Refactor handleRecipe() to use addItemToStash()

This commit is contained in:
Dev 2024-01-21 20:51:00 +00:00
parent 5b296975e8
commit 32eb8ae35c
2 changed files with 133 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { ScavCaseRewardGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/ScavCaseRewardGenerator";
import { HideoutHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PaymentHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PaymentHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { HideoutArea, Product, Production, ScavCase } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Upd } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { HideoutUpgradeCompleteRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/HideoutUpgradeCompleteRequestData";
import { IHandleQTEEventRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHandleQTEEventRequestData";
import { IHideoutArea, Stage } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutArea";
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ export class HideoutController
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer,
@inject("PlayerService") protected playerService: PlayerService,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@ -779,39 +781,92 @@ export class HideoutController
let hoursCrafting = counterHoursCrafting.value;
// create item and throw it into profile
let id = recipe.endProduct;
/** Array of arrays of item + children */
let itemAndChildrenToSendToPlayer: Item[][] = [];
// replace the base item with its main preset
if (this.presetHelper.hasPreset(id))
// Reward is weapon/armor preset, handle differently compared to 'normal' items
const rewardIsPreset = this.presetHelper.hasPreset(recipe.endProduct);
if (rewardIsPreset)
id = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(id)._id;
const preset = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(recipe.endProduct);
// Ensure preset has unique ids and is cloned so we don't alter the preset data stored in memory
const presetAndMods: Item[] = this.itemHelper.replaceIDs(
// Store preset items in array
itemAndChildrenToSendToPlayer = [presetAndMods];
const newReq = {
items: [{
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
item_id: id,
count: recipe.count,
tid: "ragfair",
const rewardIsStackable = this.itemHelper.isItemTplStackable(recipe.endProduct);
if (rewardIsStackable)
// Add raw item to array without checking stack size
_id: this.hashUtil.generate(),
_tpl: recipe.endProduct,
upd: {
StackObjectsCount: recipe.count
// Split item into separate items with acceptable stack sizes
const splitReward = this.itemHelper.splitStack(itemAndChildrenToSendToPlayer[0][0]);
if (splitReward.length > 1)
// Empty out reward array and replace with split items
itemAndChildrenToSendToPlayer = [];
for (const item of splitReward)
// Not stackable, send multiple single items
// Add the initial item to array
if (!rewardIsPreset)
_id: this.hashUtil.generate(),
_tpl: recipe.endProduct
// Start index at one so we ignore first item in array
// (handles preset items already being added)
for (let index = 1; index < recipe.count; index++)
const itemAndMods: Item[] = this.itemHelper.replaceIDs(
// Loops over all current productions on profile
const entries = Object.entries(pmcData.Hideout.Production);
let prodId: string;
for (const x of entries)
for (const entry of entries)
// Skip null production objects
if (!x[1])
if (!entry[1])
if (this.hideoutHelper.isProductionType(x[1]))
if (this.hideoutHelper.isProductionType(entry[1]))
{ // Production or ScavCase
if ((x[1] as Production).RecipeId === request.recipeId)
if ((entry[1] as Production).RecipeId === request.recipeId)
prodId = x[0]; // set to objects key
prodId = entry[0]; // set to objects key
@ -829,7 +884,7 @@ export class HideoutController
return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output);
// Check if the recipe is the same as the last one
// Check if the recipe is the same as the last one - get bonus when crafting same thing multiple times
const area = pmcData.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === recipe.areaType);
if (area && request.recipeId !== area.lastRecipe)
@ -846,12 +901,35 @@ export class HideoutController
hoursCrafting -= this.hideoutConfig.hoursForSkillCrafting * multiplierCrafting;
// Increment
// if addItem passes validation:
// Loop over array of sub array (item+children) and add to stash
for (const itemAndChildrenToSend of itemAndChildrenToSendToPlayer)
// Recipe has an `isEncoded` requirement on reward, make root item adjustment
if (recipe.isEncoded)
if (!itemAndChildrenToSend[0].upd)
itemAndChildrenToSend[0].upd = {}
itemAndChildrenToSend[0].upd.RecodableComponent = { IsEncoded: true };
const additemRequest: IAddItemDirectRequest = {
itemWithModsToAdd: itemAndChildrenToSend,
foundInRaid: true,
callback: null,
useSortingTable: false
this.inventoryHelper.addItemToStash(sessionID, additemRequest,pmcData, output)
if (output.warnings.length > 0)
return output;
// - increment skill point for crafting
// - delete the production in profile Hideout.Production
const callback = () =>
// Manager Hideout skill
// ? use a configuration variable for the value?
const globals = this.databaseServer.getTables().globals;
@ -884,22 +962,13 @@ export class HideoutController
pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId].sptIsComplete = true;
pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId].sptIsContinuous = recipe.continuous;
// Flag normal crafts as complete
// Flag normal (non continious) crafts as complete
if (!recipe.continuous)
pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId].inProgress = false;
// Handle the isEncoded flag from recipe
if (recipe.isEncoded)
const upd: Upd = { RecodableComponent: { IsEncoded: true } };
return this.inventoryHelper.addItem(pmcData, newReq, output, sessionID, callback, true, upd);
return this.inventoryHelper.addItem(pmcData, newReq, output, sessionID, callback, true);
return output;

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ export interface IHideoutProduction
areaType: number;
requirements: Requirement[];
productionTime: number;
/** Tpl of item being crafted */
endProduct: string;
isEncoded: boolean;
locked: boolean;