2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
import "reflect-metadata" ;
import { container } from "tsyringe" ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
import { vi , afterEach , describe , expect , it , beforeEach } from "vitest" ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
import { InsuranceController } from "@spt-aki/controllers/InsuranceController" ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
import { ProfileInsuranceFactory } from "@tests/__factories__/ProfileInsurance.factory" ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
import { MessageType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MessageType" ;
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper" ;
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem" ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
import { Insurance } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile" ;
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper" ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
describe ( "InsuranceController" , ( ) = >
let insuranceController : any ; // Using "any" to access private/protected methods without type errors.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
let insuranceFixture : Insurance [ ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
beforeEach ( ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
insuranceController = container . resolve < InsuranceController > ( "InsuranceController" ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . get ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
afterEach ( ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Restore all mocks to their original implementations.
vi . resetAllMocks ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
vi . restoreAllMocks ( ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "processReturn" , ( ) = >
it ( "should process return for all profiles" , ( ) = >
const session1 = "session1" ;
const session2 = "session2" ;
const profiles = {
[ session1 ] : { } ,
[ session2 ] : { }
} ;
const getProfilesSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfiles" ) . mockReturnValue ( profiles ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const processReturnByProfileSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processReturnByProfile" ) . mockReturnValue ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processReturn ( ) ;
// Should make a call to get all of the profiles.
expect ( getProfilesSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
// Should process each returned profile.
expect ( processReturnByProfileSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 2 ) ;
expect ( processReturnByProfileSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( session1 ) ;
expect ( processReturnByProfileSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( session2 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not attempt to process profiles if no profiles exist" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const processReturnByProfileSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processReturnByProfile" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processReturn ( ) ;
// Should not process any profiles.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
expect ( processReturnByProfileSpy ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
describe ( "processReturnByProfile" , ( ) = >
it ( "should process insurance for a profile" , ( ) = >
const sessionId = "session-id" ;
// Mock internal methods.
const mockFilterInsuredItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "filterInsuredItems" )
. mockReturnValue ( insuranceFixture ) ;
const mockProcessInsuredItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processInsuredItems" )
. mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
insuranceController . processReturnByProfile ( sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockFilterInsuredItems ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockProcessInsuredItems ) . toHaveBeenNthCalledWith ( 1 , insuranceFixture , sessionId ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should skip processing if there are no insurance packages found within the profile" , ( ) = >
const sessionId = "session-id" ;
// Mock internal methods.
const mockFilterInsuredItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "filterInsuredItems" )
. mockReturnValue ( [ ] ) ; // Return an empty array.
const mockProcessInsuredItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processInsuredItems" )
. mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
insuranceController . processReturnByProfile ( sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockFilterInsuredItems ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockProcessInsuredItems ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "filterInsuredItems" , ( ) = >
it ( "should return all insurance packages if no time is specified" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const insured = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( insuranceFixture ) ) ;
// Mock getProfile to return the fixture.
const mockGetProfile = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" )
. mockReturnValue ( { insurance : insured } ) ;
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method.
const insuredFiltered = insuranceController . filterInsuredItems ( sessionID ) ;
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockGetProfile ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Found ${ insuranceFixture . length } insurance packages in profile ${ sessionID } ` ) ;
expect ( insuredFiltered . length ) . toBe ( insuranceFixture . length ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should filter out insurance packages with scheduledTime values in the future" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const insured = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( insuranceFixture ) ) ;
// Set the scheduledTime to 2 hours in the future so it should be skipped over.
insured [ 0 ] . scheduledTime = Math . floor ( ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) + ( 2 * 60 * 60 ) ) ;
// Mock getProfile to return the fixture.
const mockGetProfile = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" )
. mockReturnValue ( { insurance : insured } ) ;
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method.
const insuredFiltered = insuranceController . filterInsuredItems ( sessionID ) ;
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockGetProfile ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Found ${ insuranceFixture . length } insurance packages in profile ${ sessionID } ` ) ;
expect ( insuredFiltered . length ) . toBe ( insuranceFixture . length - 1 ) ; // Should be 1 less than the original fixture.
} ) ;
it ( "should return an empty array if no insurance packages match the criteria" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const insured = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( insuranceFixture ) ) ;
// Mock getProfile to return the fixture.
const mockGetProfile = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" )
. mockReturnValue ( { insurance : insured } ) ;
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method, passing in a time that's two hours in the past. The function should use this past
// date as the target to judge if an insurance package is ready to be sent or not.
const insuredFiltered = insuranceController . filterInsuredItems ( sessionID , Math . floor ( ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) - ( 2 * 60 * 60 ) ) ) ;
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockGetProfile ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Found ${ insuranceFixture . length } insurance packages in profile ${ sessionID } ` ) ;
// Verify that the returned array is empty.
expect ( insuredFiltered . length ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "processInsuredItems" , ( ) = >
it ( "should log information about the insurance package" , ( ) = >
const sessionId = "session-id" ;
// Spy on the logger.debug method.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "findItemsToDelete" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "removeItemsFromInsurance" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "adoptOrphanedItems" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "sendMail" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "removeInsurancePackageFromProfile" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processInsuredItems ( insuranceFixture , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the log was written.
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Processing ${ insuranceFixture . length } insurance packages, which includes a total of ${ insuranceController . countAllInsuranceItems ( insuranceFixture ) } items, in profile ${ sessionId } ` ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should call processing methods once per insurance package" , ( ) = >
const sessionId = "session-id" ;
const packageCount = insuranceFixture . length ;
// Spy on the processing methods.
const mockFindItemsToDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "findItemsToDelete" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
const mockRemoveItemsFromInsurance = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "removeItemsFromInsurance" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
const mockAdoptOrphanedItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "adoptOrphanedItems" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
const mockSendMail = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "sendMail" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
const mockRemoveInsurancePackageFromProfile = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "removeInsurancePackageFromProfile" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processInsuredItems ( insuranceFixture , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the processing methods were called once per insurance package.
expect ( mockFindItemsToDelete ) . toBeCalledTimes ( packageCount ) ;
expect ( mockRemoveItemsFromInsurance ) . toBeCalledTimes ( packageCount ) ;
expect ( mockAdoptOrphanedItems ) . toBeCalledTimes ( packageCount ) ;
expect ( mockSendMail ) . toBeCalledTimes ( packageCount ) ;
expect ( mockRemoveInsurancePackageFromProfile ) . toBeCalledTimes ( packageCount ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "countAllInsuranceItems" , ( ) = >
it ( "should return the total number of items in all insurance packages" , ( ) = >
const insurance = [
"_id" : "1" ,
"upd" : 1234567890 ,
"items" : [
{ "_id" : "1" , "parentId" : "1" , "slotId" : "1" } ,
{ "_id" : "2" , "parentId" : "1" , "slotId" : "2" }
} ,
"_id" : "2" ,
"upd" : 1234567890 ,
"items" : [
{ "_id" : "3" , "parentId" : "2" , "slotId" : "1" } ,
{ "_id" : "4" , "parentId" : "2" , "slotId" : "2" } ,
{ "_id" : "5" , "parentId" : "2" , "slotId" : "3" }
] ;
const expectedCount = 5 ; // 2 items in the first package + 3 items in the second package.
// Execute the method.
const actualCount = insuranceController . countAllInsuranceItems ( insurance ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( actualCount ) . toBe ( expectedCount ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return 0 if there are no insurance packages" , ( ) = >
const insurance = [ ] ;
const expectedCount = 0 ;
// Execute the method.
const actualCount = insuranceController . countAllInsuranceItems ( insurance ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( actualCount ) . toBe ( expectedCount ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return 0 if there are no items in any of the insurance packages" , ( ) = >
const insurance = [
"_id" : "1" ,
"upd" : 1234567890 ,
"items" : [ ]
} ,
"_id" : "2" ,
"upd" : 1234567890 ,
"items" : [ ]
] ;
const expectedCount = 0 ;
// Execute the method.
const actualCount = insuranceController . countAllInsuranceItems ( insurance ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( actualCount ) . toBe ( expectedCount ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "removeInsurancePackageFromProfile" , ( ) = >
it ( "should remove the specified insurance package from the profile" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const packageToRemove = {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "10:51" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ;
const profile = {
insurance : [
messageContent : {
systemData : {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "11:18" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ,
{ // This one should be removed
messageContent : {
systemData : {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "10:51" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ;
// Mock the getProfile method to return the above profile.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" ) . mockReturnValue ( profile ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeInsurancePackageFromProfile ( sessionID , packageToRemove ) ;
// Verify that the specified insurance package was removed.
expect ( profile . insurance . length ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( profile . insurance [ 0 ] . messageContent . systemData ) . toStrictEqual ( {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "11:18" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should log a message indicating that the package was removed" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const packageToRemove = {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "10:51" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ;
const profile = {
insurance : [
messageContent : {
systemData : {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "10:51" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ;
// Mock the getProfile method to return the above profile.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" ) . mockReturnValue ( profile ) ;
// Spy on the logger.debug method.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeInsurancePackageFromProfile ( sessionID , packageToRemove ) ;
// Verify that the log was written.
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Removed insurance package with date: ${ packageToRemove . date } , time: ${ packageToRemove . time } , and location: ${ packageToRemove . location } from profile ${ sessionID } . Remaining packages: ${ profile . insurance . length } ` ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not remove any packages if the specified package is not found" , ( ) = >
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
const packageToRemove = {
date : "01.11.2023" ,
time : "10:51" ,
location : "factory4_day"
} ;
const profile = {
insurance : [
messageContent : {
systemData : {
date : "02.11.2023" ,
time : "10:50" ,
location : "factory4_night"
} ;
// Mock the getProfile method to return the above profile.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . saveServer , "getProfile" ) . mockReturnValue ( profile ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeInsurancePackageFromProfile ( sessionID , packageToRemove ) ;
// Verify that no packages were removed.
expect ( profile . insurance . length ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
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describe ( "findItemsToDelete" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should handle an empty insurance package" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insurancePackage = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
insurancePackage . items = [ ] ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insurancePackage ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the result is correct.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should handle regular items" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Remove attachment items from the fixture.
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeAttachmentItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const numberOfItems = insured . items . length ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateItemsMap" ) ;
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateParentAttachmentsMap" ) ;
const mockIsAttachmentAttached = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . itemHelper , "isAttachmentAttached" ) ;
const mockProcessAttachments = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachments" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi . fn ( ( insured , toDelete ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processRegularItems" ) . mockImplementation ( mockProcessRegularItems ) ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insured ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockPopulateItemsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( mockIsAttachmentAttached ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( numberOfItems + 1 ) ; // Once for each item, plus once more
expect ( mockProcessRegularItems ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( mockProcessAttachments ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( numberOfItems ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( new Set ( insured . items . map ( item = > item . _id ) ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should ignore orphaned attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Remove regular items from the fixture, creating orphaned attachments.
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeRegularItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateItemsMap" ) ;
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processRegularItems" ) ;
const mockProcessAttachments = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachments" ) ;
// Since no parent attachments exist, the map should be empty.
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi . fn ( ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
return new Map < string , Item [ ] > ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateParentAttachmentsMap" ) . mockImplementation ( mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap ) ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insured ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockPopulateItemsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( mockProcessRegularItems ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
expect ( mockProcessAttachments ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( new Set ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should handle a mix of regular items and attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const numberOfItems = insured . items . length ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateItemsMap" ) ;
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateParentAttachmentsMap" ) ;
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi . fn ( ( insured , toDelete ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processRegularItems" ) . mockImplementation ( mockProcessRegularItems ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const mockProcessAttachments = vi . fn ( ( parentAttachmentsMap , itemsMap , traderId , toDelete ) = >
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachments" ) . mockImplementation ( mockProcessAttachments ) ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insured ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockPopulateItemsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockProcessRegularItems ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockProcessAttachments ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( numberOfItems ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( new Set ( insured . items . map ( item = > item . _id ) ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should return an empty set if no items are to be deleted" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateItemsMap" ) ;
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "populateParentAttachmentsMap" ) ;
// Don't add any items to the toDelete set.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processRegularItems" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
const mockProcessAttachments = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachments" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insured ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockPopulateItemsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockProcessRegularItems ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockProcessAttachments ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
// Verify that the result is correct.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( new Set ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should log the number of items to be deleted" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const numberOfItems = insured . items . length ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi . fn ( ( insured , toDelete ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processRegularItems" ) . mockImplementation ( mockProcessRegularItems ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const mockProcessAttachments = vi . fn ( ( parentAttachmentsMap , itemsMap , traderId , toDelete ) = >
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
} ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachments" ) . mockImplementation ( mockProcessAttachments ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . findItemsToDelete ( insured ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the result is the correct size, and the size is logged.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( numberOfItems ) ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toBeCalledWith ( ` Marked ${ numberOfItems } items for deletion from insurance. ` ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
describe ( "populateParentAttachmentsMap" , ( ) = >
it ( "should correctly map gun to all of its attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 6 ) ; // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result . get ( "911a0f04d5d9c7e239807ae0" ) ;
expect ( gun . length ) . toBe ( 7 ) ; // This AK has 7 attachments.
// The attachments should be mapped to the AK properly...
const validAttachmentTemplates = [
"677c209ebb45445ebb42c405" ,
"4bd10f89836fd9f86aedcac1" ,
"8b1327270791b142ac341b03" ,
"da8cde1b3024c336f6e06152" ,
"bc041c0011d76f714b898400" ,
"9f8d7880a6e0a47a211ec5d3" ,
] ;
validAttachmentTemplates . forEach ( value = >
// Verify that each template is present in the array of attachments.
expect ( gun . some ( item = > item . _id === value ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should ignore gun accessories that cannot be modified in-raid" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 6 ) ; // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result . get ( "911a0f04d5d9c7e239807ae0" ) ;
expect ( gun . length ) . toBe ( 7 ) ; // This AK has 7 valid attachments.
// These are attachments for the AK, but they are not raid moddable, so they should not be mapped.
const invalidAttachmentTemplates = [
"1e0b177df108c0c117028812" ,
"c9278dd8251e99578bf7a274" ,
"402b4086535a50ef7d9cef88" ,
] ;
invalidAttachmentTemplates . forEach ( value = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
expect ( gun . every ( item = > item . _id !== value ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should correctly map helmet to all of its attachments" , ( ) = >
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 6 ) ; // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result . get ( "3679078e05f5b14466d6a730" ) ;
expect ( gun . length ) . toBe ( 5 ) ; // This LShZ-2DTM has 5 valid attachments.
// The attachments should be mapped to the AK properly...
const validAttachmentTemplates = [
"a2b0c716162c5e31ec28c55a" ,
"dc565f750342cb2d19eeda06" ,
"e9ff62601669d9e2ea9c2fbb" ,
"ac134d7cf6c9d8e25edd0015" ,
] ;
validAttachmentTemplates . forEach ( value = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that each template is present in the array of attachments.
expect ( gun . some ( item = > item . _id === value ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should correctly map gun to all of its attachments when gun is within a container" , ( ) = >
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 6 ) ; // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result . get ( "351180f3248d45c71cb2ebdc" ) ;
expect ( insured . items . find ( item = > item . _id === "351180f3248d45c71cb2ebdc" ) . slotId ) . toBe ( "main" ) ;
expect ( gun . length ) . toBe ( 14 ) ; // This AS VAL has 14 valid attachments.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should not map items that do not have a main-parent" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeRegularItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should log a warning when an item does not have a main-parent" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeRegularItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Suppress warnings.
const mockLoggerWarning = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "warning" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the warning was logged.
expect ( mockLoggerWarning ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
describe ( "processRegularItems" , ( ) = >
it ( "should process regular items and their non-attachment children" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeAttachmentItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const numberOfItems = insured . items . length ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockIsAttachmentAttached = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . itemHelper , "isAttachmentAttached" ) ;
const mockFindAndReturnChildrenAsItems = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . itemHelper , "findAndReturnChildrenAsItems" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all items. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) . mockReturnValue ( true ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceController . processRegularItems ( insured , toDelete ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect ( mockIsAttachmentAttached ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockFindAndReturnChildrenAsItems ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockRollForDelete ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( numberOfItems ) ;
// Verify that all items were added to the toDelete set.
expect ( toDelete ) . toEqual ( new Set ( insured . items . map ( item = > item . _id ) ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should not roll attached attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock isAttachmentAttached to return true for all items.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . itemHelper , "isAttachmentAttached" ) . mockReturnValue ( true ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all items.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) . mockReturnValue ( true ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceController . processRegularItems ( insured , toDelete ) ;
// Verify that a roll was not made for any items.
expect ( mockRollForDelete ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that no items were added to the toDelete set.
expect ( toDelete ) . toEqual ( new Set ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should mark attachments for deletion when parent is marked for deletion" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const itemHelper = container . resolve < ItemHelper > ( "ItemHelper" ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all base-parent items.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . fn ( ( traderId , insuredItem ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
return ! itemHelper . isAttachmentAttached ( insuredItem ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) . mockImplementation ( mockRollForDelete ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processRegularItems ( insured , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that all items were added to the toDelete set.
expect ( toDelete ) . toEqual ( new Set ( insured . items . map ( item = > item . _id ) ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "processAttachments" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should iterate over each parent item" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Mock helper methods.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const mockProcessAttachmentByParent = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "processAttachmentByParent" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processAttachments ( parentToAttachmentMap , itemsMap , insured . traderId , toDelete ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify
expect ( mockProcessAttachmentByParent ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( parentToAttachmentMap . size ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should log the name of each parent item" , ( ) = >
const itemHelper = container . resolve < ItemHelper > ( "ItemHelper" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Mock helper methods.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processAttachments ( parentToAttachmentMap , itemsMap , insured . traderId , toDelete ) ;
// Verify that the name of each parent item is logged.
for ( const [ parentId ] of parentToAttachmentMap )
const parentItem = itemsMap . get ( parentId ) ;
if ( parentItem )
const expectedMessage = ` Processing attachments for parent item: ${ itemHelper . getItemName ( parentItem . _tpl ) } ` ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( expectedMessage ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "processAttachmentByParent" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should handle sorting, rolling, and deleting attachments by calling helper methods" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . entries ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockSortAttachmentsByPrice = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "sortAttachmentsByPrice" ) ;
const mockCountSuccessfulRolls = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "countSuccessfulRolls" ) . mockReturnValue ( 4 ) ;
const mockAttachmentDeletionByValue = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "attachmentDeletionByValue" ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . processAttachmentByParent ( attachments , insured . traderId , toDelete ) ;
// Verify that helper methods are called.
expect ( mockSortAttachmentsByPrice ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( attachments ) ;
expect ( mockCountSuccessfulRolls ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockAttachmentDeletionByValue ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should log attachment details and number of successful rolls" , ( ) = >
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const successfulRolls = 4 ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Mock helper methods.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const mockLogAttachmentsDetails = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "logAttachmentsDetails" ) ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "countSuccessfulRolls" ) . mockReturnValue ( successfulRolls ) ;
const mockLoggerDebug = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) . mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
insuranceController . processAttachmentByParent ( attachments , insured . traderId , toDelete ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the logs were called/written.
expect ( mockLogAttachmentsDetails ) . toBeCalled ( ) ;
expect ( mockLoggerDebug ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( ` Number of successful rolls: ${ successfulRolls } ` ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "sortAttachmentsByPrice" , ( ) = >
it ( "should sort the attachments array by maxPrice in descending order" , ( ) = >
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const sortedAttachments = insuranceController . sortAttachmentsByPrice ( attachments ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify the length of the sorted attachments array
expect ( sortedAttachments . length ) . toBe ( 5 ) ;
// Verify that the attachments are sorted by maxPrice in descending order
for ( let i = 1 ; i < sortedAttachments . length ; i ++ )
expect ( sortedAttachments [ i - 1 ] . maxPrice ) . toBeGreaterThanOrEqual ( sortedAttachments [ i ] . maxPrice ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
it ( "should place attachments with null maxPrice at the bottom of the sorted list" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Set the maxPrice of the first two attachments to null.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . itemHelper , "getItemMaxPrice" ) . mockReturnValueOnce ( null ) . mockReturnValueOnce ( null ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
const sortedAttachments = insuranceController . sortAttachmentsByPrice ( attachments ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00
// Verify that the attachments with null maxPrice are at the bottom of the list
const nullPriceAttachments = sortedAttachments . slice ( - 2 ) ;
nullPriceAttachments . forEach ( attachment = >
expect ( attachment . maxPrice ) . toBeNull ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Verify that the rest of the attachments are sorted by maxPrice in descending order
for ( let i = 1 ; i < sortedAttachments . length - 2 ; i ++ )
expect ( sortedAttachments [ i - 1 ] . maxPrice ) . toBeGreaterThanOrEqual ( sortedAttachments [ i ] . maxPrice ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "logAttachmentsDetails" , ( ) = >
it ( "should log details for each attachment" , ( ) = >
const attachments = [
{ _id : "item1" , name : "Item 1" , maxPrice : 100 } ,
{ _id : "item2" , name : "Item 2" , maxPrice : 200 }
] ;
// Mock the logger.debug function.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const loggerDebugSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . logAttachmentsDetails ( attachments ) ;
// Verify that logger.debug was called correctly.
expect ( loggerDebugSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 2 ) ;
expect ( loggerDebugSpy ) . toHaveBeenNthCalledWith ( 1 , "Child Item - Name: Item 1, Max Price: 100" ) ;
expect ( loggerDebugSpy ) . toHaveBeenNthCalledWith ( 2 , "Child Item - Name: Item 2, Max Price: 200" ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should not log anything when there are no attachments" , ( ) = >
const attachments = [ ] ;
// Mock the logger.debug function.
const loggerDebugSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "debug" ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . logAttachmentsDetails ( attachments ) ;
// Verify that logger.debug was called correctly.
expect ( loggerDebugSpy ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
describe ( "countSuccessfulRolls" , ( ) = >
it ( "should count the number of successful rolls based on the rollForDelete method" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for the first two attachments.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) . mockReturnValue ( false )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( true )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( true ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . countSuccessfulRolls ( attachments , insured . traderId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that two successful rolls were counted.
expect ( mockRollForDelete ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( attachments . length ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should count the number of successful rolls based on the rollForDelete method" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Mock rollForDelete to return false.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) . mockReturnValue ( false ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . countSuccessfulRolls ( attachments , insured . traderId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that zero successful rolls were counted.
expect ( mockRollForDelete ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( attachments . length ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return zero if there are no attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const attachments = [ ] ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Spy on rollForDelete to ensure it is not called.
const mockRollForDelete = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController , "rollForDelete" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . countSuccessfulRolls ( attachments , insured . traderId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Verify that zero successful rolls were returned.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
expect ( mockRollForDelete ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "attachmentDeletionByValue" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should add the correct number of attachments to the toDelete set" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const successfulRolls = 2 ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . attachmentDeletionByValue ( attachments , successfulRolls , toDelete ) ;
// Should add the first two valuable attachments to the toDelete set.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
expect ( toDelete . size ) . toEqual ( successfulRolls ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should not add any attachments to toDelete if successfulRolls is zero" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const successfulRolls = 0 ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . attachmentDeletionByValue ( attachments , successfulRolls , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Should be empty.
expect ( toDelete . size ) . toEqual ( successfulRolls ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should add all attachments to toDelete if successfulRolls is greater than the number of attachments" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const itemsMap = insuranceController . populateItemsMap ( insured ) ;
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController . populateParentAttachmentsMap ( insured , itemsMap ) ;
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ;
const successfulRolls = 999 ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . attachmentDeletionByValue ( attachments , successfulRolls , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Should be empty.
expect ( toDelete . size ) . toBeLessThan ( successfulRolls ) ;
expect ( toDelete . size ) . toEqual ( attachments . length ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "removeItemsFromInsurance" , ( ) = >
it ( "should remove items from insurance based on the toDelete set" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
const numberToDelete = 2 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < numberToDelete ; i ++ )
toDelete . add ( insured . items [ i ] . _id ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeItemsFromInsurance ( insured , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Ensure that the items in the toDelete set are not present in the insured items array.
toDelete . forEach ( toDeleteId = >
expect ( insured . items . some ( item = > item . _id === toDeleteId ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should not remove any items if toDelete set is empty" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const originalCount = insured . items . length ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeItemsFromInsurance ( insured , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Ensure that no items were removed.
expect ( insured . items . length ) . toBe ( originalCount ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should leave the insurance items empty if all are to be deleted" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const originalCount = insured . items . length ;
const toDelete = new Set < string > ( ) ;
insured . items . forEach ( item = > toDelete . add ( item . _id ) ) ;
// All of the items should be added to the toDelete set.
expect ( originalCount ) . toBe ( toDelete . size ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . removeItemsFromInsurance ( insured , toDelete ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Ensure that all items were removed.
expect ( insured . items . length ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "adoptOrphanedItems" , ( ) = >
it ( "should adopt orphaned items by resetting them as base-level items" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Get all of the items, so that we can dynamically find the hideout item.
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const hideoutParentId = insuranceController . fetchHideoutItemParent ( insured . items ) ;
// Manually set one of the items to be orphaned.
insured . items [ 0 ] . parentId = "9999" ; // Should not exist in the items array.
insured . items [ 0 ] . slotId = "main" ; // Should not be "hideout".
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Iterate over the items and find an individual orphaned item.
const orphanedItem = insured . items . find ( item = > ! insured . items . some ( parent = > parent . _id === item . parentId ) ) ;
// Setup tests to verify that the orphaned item we added is in fact orphaned.
expect ( orphanedItem . parentId ) . toBe ( insured . items [ 0 ] . parentId ) ;
expect ( orphanedItem . slotId ) . toBe ( insured . items [ 0 ] . slotId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . adoptOrphanedItems ( insured ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the orphaned items have been adopted.
expect ( orphanedItem . parentId ) . toBe ( hideoutParentId ) ;
expect ( orphanedItem . slotId ) . toBe ( "hideout" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should not adopt items that are not orphaned" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const unmodified = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Create a deep copy of the insured items array.
const insured = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . adoptOrphanedItems ( insured ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the orphaned items have been adopted.
expect ( insured ) . toStrictEqual ( unmodified ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
it ( "should remove location data from adopted items" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Manually set one of the items to be orphaned.
insured . items [ 0 ] . parentId = "9999" ; // Should not exist in the items array.
insured . items [ 0 ] . slotId = "main" ; // Should not be "hideout".
insured . items [ 0 ] . location = { x : 1 , y : 2 , r : 3 , isSearched : true } ; // Should be removed.
// Iterate over the items and find an individual orphaned item.
const orphanedItem = insured . items . find ( item = > ! insured . items . some ( parent = > parent . _id === item . parentId ) ) ;
// Setup tests to verify that the orphaned item we added is in fact orphaned.
expect ( orphanedItem . parentId ) . toBe ( insured . items [ 0 ] . parentId ) ;
expect ( orphanedItem . slotId ) . toBe ( insured . items [ 0 ] . slotId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . adoptOrphanedItems ( insured ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the orphaned items have been adopted.
expect ( orphanedItem ) . not . toHaveProperty ( "location" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "fetchHideoutItemParent" , ( ) = >
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should return the parentId value of an item that has a slotId of 'hideout'" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const hideoutParentId = insuranceController . fetchHideoutItemParent ( insured . items ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . fetchHideoutItemParent ( insured . items ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Verify that the hideout item parentId is returned.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
expect ( result ) . toBe ( hideoutParentId ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should return an empty string if no item with a slotId of 'hideout' could be found" , ( ) = >
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Fetch a bunch of orphaned items that don't have a hideout parent.
const insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeRegularItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const result = insuranceController . fetchHideoutItemParent ( insured . items ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the hideout item parentId is returned.
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
expect ( result ) . toBe ( "" ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
it ( "should log a warning if the base-level item does not exist" , ( ) = >
// Fetch a bunch of orphaned items that don't have a hideout parent.
const insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory ( ) . adjustPackageDates ( ) . removeRegularItems ( ) . get ( ) ;
const insured = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
// Spy on the logger.
const loggerWarningSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "warning" ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . fetchHideoutItemParent ( insured . items ) ;
// Verify that the hideout item parentId is returned.
expect ( loggerWarningSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;
describe ( "sendMail" , ( ) = >
it ( "should send insurance failed message when no items are present" , ( ) = >
const traderHelper = container . resolve < TraderHelper > ( "TraderHelper" ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insurance = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
insurance . items = [ ] ; // Empty the items array
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const insuranceFailedTpl = "failed-message-template" ;
// Mock the randomUtil to return a static failed template string.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const mockGetArrayValue = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . randomUtil , "getArrayValue" )
. mockReturnValue ( insuranceFailedTpl ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Don't actually send the message.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const sendMessageSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . mailSendService , "sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayer" )
. mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . sendMail ( sessionID , insurance ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the randomUtil.getArrayValue method was called.
expect ( mockGetArrayValue ) . toBeCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Verify that the insurance failed message was sent.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
expect ( sendMessageSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith (
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
sessionID ,
traderHelper . getTraderById ( insurance . traderId ) ,
insuranceFailedTpl ,
insurance . items ,
insurance . messageContent . maxStorageTime ,
insurance . messageContent . systemData
) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not send insurance failed message when items are present" , ( ) = >
const traderHelper = container . resolve < TraderHelper > ( "TraderHelper" ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const insurance = insuranceFixture [ 0 ] ;
const sessionID = "session-id" ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
const insuranceFailedTpl = "failed-message-template" ;
// Mock the randomUtil to return a static failed template string.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const mockGetArrayValue = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . randomUtil , "getArrayValue" )
. mockReturnValue ( insuranceFailedTpl ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Don't actually send the message.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const sendMessageSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . mailSendService , "sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayer" )
. mockImplementation ( vi . fn ( ) ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . sendMail ( sessionID , insurance ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
// Verify that the randomUtil.getArrayValue method was not called.
expect ( mockGetArrayValue ) . not . toBeCalled ( ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Verify that the insurance failed message was not sent.
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
expect ( sendMessageSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith (
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
sessionID ,
traderHelper . getTraderById ( insurance . traderId ) ,
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
insurance . messageContent . templateId ,
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
insurance . items ,
insurance . messageContent . maxStorageTime ,
insurance . messageContent . systemData
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "rollForDelete" , ( ) = >
it ( "should return true when random roll is equal to trader return chance" , ( ) = >
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . randomUtil , "getInt" ) . mockReturnValue ( 8500 ) ; // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e" ; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController . insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent : {
[ traderId ] : 85 // Force 85% return chance
} ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . rollForDelete ( traderId ) ;
// Verify that the result is true.
expect ( result ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return true when random roll is greater than trader return chance" , ( ) = >
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . randomUtil , "getInt" ) . mockReturnValue ( 8501 ) ; // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e" ; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController . insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent : {
[ traderId ] : 85 // Force 85% return chance
} ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . rollForDelete ( traderId ) ;
// Verify that the result is true.
expect ( result ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return false when random roll is less than trader return chance" , ( ) = >
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . randomUtil , "getInt" ) . mockReturnValue ( 8499 ) ; // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e" ; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController . insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent : {
[ traderId ] : 85 // Force 85% return chance
} ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . rollForDelete ( traderId ) ;
// Verify that the result is false.
expect ( result ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should log error if trader can not be found" , ( ) = >
const traderId = "invalid-trader-id" ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
const loggerErrorSpy = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . logger , "error" ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . rollForDelete ( traderId ) ;
// Verify that the logger.error method was called.
expect ( loggerErrorSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return null if trader can not be found" , ( ) = >
const traderId = "invalid-trader-id" ;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController . rollForDelete ( traderId ) ;
// Verify that the result is null.
expect ( result ) . toBe ( null ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-11-03 17:39:33 -04:00
describe ( "insure" , ( ) = >
let pmcData : any , body : any , sessionId : string , insuranceController : any , mockGetPremium : any , mockPayMoney : any , mockGetOutput : any ;
beforeEach ( ( ) = >
insuranceController = container . resolve < InsuranceController > ( "InsuranceController" ) ;
// Setup shared test data.
pmcData = {
Inventory : {
items : [
{ _id : "item1" , otherProps : "value1" } ,
{ _id : "item2" , otherProps : "value2" }
} ,
InsuredItems : [ ]
} ;
body = {
items : [ "item1" , "item2" ] ,
tid : "someTraderId"
} ;
sessionId = "session-id" ;
// Setup shared mocks.
mockGetPremium = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . insuranceService , "getPremium" ) . mockReturnValue ( 100 ) ;
mockPayMoney = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . paymentService , "payMoney" ) . mockReturnValue ( {
warnings : [ ] ,
otherProperty : "property-value"
} ) ;
mockGetOutput = vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . eventOutputHolder , "getOutput" ) . mockReturnValue ( {
warnings : [ ] ,
otherProperty : "property-value"
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should create a hash of inventory items by ID" , ( ) = >
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Since the inventoryItemsHash is internal to the function, we cannot check it directly. However, we can
// infer its correctness by ensuring the payMoney function is called with the right "scheme_items" property.
expect ( mockPayMoney ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith (
pmcData ,
scheme_items : [
{ id : "item1" , count : 100 } ,
{ id : "item2" , count : 100 }
] ,
tid : "someTraderId" ,
Action : "" ,
type : "" ,
item_id : "" ,
count : 0 ,
scheme_id : 0
} ,
sessionId , {
warnings : [ ] ,
otherProperty : "property-value"
) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should calculate the insurance premium for each item to insure" , ( ) = >
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that getPremium is called with each item from the pmcData.Inventory.items array.
for ( const item of pmcData . Inventory . items )
expect ( mockGetPremium ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( pmcData , item , body . tid ) ;
// Verify that getPremium was called the correct number of times.
expect ( mockGetPremium ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( body . items . length ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should call the payment service with the correct parameters" , ( ) = >
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Define the expected payment options structure based on the setup data.
const expectedPaymentOptions = {
scheme_items : [
{ id : "item1" , count : 100 } ,
{ id : "item2" , count : 100 }
] ,
tid : body.tid ,
Action : "" ,
type : "" ,
item_id : "" ,
count : 0 ,
scheme_id : 0
} ;
// Verify that the paymentService's payMoney method was called once with the expected parameters.
expect ( mockPayMoney ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( pmcData , expectedPaymentOptions , sessionId , expect . any ( Object ) ) ;
// Verify that the output passed to payMoney is the one obtained from getOutput.
expect ( mockPayMoney ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith (
pmcData ,
expectedPaymentOptions ,
sessionId ,
mockGetOutput . mock . results [ 0 ] . value
) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should add items to InsuredItems after successful payment" , ( ) = >
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the InsuredItems array has been populated with the correct items.
const insuredItemIds = pmcData . InsuredItems . map ( insuredItem = > insuredItem . itemId ) ;
expect ( insuredItemIds ) . toContain ( "item1" ) ;
expect ( insuredItemIds ) . toContain ( "item2" ) ;
// Verify that the number of InsuredItems matches the number of items intended to be insured.
expect ( pmcData . InsuredItems . length ) . toBe ( body . items . length ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the output with warnings if payment fails" , ( ) = >
// Override the payMoney mock to simulate a payment failure with a warning.
const expectedPayMoneyReturn = {
warnings : [ {
index : 0 ,
errmsg : "Not enough money to complete transaction" ,
code : 500
} ] ,
otherProperty : "property-value"
} ;
mockPayMoney . mockReturnValue ( expectedPayMoneyReturn ) ;
// Execute the method.
const response = insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the response contains the warnings from the payment failure
expect ( response . warnings ) . toStrictEqual ( expectedPayMoneyReturn . warnings ) ;
// Verify that other properties from the response are still present.
expect ( response ) . toHaveProperty ( "otherProperty" , "property-value" ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not add items to InsuredItems if payment fails" , ( ) = >
// Override the payMoney mock to simulate a payment failure with a warning.
const expectedPayMoneyReturn = {
warnings : [ {
index : 0 ,
errmsg : "Not enough money to complete transaction" ,
code : 500
} ] ,
otherProperty : "property-value"
} ;
mockPayMoney . mockReturnValue ( expectedPayMoneyReturn ) ;
// Execute the method.
insuranceController . insure ( pmcData , body , sessionId ) ;
// Verify that the InsuredItems array has not been populated.
expect ( pmcData . InsuredItems ) . toHaveLength ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "cost" , ( ) = >
let sessionId : string ;
beforeEach ( ( ) = >
insuranceController = container . resolve < InsuranceController > ( "InsuranceController" ) ;
sessionId = "session-id" ;
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . profileHelper , "getPmcProfile" ) . mockReturnValue ( {
Inventory : {
items : [
{ _id : "itemId1" , _tpl : "itemTpl1" , otherProperty : "property-value1" } ,
{ _id : "itemId2" , _tpl : "itemTpl2" , otherProperty : "property-value2" } ,
{ _id : "itemId3" , _tpl : "itemTpl3" , otherProperty : "property-value3" }
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return an empty object if no traders and items are specified" , ( ) = >
const request = { traders : [ ] , items : [ ] } ;
const expected = { } ;
const result = insuranceController . cost ( request , sessionId ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( expected ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return an empty object if no items are specified" , ( ) = >
const request = { traders : [ "prapor" ] , items : [ ] } ;
const expected = { prapor : { } } ;
const result = insuranceController . cost ( request , sessionId ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( expected ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return an empty object if no trader is specified but items are" , ( ) = >
const request = { traders : [ ] , items : [ "itemId1" , "itemId2" ] } ;
const expected = { } ;
const result = insuranceController . cost ( request , sessionId ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( expected ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the expected cost for each item and trader" , ( ) = >
const request = {
traders : [ "prapor" , "therapist" ] ,
items : [ "itemId1" , "itemId2" , "itemId3" ]
} ;
const expected = {
prapor : { itemTpl1 : 100 , itemTpl2 : 200 , itemTpl3 : 300 } ,
therapist : { itemTpl1 : 150 , itemTpl2 : 250 , itemTpl3 : 350 }
} ;
// Mock the InsuranceService.getPremium method to return the expected values.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . insuranceService , "getPremium" )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 100 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 200 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 300 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 150 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 250 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 350 ) ;
const result = insuranceController . cost ( request , sessionId ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( expected ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should skip items that are not in the player's inventory" , ( ) = >
const request = {
traders : [ "prapor" ] ,
items : [
"itemId1" ,
"itemId2" ,
"itemId4" // Doesn't exist in the player's inventory.
} ;
const expected = {
prapor : { itemTpl1 : 100 , itemTpl2 : 200 }
} ;
// Mock the InsuranceService.getPremium method to return the expected values.
vi . spyOn ( insuranceController . insuranceService , "getPremium" )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 100 )
. mockReturnValueOnce ( 200 ) ;
const result = insuranceController . cost ( request , sessionId ) ;
expect ( result ) . toEqual ( expected ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-31 23:08:13 -04:00
} ) ;