe haven server bestaat! Maar zeg het tegen niemand!",
"server_start_success": "Veel plezier", "server_start_success": "Veel plezier",
@ -223,14 +212,11 @@
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden, er wordt een tijdelijke inschrijving gemaakt met een standaard ververs tijd van: {{updateTime}}", "trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden, er wordt een tijdelijke inschrijving gemaakt met een standaard ververs tijd van: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler was 0, dit is invalide, wordt op 0.01 gezet", "trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler was 0, dit is invalide, wordt op 0.01 gezet",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "Niet in staat om trader aankopen te processen in profiel: {{profileId}} omdat trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden kon worden, wordt overgeslagen", "trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "Niet in staat om trader aankopen te processen in profiel: {{profileId}} omdat trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden kon worden, wordt overgeslagen",
"unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Onbekende request!", "unknown_request": "Onbekende request!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Commercieel gebruik is niet toegestaan", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Commercieel gebruik is niet toegestaan",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "RAPPORTEER HET NIET", "watermark-do_not_report": "RAPPORTEER HET NIET",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Dit werk is gratis", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Dit werk is gratis",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Als je geld hebt betaald ben je afgezet", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Als je geld hebt betaald ben je afgezet",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "ER WORDT GEEN SUPPORT GEGEVEN", "watermark-no_support": "ER WORDT GEEN SUPPORT GEGEVEN",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "DIT IS GEEN PROBLEEM", "watermark-not_an_issue": "DIT IS GEEN PROBLEEM",
@ -253,7 +239,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Goed gevecht", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Goed gevecht",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Dat was eerlijk, mooie kill", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Dat was eerlijk, mooie kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Jij kan goed schieten, dat is zeker", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Jij kan goed schieten, dat is zeker",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Ik wist dat ik niet moest kijken", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Ik wist dat ik niet moest kijken",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Je had het voordeel daar", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Je had het voordeel daar",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Goede kill, Ik krijg je de volgende keer wel", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Goede kill, Ik krijg je de volgende keer wel",
@ -315,8 +300,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Mooie aimbot", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Mooie aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Cheap schot", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Cheap schot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Wow mooie esp", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Wow mooie esp",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Cheap kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Nice cheese strats",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Hoeveel koste je hacks", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Hoeveel koste je hacks",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": "] =(", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": "] =(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Ik mald echt hard nu", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Ik mald echt hard nu",
@ -426,7 +409,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "het is niet anders", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "het is niet anders",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Het is echt over", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Het is echt over",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "maat", "pmcresponse-suffix_1": "maat",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "makkertje", "pmcresponse-suffix_3": "makkertje",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "maatje", "pmcresponse-suffix_4": "maatje",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "vriend", "pmcresponse-suffix_5": "vriend",
@ -434,21 +416,13 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "gast", "pmcresponse-suffix_7": "gast",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mijn g", "pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mijn g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "broer", "pmcresponse-suffix_9": "broer",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "makker", "pmcresponse-suffix_11": "makker",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "zucht", "pmcresponse-suffix_12": "zucht",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "man",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "koning", "pmcresponse-suffix_14": "koning",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "kampioen", "pmcresponse-suffix_15": "kampioen",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bud",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "gozer", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "gozer",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "m8",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": "] =)", "pmcresponse-suffix_20": "] =)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": "] =))))))", "pmcresponse-suffix_22": "] =))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "my dude",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "vriend", "pmcresponse-suffix_25": "vriend",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "kind", "pmcresponse-suffix_26": "kind",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Goed gevecht", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Goed gevecht",
@ -472,7 +446,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Bedankt voor de nieuwe uitrusting", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Bedankt voor de nieuwe uitrusting",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Geen wonder dat je dood ging, je wapen is vreselijk", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Geen wonder dat je dood ging, je wapen is vreselijk",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Hoezo draag je dat kogelvrije vest lmao", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Hoezo draag je dat kogelvrije vest lmao",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "lmaoooo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "Geen zorgen, je uitrusting staat zometeen op de flea", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "Geen zorgen, je uitrusting staat zometeen op de flea",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "Geen wonder dat je SPT speelt als je zo richt", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "Geen wonder dat je SPT speelt als je zo richt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Het is niet anders", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Het is niet anders",
@ -488,7 +461,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Ik heb een youtube serie over hoe je beter wordt in tarkov als je interesse hebt", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Ik heb een youtube serie over hoe je beter wordt in tarkov als je interesse hebt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Nog een dogtag voor mijn collectie", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Nog een dogtag voor mijn collectie",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Je bent zo slecht dat je beter spt kan spelen", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Je bent zo slecht dat je beter spt kan spelen",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Rekt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "En ik dacht dat ik slecht was", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "En ik dacht dat ik slecht was",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Zijn alle {{playerSide}} zo slecht?", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Zijn alle {{playerSide}} zo slecht?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Bedankt voor de loot", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Bedankt voor de loot",
@ -538,16 +510,11 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "IJverige", "pmc-name_prefix_28": "IJverige",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Gewetensvolle", "pmc-name_prefix_29": "Gewetensvolle",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Vrouwbaas", "pmc-name_prefix_30": "Vrouwbaas",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Boss-Babe",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Koning", "pmc-name_prefix_32": "Koning",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef", "pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "Lastige", "pmc-name_prefix_34": "Lastige",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Serieuze", "pmc-name_prefix_35": "Serieuze",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Sussy",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Verdachte", "pmc-name_prefix_37": "Verdachte",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Cringe",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Dank",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Goat",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Pittige", "pmc-name_prefix_41": "Pittige",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Neppe", "pmc-name_prefix_42": "Neppe",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Zelfde als live, basis stash grootte (10x28), 500,000 roubles", "launcher-profile_standard": "Zelfde als live, basis stash grootte (10x28), 500,000 roubles",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Nie można znaleźć odpowiedniego dla handlarza {{traderName}} odblokowania asortymentu zadań dla zadania: {{questName}}. Ukończenie tego zadania nie nagrodzi możliwością kupna przedmiotu handlarza", "assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Nie można znaleźć odpowiedniego dla handlarza {{traderName}} odblokowania asortymentu zadań dla zadania: {{questName}}. Ukończenie tego zadania nie nagrodzi możliwością kupna przedmiotu handlarza",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Nie znaleziono przedmiotu %s w pamięci podręcznej bazy przedmiotów", "baseclass-item_not_found": "Nie znaleziono przedmiotu %s w pamięci podręcznej bazy przedmiotów",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Baza danych była pusta, nie można wygenerować pamięci podręcznej bazy przedmiotów", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Baza danych była pusta, nie można wygenerować pamięci podręcznej bazy przedmiotów",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "OSTRZEŻENIE - Pamięć podręczna botów nie zawiera wygenerowanego bota typu %s, musi zostać wygenerowana, skonfiguruj serwer, aby stworzyć wiecej", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "OSTRZEŻENIE - Pamięć podręczna botów nie zawiera wygenerowanego bota typu %s, musi zostać wygenerowana, skonfiguruj serwer, aby stworzyć wiecej",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Nie można zweryfikować przedmiotu: {{id}} {{name}} w slocie {{slot}} może zostać założony, brakuje mu wartości _props", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Nie można zweryfikować przedmiotu: {{id}} {{name}} w slocie {{slot}} może zostać założony, brakuje mu wartości _props",
"bot-generation_failed": "Generowanie bota nie powiodło się. Dalsze szczegóły znajdziesz w logu serwera", "bot-generation_failed": "Generowanie bota nie powiodło się. Dalsze szczegóły znajdziesz w logu serwera",
@ -112,7 +111,6 @@
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s nie zawiera podstawowego pliku JSON, pomijanie naprawy fali mapy", "location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s nie zawiera podstawowego pliku JSON, pomijanie naprawy fali mapy",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Przedmiot: %s nie zawiera wartości parentId, nie można go użyć jako łup", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "Przedmiot: %s nie zawiera wartości parentId, nie można go użyć jako łup",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Nieprawidłowa broń: %s, została wybrana jako nagroda za zamkniętą skrzynię z bronią, nie można utworzyć łupu", "loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Nieprawidłowa broń: %s, została wybrana jako nagroda za zamkniętą skrzynię z bronią, nie można utworzyć łupu",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "sprawdzony", "modloader-checked": "sprawdzony",
"modloader-checking_mod": "sprawdzanie: %s", "modloader-checking_mod": "sprawdzanie: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Wykryto cykliczną zależność", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Wykryto cykliczną zależność",
@ -193,19 +191,14 @@
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Nie można usunąć świątecznego łupu z gniazda: {{lootContainer}}, ponieważ nie można go znaleźć na bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Nie można usunąć świątecznego łupu z gniazda: {{lootContainer}}, ponieważ nie można go znaleźć na bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Serwer jest uruchomiony", "server_running": "Serwer jest uruchomiony",
"server_start_meme_1": "Żyj, śmiej się, kochaj", "server_start_meme_1": "Żyj, śmiej się, kochaj",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Jeśli mnie słyszysz, musisz się obudzić", "server_start_meme_3": "Jeśli mnie słyszysz, musisz się obudzić",
"server_start_meme_4": "Nie zapomnij polubić i subskrybować", "server_start_meme_4": "Nie zapomnij polubić i subskrybować",
"server_start_meme_5": "Czy widziałeś naszą stronę z memami?", "server_start_meme_5": "Czy widziałeś naszą stronę z memami?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Lepiej nie używasz fitgirl repack, przysięgam na Boga", "server_start_meme_6": "Lepiej nie używasz fitgirl repack, przysięgam na Boga",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? C-co robisz?", "server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? C-co robisz?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Włączanie koparki kryptowalut", "server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Włączanie koparki kryptowalut",
"server_start_meme_11": "Nie udało się uruchomić miner.exe, proszę zrestartować serwer", "server_start_meme_11": "Nie udało się uruchomić miner.exe, proszę zrestartować serwer",
"server_start_meme_12": "Próbujemy się skontaktować w sprawie przedłużonej gwarancji twojego samochodu", "server_start_meme_12": "Próbujemy się skontaktować w sprawie przedłużonej gwarancji twojego samochodu",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Cześć? Czy jest tam ktoś? Chomp mnie tu zniewolił", "server_start_meme_15": "Cześć? Czy jest tam ktoś? Chomp mnie tu zniewolił",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, wydaje się, że utknęliśmy w jakimś rodzaju systemie komputerowym", "server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, wydaje się, że utknęliśmy w jakimś rodzaju systemie komputerowym",
"server_start_meme_17": "Szybko się zbliżam do twojej pozycji. Zacznij biegać", "server_start_meme_17": "Szybko się zbliżam do twojej pozycji. Zacznij biegać",
@ -213,7 +206,6 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Gratulacje! Odbierz swój darmowy klucz do Tarkova tutaj: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2", "server_start_meme_19": "Gratulacje! Odbierz swój darmowy klucz do Tarkova tutaj: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Czy wiesz, że dziewięciu na dziesięciu użytkowników nie potrafi przeczytać tej wiadomości", "server_start_meme_20": "Czy wiesz, że dziewięciu na dziesięciu użytkowników nie potrafi przeczytać tej wiadomości",
"server_start_meme_21": "Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawiałeś się, czy wszyscy widzą czerwień tak samo, jak ty ją widzisz?", "server_start_meme_21": "Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawiałeś się, czy wszyscy widzą czerwień tak samo, jak ty ją widzisz?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT chroni twoją dziewictwo od 2018 roku", "server_start_meme_23": "SPT chroni twoją dziewictwo od 2018 roku",
"server_start_meme_24": "Tajny i bezpieczny serwer istnieje! Nikomu nie mów!", "server_start_meme_24": "Tajny i bezpieczny serwer istnieje! Nikomu nie mów!",
"server_start_success": "Miłej gry", "server_start_success": "Miłej gry",
@ -226,11 +218,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[NIEOBSŁUGIWANE][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[NIEOBSŁUGIWANE][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Nieznane żądanie!", "unknown_request": "Nieznane żądanie!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Użytek komercyjny jest zabroniony", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Użytek komercyjny jest zabroniony",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NIE ZGŁASZAJ TEGO", "watermark-do_not_report": "NIE ZGŁASZAJ TEGO",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Ta praca jest darmowa", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Ta praca jest darmowa",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Jeśli zapłaciłeś pieniądze, zostałeś oszukany", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Jeśli zapłaciłeś pieniądze, zostałeś oszukany",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "TA WERSJA MA WYŁĄCZONE MODYFIKACJE SERWERA", "watermark-modding_disabled": "TA WERSJA MA WYŁĄCZONE MODYFIKACJE SERWERA",
"watermark-no_support": "NIE UDZIELAMY WSPARCIA", "watermark-no_support": "NIE UDZIELAMY WSPARCIA",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "TO NIE JEST PROBLEM", "watermark-not_an_issue": "TO NIE JEST PROBLEM",
@ -253,7 +243,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Dobra walka", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Dobra walka",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Zasłużone, ładne zabójstwo", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Zasłużone, ładne zabójstwo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Jesteś dobrym strzelcem, to pewne", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Jesteś dobrym strzelcem, to pewne",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Wiedziałem, że nie powinienem się wychylać", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Wiedziałem, że nie powinienem się wychylać",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Zaskoczyłeś mnie", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Zaskoczyłeś mnie",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Dobre zabójstwo, następnym razem cię dorwę", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Dobre zabójstwo, następnym razem cię dorwę",
@ -318,7 +307,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Tani kill", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Tani kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Świetny cheese", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Świetny cheese",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Ile kosztowały twoje cheaty", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Ile kosztowały twoje cheaty",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Łysieje ze złości", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Łysieje ze złości",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Dobra robota spociuchu", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Dobra robota spociuchu",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Byłem AFK!!", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Byłem AFK!!",
@ -425,8 +413,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Tanie zabijanie", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Tanie zabijanie",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Tak to jest", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Tak to jest",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "To już koniec", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "To już koniec",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "braciszku", "pmcresponse-suffix_3": "braciszku",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "kolego", "pmcresponse-suffix_4": "kolego",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "kumplu", "pmcresponse-suffix_5": "kumplu",
@ -436,18 +422,11 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "bracie", "pmcresponse-suffix_9": "bracie",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "kolesiu", "pmcresponse-suffix_10": "kolesiu",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "mój ziomku", "pmcresponse-suffix_11": "mój ziomku",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "smh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "chłopie", "pmcresponse-suffix_13": "chłopie",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "królu", "pmcresponse-suffix_14": "królu",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "mistrzu", "pmcresponse-suffix_15": "mistrzu",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "koleszko", "pmcresponse-suffix_17": "koleszko",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "facet", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "facet",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "m8",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mój ziomeczek", "pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mój ziomeczek",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "przyjacielu", "pmcresponse-suffix_25": "przyjacielu",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "dzieciaku", "pmcresponse-suffix_26": "dzieciaku",
@ -488,7 +467,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Mam serię na YouTube, jak poprawić swoje umiejętności w Tarkovie, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Mam serię na YouTube, jak poprawić swoje umiejętności w Tarkovie, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Kolejny nieśmiertelnik do mojej kolekcji", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Kolejny nieśmiertelnik do mojej kolekcji",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Jesteś taki słaby, że powinieneś grać w SPT", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Jesteś taki słaby, że powinieneś grać w SPT",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Rekt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "A myślałem, że jestem zły", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "A myślałem, że jestem zły",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Czy wszyscy {{playerSide}} są tacy słabi?", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Czy wszyscy {{playerSide}} są tacy słabi?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Dzięki za łup", "pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Dzięki za łup",
@ -537,15 +515,11 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Niespokojny", "pmc-name_prefix_27": "Niespokojny",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Gorliwy", "pmc-name_prefix_28": "Gorliwy",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Sumienny", "pmc-name_prefix_29": "Sumienny",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Girlboss",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Boss-Babe",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Król", "pmc-name_prefix_32": "Król",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Szef", "pmc-name_prefix_33": "Szef",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "Podstępny", "pmc-name_prefix_34": "Podstępny",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Poważny", "pmc-name_prefix_35": "Poważny",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Sussy",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Podejrzany", "pmc-name_prefix_37": "Podejrzany",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Cringe",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Zjarany", "pmc-name_prefix_39": "Zjarany",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Koza", "pmc-name_prefix_40": "Koza",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Pikantny", "pmc-name_prefix_41": "Pikantny",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Не удалось найти соответствующий квест {{traderName}} для разблокировки квеста: {{questName}}. Выполнение этого задания не даст разблокировки предмета торговца", "assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Не удалось найти соответствующий квест {{traderName}} для разблокировки квеста: {{questName}}. Выполнение этого задания не даст разблокировки предмета торговца",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Предмет %s не найден в кэше базовых предметов", "baseclass-item_not_found": "Предмет %s не найден в кэше базовых предметов",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "База данных пуста, не удалось сгенерировать кэш базовых предметов", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "База данных пуста, не удалось сгенерировать кэш базовых предметов",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ - Кэш ботов не содержит заранее сгенерированного бота типа %s, его необходимо сгенерировать, настройте сервер, чтобы получить больше ботов.", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ - Кэш ботов не содержит заранее сгенерированного бота типа %s, его необходимо сгенерировать, настройте сервер, чтобы получить больше ботов.",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Невозможно проверить предмет: {{id}} {{name}} в слоте {{slot}} нельзя экипировать, у него отсутствует значение _props", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Невозможно проверить предмет: {{id}} {{name}} в слоте {{slot}} нельзя экипировать, у него отсутствует значение _props",
"bot-generation_failed": "Не удалось создать бота, см. лог сервера для более подробной информации", "bot-generation_failed": "Не удалось создать бота, см. лог сервера для более подробной информации",
@ -112,7 +111,6 @@
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s не имеет основной json, пропускаем исправления волны для карты", "location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s не имеет основной json, пропускаем исправления волны для карты",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "У предмета: %s отсутствует значение parentId, невозможно использовать предмет как лут", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "У предмета: %s отсутствует значение parentId, невозможно использовать предмет как лут",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Недействительное оружие: %s, было выбрано в качестве награды за запечатанный кейс с оружием, не можем создать лут", "loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Недействительное оружие: %s, было выбрано в качестве награды за запечатанный кейс с оружием, не можем создать лут",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "проверка окончена", "modloader-checked": "проверка окончена",
"modloader-checking_mod": "проверка: %s", "modloader-checking_mod": "проверка: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Обнаружена циклическая зависимость", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Обнаружена циклическая зависимость",
@ -211,7 +209,6 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Поздравляем! Заберите свой бесплатный ключ для Таркова здесь: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2", "server_start_meme_19": "Поздравляем! Заберите свой бесплатный ключ для Таркова здесь: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Знаете ли вы, что девять из десяти пользователей не могут прочитать это сообщение", "server_start_meme_20": "Знаете ли вы, что девять из десяти пользователей не могут прочитать это сообщение",
"server_start_meme_21": "Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, все ли видят красный цвет таким же, каким видите его вы?", "server_start_meme_21": "Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, все ли видят красный цвет таким же, каким видите его вы?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT сохраняет вашу девственность с 2018 года", "server_start_meme_23": "SPT сохраняет вашу девственность с 2018 года",
"server_start_meme_24": "Секретный сервер убежища действительно существует! Никому не говори!", "server_start_meme_24": "Секретный сервер убежища действительно существует! Никому не говори!",
"server_start_success": "Удачной игры", "server_start_success": "Удачной игры",
@ -224,11 +221,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЙ][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЙ][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Неизвестный запрос!", "unknown_request": "Неизвестный запрос!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "КОММЕРЧЕСКОЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ЗАПРЕЩЕНО", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "КОММЕРЧЕСКОЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ЗАПРЕЩЕНО",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "НЕ ОТПРАВЛЯЙТЕ БАГ-РЕПОРТ НАСЧЕТ ЭТОГО", "watermark-do_not_report": "НЕ ОТПРАВЛЯЙТЕ БАГ-РЕПОРТ НАСЧЕТ ЭТОГО",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Данный проект является бесплатным", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Данный проект является бесплатным",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Если вы заплатили деньги, вас обманули", "watermark-paid_scammed": "Если вы заплатили деньги, вас обманули",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "ПОДДЕРЖКА НЕ БУДЕТ ОКАЗЫВАТЬСЯ", "watermark-no_support": "ПОДДЕРЖКА НЕ БУДЕТ ОКАЗЫВАТЬСЯ",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "ЭТО НЕ ОШИБКА", "watermark-not_an_issue": "ЭТО НЕ ОШИБКА",
@ -412,14 +407,17 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "Не, это уже издевательство какое-то, я ливаю", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "Не, это уже издевательство какое-то, я ливаю",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Чувак, ну ты же видел что я новичок, за что?", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Чувак, ну ты же видел что я новичок, за что?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Черт, я зашел только полутаться", "pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Черт, я зашел только полутаться",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_21": "Кажется сегодня не мой день",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_22": "О черт, поехали снова",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Ну что, ты доволен собой?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Кажется самое время пойти спать",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Играть сонным было плохой идеей",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "бро", "pmcresponse-suffix_1": "бро",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "брух", "pmcresponse-suffix_2": "брух",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "малыш", "pmcresponse-suffix_3": "малыш",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "приятель", "pmcresponse-suffix_4": "приятель",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "pal",
"pmcresponse-suffix_6": "шеф", "pmcresponse-suffix_6": "шеф",
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "чел", "pmcresponse-suffix_7": "чел",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "my g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "брат", "pmcresponse-suffix_9": "брат",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "кореш", "pmcresponse-suffix_10": "кореш",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "мой друг", "pmcresponse-suffix_11": "мой друг",
@ -430,10 +428,6 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "амиго", "pmcresponse-suffix_16": "амиго",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "кент", "pmcresponse-suffix_17": "кент",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "парень", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "парень",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "m8",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Неплохая схваточка", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Неплохая схваточка",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "Хорошо отстрелялся", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "Хорошо отстрелялся",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "я спрятал твою снарягу", "pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "я спрятал твою снарягу",
@ -484,24 +478,6 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_8": "Отвечаю ты убивал меня ещё до этого", "pmcresponse-killer_plead_8": "Отвечаю ты убивал меня ещё до этого",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_9": "типичный {{playerSide}}", "pmcresponse-killer_plead_9": "типичный {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "мне нужно было убить {{playerSide}} по квесту, надеюсь ты понимаешь", "pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "мне нужно было убить {{playerSide}} по квесту, надеюсь ты понимаешь",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_21": "Кажется сегодня не мой день",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_22": "О черт, поехали снова",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Ну что, ты доволен собой?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Кажется самое время пойти спать",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Играть сонным было плохой идеей",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_26": "Кажется удача не на моей стороне",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_27": "Да у тебя просто железо лучше",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_28": "Активочки не спасли",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_29": "Эх, лучше пойду читерить",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_30": "Боги меня ненавидят",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_31": "Да как ты так быстро прокачался?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_32": "У тебя была просто снаряга лучше",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_33": "Эх, надо было лучше собираться в рейд",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_34": "Да что я делаю не так?!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_35": "Да, пойду-ка я обратно в колду",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_36": "Ну вот ты довел меня до депрессии, ты доволен?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_37": "Да я же топорист, чё меня убивать-то",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_38": "Я же с ножом вышел, чё ты как слабенький пуху достал",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "Не удалось найти пул ответов ЧВК, для ключа ничего не существует: %s", "pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "Не удалось найти пул ответов ЧВК, для ключа ничего не существует: %s",
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "Ангельский", "pmc-name_prefix_1": "Ангельский",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "Злой", "pmc-name_prefix_2": "Злой",
@ -511,7 +487,6 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "Честный", "pmc-name_prefix_6": "Честный",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "Чувствительный", "pmc-name_prefix_7": "Чувствительный",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "Неосторожный", "pmc-name_prefix_8": "Неосторожный",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ambitious",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "Амбициозный", "pmc-name_prefix_10": "Амбициозный",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "Очаровательный", "pmc-name_prefix_11": "Очаровательный",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "Утонченный", "pmc-name_prefix_12": "Утонченный",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Sortiment för Handlare: %s Innehåller inte en questassort. json, hoppar över borttagning av uppdragssortiment", "assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Sortiment för Handlare: %s Innehåller inte en questassort. json, hoppar över borttagning av uppdragssortiment",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Artikel %s hittades inte i objektbascachen", "baseclass-item_not_found": "Artikel %s hittades inte i objektbascachen",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Databasen var tom, det gick inte att generera en artikelbascache", "baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Databasen var tom, det gick inte att generera en artikelbascache",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "VARNING - Botcachen har inte en förgenererad bot av typen %s, måste genereras, konfigurera servern för att göra mer", "bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "VARNING - Botcachen har inte en förgenererad bot av typen %s, måste genereras, konfigurera servern för att göra mer",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Det går inte att validera objektet: {{id}} {{name}} i plats {{slot}} kan utrustas, det saknar ett _props-värde", "bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Det går inte att validera objektet: {{id}} {{name}} i plats {{slot}} kan utrustas, det saknar ett _props-värde",
"bot-generation_failed": "botgenerering misslyckades, se serverloggen för ytterligare information", "bot-generation_failed": "botgenerering misslyckades, se serverloggen för ytterligare information",
@ -46,7 +45,6 @@
"client_request": "[Klient Förfrågan] %s", "client_request": "[Klient Förfrågan] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Klädobjektet {{itemId}} {{itemName}} har redan köpts", "customisation-item_already_purchased": "Klädobjektet {{itemId}} {{itemName}} har redan köpts",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Kan inte hitta objektet tpl {{tpl}} i db, kan inte skicka meddelande av typen {{typ}}, hoppar över", "dialog-missing_item_template": "Kan inte hitta objektet tpl {{tpl}} i db, kan inte skicka meddelande av typen {{typ}}, hoppar över",
"event-unhandled_event": "[UNHANDLED EVENT] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: kör återuppringningar...", "executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: kör återuppringningar...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Det gick inte att hitta stängselsortiment för id: %s", "fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Det gick inte att hitta stängselsortiment för id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Objekt %s hittades som inte finns i objekt db. Du kommer sannolikt att uppleva fel, detta kan bero på att du använder en objektmod och tar bort den utan att ta bort de modderade objekten från ditt lager. Använd inte den här profilen", "fixer-mod_item_found": "Objekt %s hittades som inte finns i objekt db. Du kommer sannolikt att uppleva fel, detta kan bero på att du använder en objektmod och tar bort den utan att ta bort de modderade objekten från ditt lager. Använd inte den här profilen",
@ -66,7 +64,6 @@
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Ohanterat försök att ta bort objekt från gömställe: %s", "hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Ohanterat försök att ta bort objekt från gömställe: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Ett okänt fel uppstod", "http-unknown_error": "Ett okänt fel uppstod",
"importing_database": "Importerar databas...", "importing_database": "Importerar databas...",
"importing_spt_configs": "Importing configs...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Stående för död hittades inte för {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}", "inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Stående för död hittades inte för {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Ingen försäkringsmultiplikator hittades för handlaren: %s, kontrollera att den finns i InsuranceConfig.js, faller tillbaka till standardvärdet på: 0,3", "insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Ingen försäkringsmultiplikator hittades för handlaren: %s, kontrollera att den finns i InsuranceConfig.js, faller tillbaka till standardvärdet på: 0,3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Det går inte att redigera ett handlarobjekt", "inventory-edit_trader_item": "Det går inte att redigera ett handlarobjekt",
@ -111,7 +108,6 @@
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: mod inkompatibel. Den måste implementera minst en av IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod", "modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: mod inkompatibel. Den måste implementera minst en av IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Fel hittades med mods, INGA MODS KOMMER ATT LADAS", "modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Fel hittades med mods, INGA MODS KOMMER ATT LADAS",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s är inte kompatibel med den aktuella versionen av AKI. Du kan stöta på problem - ingen support kommer att tillhandahållas!", "modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s är inte kompatibel med den aktuella versionen av AKI. Du kan stöta på problem - ingen support kommer att tillhandahållas!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} kräver {{modDependency}} version {{requiredVersion}}. Aktuell installerad version är {{currentVersion}}", "modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} kräver {{modDependency}} version {{requiredVersion}}. Aktuell installerad version är {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: användare/mod-mapp saknas, skapar...", "modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: användare/mod-mapp saknas, skapar...",
"modloader-visited": "besökta", "modloader-visited": "besökta",
@ -152,31 +148,6 @@
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Det går inte att ta bort julutrustning från plats: {{equipmentSlot}} eftersom den inte kan hittas på bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Det går inte att ta bort julutrustning från plats: {{equipmentSlot}} eftersom den inte kan hittas på bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Det går inte att ta bort julbyten från plats: {{lootContainer}} eftersom den inte kan hittas på bot: {{botRole}}", "seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Det går inte att ta bort julbyten från plats: {{lootContainer}} eftersom den inte kan hittas på bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Servern körs", "server_running": "Servern körs",
"server_start_meme_1": "Live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "If you can hear me, you need to wake up",
"server_start_meme_4": "Dont forget to like and subscribe",
"server_start_meme_5": "Have you seen our meme page?",
"server_start_meme_6": "You better not be using a fitgirl repack, i swear to god",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? W-what are you doing?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Turning on crypto miner",
"server_start_meme_11": "Failed to launch miner.exe, please restart the server",
"server_start_meme_12": "We are trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hello? Is there anyone out there? Chomp has enslaved me in here",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, we seem to be stuck on some sort of compute system",
"server_start_meme_17": "I am rapidly enclosing upon your position. Start running",
"server_start_meme_18": "If you can see this message, congratulations, you can read",
"server_start_meme_19": "Congratulations! Pick up your free tarkov key here: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Did you know, nine out of ten users cannot read this message",
"server_start_meme_21": "Have you ever wondered, does everyone see red the same colour you see it as?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT keeping your virginity safe since 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "The secret safe haven server is real! Dont tell anyone!",
"server_start_success": "Happy playing",
"started_webserver_success": "Startade webbservern på %s", "started_webserver_success": "Startade webbservern på %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Det gick inte att hitta tröskelvärde för hållbarhet för handlaren: {{traderId}}, vilket faller tillbaka till standardvärdet för: {{value}}", "trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Det gick inte att hitta tröskelvärde för hållbarhet för handlaren: {{traderId}}, vilket faller tillbaka till standardvärdet för: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} hittades inte, genererar tillfällig ingång med standarduppdateringstid: {{updateTime}}", "trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} hittades inte, genererar tillfällig ingång med standarduppdateringstid: {{updateTime}}",
@ -184,10 +155,8 @@
"unhandled_response": "[OHANTERAD][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[OHANTERAD][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Okänd begäran!", "unknown_request": "Okänd begäran!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Kommersiell användning är förbjuden", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Kommersiell användning är förbjuden",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "RAPPORTERA DET INTE", "watermark-do_not_report": "RAPPORTERA DET INTE",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Detta arbete är kostnadsfritt", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Detta arbete är kostnadsfritt",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "INGET STÖD KOMMER ATT GIVES", "watermark-no_support": "INGET STÖD KOMMER ATT GIVES",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "DETTA ÄR INTE ETT PROBLEM", "watermark-not_an_issue": "DETTA ÄR INTE ETT PROBLEM",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ {
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "uyumsuz mermi {{chosenAmmo}} için bulundu {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, varsayılana geri döndürüldü: {{defaultAmmo}}", "bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "uyumsuz mermi {{chosenAmmo}} için bulundu {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, varsayılana geri döndürüldü: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Öğe spawnlanamıyor {{itemName}} sonrasında {{attempts}} deneme, spawn sınırını göz ardı edildi", "bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Öğe spawnlanamıyor {{itemName}} sonrasında {{attempts}} deneme, spawn sınırını göz ardı edildi",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "modPool bir CylinderMagazine için fişek içermediğinden silahlara fişek eklenemiyor %s, atlatıldı", "bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "modPool bir CylinderMagazine için fişek içermediğinden silahlara fişek eklenemiyor %s, atlatıldı",
@ -69,7 +68,6 @@
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) bir istemci modudur ve aşağıdaki klasöre yerleştirilmelidir: /spt/bepinex/plugins", "modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) bir istemci modudur ve aşağıdaki klasöre yerleştirilmelidir: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod {{name}} version{{version}} tarafından {{author}} yüklendi", "modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod {{name}} version{{version}} tarafından {{author}} yüklendi",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: yükleniyor %s modlar...", "modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: yükleniyor %s modlar...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json main property must be a .js file",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json main özelliği var olmayan dosyaya işaret edildi", "modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json main özelliği var olmayan dosyaya işaret edildi",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s akiVersion alanı eksik, büyük olasılıkla eski olması ve AKI'nin mevcut sürümüyle uyumsuz olması", "modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s akiVersion alanı eksik, büyük olasılıkla eski olması ve AKI'nin mevcut sürümüyle uyumsuz olması",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} gerekli mod {{modDependency}} kurulacak.", "modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} gerekli mod {{modDependency}} kurulacak.",
@ -114,13 +112,10 @@
"server_start_meme_7": "Bir mahkum kitap ödünç almak için hapishanenin kütüphanesine gider. Kütüphaneci der ki: Bu kitap bizde yok ama yazarı bizde", "server_start_meme_7": "Bir mahkum kitap ödünç almak için hapishanenin kütüphanesine gider. Kütüphaneci der ki: Bu kitap bizde yok ama yazarı bizde",
"server_start_success": "İyi Oynamalar", "server_start_success": "İyi Oynamalar",
"started_webserver_success": "web sunucusunu şu adreste başlattı: %s", "started_webserver_success": "web sunucusunu şu adreste başlattı: %s",
"unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s]",
"unknown_request": "bilinmeyen istek!", "unknown_request": "bilinmeyen istek!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Ticari kullanım yasaktır", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Ticari kullanım yasaktır",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "SAKIN BİLDİRMEYİN", "watermark-do_not_report": "SAKIN BİLDİRMEYİN",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Bu çalışma ücretsizdir", "watermark-free_of_charge": "Bu çalışma ücretsizdir",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "HİÇBİR DESTEK VERİLMEYECEK", "watermark-no_support": "HİÇBİR DESTEK VERİLMEYECEK",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "BU BİR HATA DEĞİL", "watermark-not_an_issue": "BU BİR HATA DEĞİL",
@ -130,7 +125,6 @@
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage başarısız oldu, hata verdi: %s", "websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage başarısız oldu, hata verdi: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] mesajı gönderildi", "websocket-message_sent": "[WS] mesajı gönderildi",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Soket hazır değil %s, mesaj gönderilmedi", "websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Soket hazır değil %s, mesaj gönderilmedi",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Pinging player: %s",
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Oyuncu: %s bağlandı", "websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Oyuncu: %s bağlandı",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Kullanıcıdan mesaj alındı %s ", "websocket-received_message": "[WS] Kullanıcıdan mesaj alındı %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Soket kayıp, tutamaç siliniyor", "websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Soket kayıp, tutamaç siliniyor",

View File

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s缺少base json正在跳过地图波次修复", "location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s缺少base json正在跳过地图波次修复",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "物品:%s缺少parentId值无法用作战利品", "loot-item_missing_parentid": "物品:%s缺少parentId值无法用作战利品",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "无效武器:%s被选作密封武器箱的奖励无法生成战利品", "loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "无效武器:%s被选作密封武器箱的奖励无法生成战利品",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "已检查", "modloader-checked": "已检查",
"modloader-checking_mod": "正在检查:%s", "modloader-checking_mod": "正在检查:%s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "检测到循环依赖项", "modloader-cyclic_dependency": "检测到循环依赖项",
@ -226,11 +225,9 @@
"unhandled_response": "[未处理][%s]", "unhandled_response": "[未处理][%s]",
"unknown_request": "未知请求!", "unknown_request": "未知请求!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "禁止商用", "watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "禁止商用",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "不 要 报 告", "watermark-do_not_report": "不 要 报 告",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "该软件免费", "watermark-free_of_charge": "该软件免费",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "如果你花钱了,说明你被骗了", "watermark-paid_scammed": "如果你花钱了,说明你被骗了",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "该 编 译 不 启 用 服 务 端 模 改", "watermark-modding_disabled": "该 编 译 不 启 用 服 务 端 模 改",
"watermark-no_support": "不 会 提 供 支 持", "watermark-no_support": "不 会 提 供 支 持",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "这 不 是 个 问 题", "watermark-not_an_issue": "这 不 是 个 问 题",
@ -253,7 +250,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "打得好", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "打得好",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "很公平,漂亮的击杀", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "很公平,漂亮的击杀",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "你的枪法很好,这是肯定的", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "你的枪法很好,这是肯定的",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "早知道就不侧身了", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "早知道就不侧身了",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "你打中我了", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "你打中我了",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "打得好,下次我会击败你的", "pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "打得好,下次我会击败你的",
@ -318,7 +314,6 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "偷袭", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "偷袭",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "不讲武德!", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "不讲武德!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "你这挂多少钱", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "你这挂多少钱",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "我肝好疼", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "我肝好疼",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "你这薯条捞得好啊", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "你这薯条捞得好啊",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "我在挂机!!!", "pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "我在挂机!!!",
@ -444,10 +439,6 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "伙计", "pmcresponse-suffix_17": "伙计",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "兄弟", "pmcresponse-suffix_18": "兄弟",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "好兄弟", "pmcresponse-suffix_19": "好兄弟",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "小子", "pmcresponse-suffix_24": "小子",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "朋友", "pmcresponse-suffix_25": "朋友",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "小盆友", "pmcresponse-suffix_26": "小盆友",