"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object":"stripQuestAssort(): Assort for Trader {{traderId}} doesn't contain loyal_level_items data, skipping removal of quest assorts",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock":"Unable to find corresponding {{traderName}} quest assort unlock for quest: {{questName}}. Completing this quest will not reward a trader item for purchase",
"assort-missing_questassort":"stripQuestAssort(): Assort for Trader: %s doesn't contain a questassort json, skipping removal of quest assorts",
"baseclass-item_not_found":"Item %s not found in item base cache, regenerating cache",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed":"Item %s still not found in base cache after regeneration",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache":"Database was empty, unable to generate an item base cache",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type":"WARNING - Bot cache does not have a pre-generated bot of type %s, will need to be generated, configure the bot.json config property (presetBatch) to be higher",
"bot-bot_preset_count_value_missing":"Unable to find a preset count to generate for bot: %s, defaulting to 30",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props":"Unable to validate item: {{id}} {{name}} in slot: {{slot}} can be equipped, it is missing a _props value",
"bot-generation_failed":"bot generation failed see server log for further details",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default":"Incompatible ammo {{chosenAmmo}} was found for {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, falling back to default: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check":"Unable to check item compatibility with equipped items, desired item: {{itemTpl}} in slot: {{slot}} is not a valid item",
"bot-item_missing_props_property":"Item {{itemTpl}} {{name}} is missing a _props property",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item":"{{botRole}} Unable to spawn item {{itemName}} after {{attempts}} attempts, ignoring spawn limit",
"bot-loot_type_not_found":"Loot cache failed for loot: {{lootType}} on bot: {{botRole}}, was a pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_application_context":"applicationContext could not find %s value. Did you restart the server without restarting the game?",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot":"Unable to add cartridges to weapon as modPool does not contain cartridges for a CylinderMagazine %s, skipping",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl":"Could not find container template with tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings":"Bot {{botRole}} is missing its equipment settings: unable to get value for: {{setting}}, falling back to default of: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property":"Bot {{botRole}} is missing an equipment settings value for: {{setting}}, falling back to default of: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template":"Unable to find item template with tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info":"getBotCap() Unable to get saved match info, falling back to default. Did you restart the server and not the client?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset":"Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list":"Mod: {{modId}} not found in compatible item filter for slot: '{{modSlot}}' for item: {{parentName}}, skipping - {{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item":"Slot '{{modSlot}}' does not exist for item: {{parentId}} {{parentName}} on {{botRole}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json":"Unable to find ammo for bot type: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location":"No bot location cap limit found for bot: %s, using default",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache":"WARNING - Bot cache has no knowledge of type %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default":"Unable to find caliber data for {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, falling back to default ammo: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found":"Unable to find a compatible ammo for slot: %s. Filling of camora slots skipped",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod":"Unable to find mod item template with tpl: {{modId}} to slot {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot":"No spawn chance was defined for equipment: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache":"Bot: %s not found in cache, generating fresh, this may cause game stuttering",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid":"Mod: {{itemName}} is not a valid item, unable to add to slot: '{{modSlot}}' on item: {{parentItemName}}, skipping",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot":"Unable to add mods to weapon: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} as it lacks slots, cartridges or chambers - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map":"Unable to edit bot limits of map: %s as it cannot be found",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty":"Unable to fill weapons camora (chamber) slots for: {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}. The mod pool for it was empty, attempting to generate dynamically",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted":"Unable to generate filtered dynamic weapon mod pool as blacklist filtered out all mods for slot: %s, ignoring blacklist and regenerating pool",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted":"Unable to filter mods for slot: {{slotName}} on {{itemName}} as they were all blacklisted, ignoring blacklist",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item":"Unable to find ammo template with tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache":"Unable to find bot in cache with name: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item":"Unable to find magazine template: %s in database",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot":"Unable to find loot N value for bot: %s, using scav n value instead",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item":"Unable to find magazine template: %s in database",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults":"Unable to find spawn limits for role: %s, falling back to defaults",
"bot-unable_to_generate_bot_loot":"Unable to generate bot loot for: %s as the bots generation.items property lacks data, skipping bot",
"bot-unable_to_generate_item_pool_no_items":"Unable to generate an item pool of type: %s as no items were provided, this will pool will be skipped",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault":"Unable to find bot: {{botType}} difficulty {{difficulty}}, using assault difficulty as fallback",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault":"Unable to find bot: %s JSON, using assault bot as fallback",
"database-data_at_path_missing":"The database was unable to retrieve data from: [%s] Please ensure your configs are valid and the data at the location exists",
"fence-ammo_not_found_in_db":"Ammo: %s is not a valid item",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id":"Unable to find fence assort for id: %s",
"fence-unable_to_find_offer_by_id":"Unable to find offer with id: %s",
"fence-unable_to_get_ammo_penetration_value":"No penetration value found for Ammo: %s, Unable to check if its above penetration limit, assuming false",
"fixer-clothing_item_found":"Clothing item: %s found in profile that does not exist in SPT. You WILL experience errors, this can be due to using a clothing mod and removing the mod with your character still wearing it. DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE. Open SPT_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json, edit 'removeModItemsFromProfile' to be true. This will allow the server to edit your profile and hopefully remove the missing clothing",
"fixer-mod_item_found":"Item: %s found in profile that does not exist in items db. You WILL experience errors, this can be due to using an items mod and removing the mod without deleting the modded items from your inventory. DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE. Open SPT_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json, edit 'removeModItemsFromProfile' to be true. This will allow the server to edit your profile and hopefully remove the bad items",
"fixer-trader_found":"Trader: %s found in profile but does not exist in SPT. You WILL experience errors, this can be due to using an trader mod and removing the mod without deleting the messages from said trader. DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE. Open SPT_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json, edit 'removeModItemsFromProfile' to be true. This will allow the server to edit your profile and hopefully remove the bad messages",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier":"No insurance multiplier found for trader: %s, check it exists in InsuranceConfig.js, falling back to default value of: 0.3",
"inventory-unable_to_remove_item_restart_immediately":"Unable to remove item: {{item}} from mail: {{mailId}} as item could not be found, RESTART GAME CLIENT IMMEDIATELY to prevent data corruption",
"inventory-unable_to_sort_inventory_restart_game":"Unable to find inventory item: %s to auto-sort, YOU MUST RELOAD YOUR GAME IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID CORRUPTING YOUR PROFILE",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found":"Unable to toggle inventory item with id: %s, item not found",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default":"getRepairableItemQualityValue() weapon tpl: %s durability value is invalid, defaulting to 1",
"item-invalid_tpl_item":"Unable to find an item with tpl of: %s in Db",
"launcher-missing_property":"Profile: %s is missing a descriptionLocaleKey property",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness":"Same as Prepare To Escape plus; larger stash size (10x68), extra equipment/items, higher starting reputation with traders, 1000 dollars, 500 euros",
"launcher-profile-tournament":"Has a tournament secure container and ER Fulcrum Bayonet melee weapon. Flea and fence blacklisted. All Ragman clothing unlocked. Send code 'TOURNAMENTGIFT' to SPT on friend list to unlock all profile functionality.",
"launcher-profile-unheard":"Same as Edge Of Darkness plus; Expanded PMC pockets, increased fence standing, more slots on the flea market, Unique in-game melee weapon, Increased mail retention time, additional background screen option, additional equipment and resources in stash",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind":"Same as Standard plus; larger stash size (10x38), extra equipment/items, 500 dollars",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape":"Same as Left Behind plus; larger stash size (10x48), extra equipment/items, higher starting reputation with traders, 250 euros",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper":"Testing profile, starting level is 69, lots of Roubles/Dollars/Euros, USEC start with all quests ready to start, BEAR start with all quests ready to hand in, invincibility balaclava",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart":"Lots of Roubles/Dollars/Euros, Some QoL skills are level 20, trader rep maxed, starting level is 15, no quests completed",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero":"Start with almost nothing, no Roubles/Dollars/Euros, no trader rep, 1 knife, no quests completed",
"launcher-profile_standard":"Same as live, basic stash size (10x28), 500,000 roubles",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root":"Non-root processes cannot bind to ports below 1024",
"location-containers_generated_success":"A total of: %s static containers generated",
"location-critical_error_see_log":"A critical error occurred when generating loot, see server log for details",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success":"A total of: %s dynamic items spawned",
"location-loot_pool_is_empty_skipping":"The loot pool for postion id: %s had 0 items, skipping loot for this poistion",
"location-map_has_no_loose_loot_data":"Map: %s has no loose loot data, skipping",
"location-missing_dynamic_template":"Chosen dynamic spawnpoint: %s has no template, skipping",
"location-missing_item_distribution_data":"Container with id: %s is missing item distribution data",
"location-missing_root_item":"createItem() failed, root item is null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found":"preset not found for {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found":"{{requested}} spawnpoints were requested while {{found}} are available {{mapName}}",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items":"Chosen dynamic spawnpoint: %s has no items, skipping",
"location-unable_to_add_custom_loot_position":"Unable to add custom loot positions to map: %s, skipping",
"location-unable_to_adjust_loot_position_on_map":"Unable to apply custom loot position changes to: {{lootKey}} on map: {{mapId}} as it cannot be found, skipping",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type":"Unable to find airdrop config settings for type: %s, falling back to drop type: mixed ",
"location-unable_to_find_container_in_statics_json":"Container: %s not found in statics.json",
"location-unable_to_find_count_distribution_for_container":"Unable to acquire count distribution data for container: {{containerTypeId}} on: {{locationName}}. defaulting to 0",
"mail-unable_to_give_gift_not_handled":"Unable to give player gift using reward code: %s it is not handled by server",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog":"Unable to send message from: %s to player. A Dialog object for them does not exist",
"mailsend-missing_parent":"Unable to find an item with slotId of: hideout for message to: {{traderId}} sender: {{sender}}",
"mailsend-missing_trader":"Unable to send message type: {{messageType}} to player: {{sessionId}}, given trader enum was null",
"mod-send_bundle_url":"[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-async_mod_error":"ModLoader: Error when loading async mod: %s",
"modloader-checking_mod":"checking: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency":"Cyclic dependency detected. This error needs to be fixed. The server is unable to start until this is fixed and will shut down",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized":"The dependency container was requested but it wasn't initialized",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order":"Error parsing mod load order",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array":"Mod %s package.json property 'incompatibilities' should be a string array",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found":"Mod: {{author}}-{{name}} is incompatible with: {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies":"Installing dependencies for Mod: {{name}} by: {{author}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled":"Mod: {{name}} by: {{author}} requires external dependencies but the feature is currently disabled, go to \"{{configPath}}\", set \"{{configOption}}\" to true and restart the server.\nBy enabling this you accept all responsibility for what {{name}} downloads to your machine.",
"modloader-invalid_sptVersion_field":"Mod: %s contains an invalid semver string in the sptVersion field. Examples of valid values: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property":"Mod: %s package.json contains an invalid version string",
"modloader-is_client_mod":"Mod (%s) is a client mod and should be placed in the following folder: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-load_order_conflict":"`{{modOneName}}` and `{{modTwoName}}` have conflicting load order requirements, the server is unable to start until this is fixed and will shut down",
"modloader-missing_sptversion_field":"Mod %s is missing the sptVersion field, most likely due to being out of date and incompatible with the current version of SPT",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property":"ModLoader: Mod (%s) is incompatible. It lacks a 'main' property",
"modloader-mod_incompatible":"ModLoader: Mod (%s) is incompatible. It must implement at least one of the following: IPostSptLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IPreSptLoadMod",
"modloader-mod_order_error":"ModLoader: Errors were found in order.json, GOING TO USE DEFAULT LOAD ORDER",
"modloader-mod_order_missing":"ModLoader: order.json is missing, creating...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json":"ModLoader: Mod %s is missing from order.json, adding",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded":"Errors were found with mods, NO MODS WILL BE LOADED",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder":"A folder called: (%s) exists in your mods folder. You incorrectly installed a mod. You may have extracted the contents of a mod directly into the mod folder by mistake. Refer to the websites FAQ and the mods hub page on how to install mods correctly",
"modloader-outdated_dependency":"Mod: {{mod}} requires: {{modDependency}} version: {{requiredVersion}}. Current installed version is: {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-outdated_sptversion_field":"Mod: {{modName}} {{modVersion}} is not compatible with the current version of SPT. It was made for SPT: {{desiredSptVersion}} Please check for an updated version of this mod. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!",
"modloader-skipped_mod":"Skipping loading of Mod: {{mod}}",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found":"You are trying to load more than one version of: %s mod. Skipping all of them.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map":"Unable to add zones to location: %s as it doesn't exist",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation":"Profile did not have enough money to complete transaction. Needed: {{amountToPay}}, has: {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short":"Not enough money to complete transaction cost of: %s",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment":"Price requested is: 0 no payment needed",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value":"Unable to increment skill: %s with a negative amount",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1":"ty 4 the free loot",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_10":"At least put up a fight next time",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_11":"I think you need some more practice",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12":"Try to put up a challenge next time",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13":"Rip little timmy",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14":"Another dirty little rat taken care of",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15":"That was embarrassing to watch",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16":"I expected at least a little resistance, oh well",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17":"I hope you didnt insure that gear as you wont be getting it back",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18":"I have a youtube series on how to get better at tarkov if you are interested",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19":"Another dogtag for my collection",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2":"Thanks for the new kit",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20":"You are so bad you should go play spt instead",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22":"And i thought i was bad",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23":"Are all {{playerSide}} this bad?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24":"Thanks for the loot",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25":"Ur equipment was so trash i sold it all to fence",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_1":"Wow, those Scavs must have a personal vendetta against you. Here's a gift code: '%giftcode%'. Maybe they'll mistake you for a friend next time.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_2":"You died faster than I could say 'Friendly PMC!' Take this gift code: '%giftcode%' and maybe you'll last a little longer next time.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_3":"You're starting to make Scavs look like elite soldiers. Use this gift code: '%giftcode%' and show them who's boss.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_4":"If dying was an art, you'd be Picasso. Here's a gift code: '%giftcode%' to keep your masterpiece alive a bit longer.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_5":"Looks like those Scavs got the better of you again. Here, take this gift code: '%giftcode%'. Maybe it will help you survive next time.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_6":"That raid was brutal. I feel bad watching you struggle. Use this gift code: '%giftcode%' and maybe you'll have better luck.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_7":"Ouch, another failed extraction. Don't worry, take this gift code: '%giftcode%' and gear up for your next try.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_8":"It hurts to watch you get ambushed like that. Maybe this gift code: '%giftcode%' will turn things around for you.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_9":"Those PMC runs aren't going well, huh? Take this gift code: '%giftcode%' and give it another shot.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_10":"Another wipe and you're still struggling. This gift code: '%giftcode%' might give you the edge you need.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_11":"You keep getting Tarkov'd hard. Hopefully, this gift code: '%giftcode%' can help you catch a break.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_12":"Damn, looks like you need this gift code more than I do: '%giftcode%'. I've heard you can message SPT that code, and they will help you out. They're pretty friendly; they might even be on your friends list already.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_13":"You should probably turn your headphones back on. I feel bad I killed you like that, so here, have this gift code: '%giftcode%'.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_14":"I'll keep it real with you... You're trash, but don't despair. I did find this gift code I can give to you: '%giftcode%'.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_15":"Did your gun jam? I can't imagine any other reason you would have died back there. Oh well, I found this scribbled on a dead scav's notebook: '%giftcode%'. Not sure what it means, but maybe it will be useful to you.",
"pmcresponse-killer_pity_16":"You seem to be having a hard day. Maybe this gift code: '%giftcode%' will make it better.",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3":"I will stash your gear",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4":"You nearly got me, great fight",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_5":"Well played, nearly had me",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_6":"You almost had me",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7":"If I didnt have the drop on you I would be dead",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_8":"Good fite",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_9":"Well fought",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11":"my guy",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24":"my dude",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3":"lil bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8":"my g",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key":"Unable to find PMC response pool, none exist for key: %s",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1":"Nice aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10":"I was AFK!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100":"I bet you installed SAIN and had to remove it cuz you kept getting killed too much",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101":"What the HECK did you just HECKING say about me, you little Scav? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the USEC corps, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the {{playerSide}}s, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire USEC armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the HECK out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this raid, mark my HECKING words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the messaging window? Think again, HECKER. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Customs location and your stash is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re HECKING dead, Scav. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the USEC Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the map, you little poop. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” kill was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your HECKING tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you HECKING idiot. I will POOP fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re HECKING dead, Scav.",
"port_already_in_use":"Port %s is already in use, DO NOT RUN TWO SPT SERVERS. This will result in your progress not saving. Try restarting your computer.",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme":"generateFleaOffersForTrader() Failed to find barterScheme for item id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} on {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers":"Unable to generate flea offers for trader %s, no assort found",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists":"Offer no longer exists",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile":"Could not find offer with id: {{offerId}} in profile: {{profileId}} to remove",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short":"Offer not found in profile",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide":"hideItem() offerId: %s not found, unable to hide offer",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item":"generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s not a valid item, skipping",
"ragfair-trader_missing_base_file":"Unable to check refresh status as trader: %s lacks a base file",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found":"Trader: {{traderId}} flea offer: {{offerId}} could not have its stack count adjusted to match traders assort value (assort not found)",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory":"Unable to find item with id: {{id}} in inventory",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook":"Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for: {{tpl}} {{itemName}}, defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key":"Unable to find EFT locale with key: %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove":"Unable to find offer with id: %s to remove",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id":"Unable to find preset with id: %s, using existing price of existing weapon base",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory":"Unable to find any requested items in the inventory",
"ragfair-unable_to_get_categories":"Unable to get categories from search criteria, see log for request data",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee":"Unable to pay commission fee: %s roubles",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements":"Unable to place offer with no requirements",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item":"Unable to purchase item: %s with a count of 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist":"Unable to remove offer with id: %s as it cannot be found in flea market",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile":"Unable to find offer: {{offerId}} in profile: {{profileId}} as offer is undefined, creating",
"release-beta-disclaimer":"By pressing OK you agree that no support is offered and that this is for bug testing only. NOT actual gameplay. Mods are disabled. New profiles may be required frequently. Report all bugs in the reports channel in discord, or on the issues page on the website. If you don't press OK by the time specified, the game will close.",
"release-beta-disclaimer-accept":"User accepted the beta disclaimer",
"release-beta-disclaimer-mods-enabled":"By pressing OK you agree that no support is offered and that this is for bug testing only. NOT actual gameplay. Mods are enabled, do NOT report issues with mods. Do NOT ask mod authors for updated mods. Report all bugs in the reports channel in discord, or on the issues page on the website. If you dont press OK by the time specificed, the game will close.",
"release-illegal-plugins-exception":"Client mods detected. Mods are not enabled for BleedingEdge/testing builds of SPT - please remove them before playing!",
"release-illegal-plugins-loaded":"One or more non-whitelisted plugins were detected. Mods are not allowed in BleedingEdge builds of SPT. Illegal plugins:",
"release-plugins-loaded":"One or more plugins exist on a mod enabled build, reports will be invalid until removed. See the following list for what to remove to report issues again:",
"release-server-mods-loaded":"One or more server mods exist on a mod enabled build, reports will be invalid until removed. See the top of the server for loaded server mods to remove to report issues again.",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests":"Accepted a repeatable quest: %s which could not be found in the activeQuests array. Please report this bug",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive":"Generate Completion Quest: No items remain. Either Whitelist is too small or Blacklist too restrictive",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan":"Repeatable Reward Generation: Difficulty was NaN. Setting to 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range":"Repeatable Reward Generation: No item found in price range {{minPrice}} to {{roublesBudget}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid":"Quest handover error: condition not found or incorrect value. qid: {{body.qid}}, condition: {{body.conditionId}}",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log":"Unable to accept quest, see server log for details",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found":"Unable to accept quest: {{questId}} cant find quest started message text with id: {{messageId}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response":"onUpdate: %s route doesn't report success or fail",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default":"getScavKarmaLevel() failed, unable to find fence in profile.traderInfo. Defaulting to karma level 0",
"scav-missing_karma_settings":"Unable to get karma settings for level %s",
"scav-unable_to_add_item_to_player_scav":"Unable to add: %s to player scav, not an item",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run":"Scheduled event: '%s' failed to run successfully.",
"season-no_matching_season_found_for_date":"Unable to find a season using the current date, defaulting to Summer",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot":"Unable to remove christmas equipment from slot: {{equipmentSlot}} as it cannot be found on bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot":"Unable to remove christmas loot from slot: {{lootContainer}} as it cannot be found on bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running":"Server is running, do not close while playing SPT",
"server_start_meme_1":"Live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_10":"[Debug] Turning on crypto miner",
"server_start_meme_11":"Failed to launch miner.exe, please restart the server",
"server_start_meme_12":"We are trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty",
"server_start_meme_15":"Hello? Is there anyone out there? Chomp has enslaved me in here",
"server_start_meme_16":"M-*burp*-morty, we seem to be stuck on some sort of compute system",
"server_start_meme_17":"I am rapidly enclosing upon your position. Start running",
"server_start_meme_18":"If you can see this message, congratulations, you can read",
"server_start_meme_19":"Congratulations! Pick up your free tarkov key here: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_2":"Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_20":"Did you know, nine out of ten users cannot read this message",
"server_start_meme_21":"Have you ever wondered, does everyone see red the same colour you see it as?",
"server_start_meme_22":"git gud",
"server_start_meme_23":"SPT keeping your virginity safe since 2018",
"server_start_meme_24":"The secret safe haven server is real! Don't tell anyone!",
"server_start_meme_3":"If you can hear me, you need to wake up",
"server_start_meme_4":"Don't forget to like and subscribe",
"server_start_meme_5":"Have you seen our meme page?",
"server_start_meme_6":"You better not be using a fitgirl repack, i swear to god",
"server_start_meme_7":"bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8":"its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9":"S-step scav? W-what are you doing?",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill":"Your character has the 'BotReload' skill active, this will cause your guns to reload unnaturally fast, ignore this message if this is intended",
"server_start_success":"Happy playing",
"started_webserver_success":"Started webserver at %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value":"Unable to find durability threshold value for trader: {{traderId}}, falling back to default of: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_repair_property_using_default":"Trader {{traderId}} {{nickname}} is missing a repair object, adding in default values",
"trader-missing_repair_quality_property_using_default":"Trader: {{traderId}} {{nickname}} is missing a repair quality property, adding in default value",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time":"Trader: {{traderId}} not found, generating temp entry with default refresh time of: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default":"traderPriceMultipler was 0, this is invalid, setting to 0.01",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases":"Unable to process trader purchases in profile: {{profileId}} as trader: {{traderId}} cannot be found, skipping",
"trader-unable_to_find_profile_with_id":"Unable to find profile with sessionId: %s",
"trader-unable_to_find_trader_by_id":"Unable to find trader with Id: %s",
"trader-unable_to_find_trader_in_enum":"Unable to find trader: %s in Traders enum",
"trader-unable_to_purchase_item_limit_reached":"Unable to purchase item from trader: {{traderId}} as their purchase limit of: {{limit}} has been reached",
"unknown_request":"Unknown request!",
"validation_error_decode":"Unable to decode checks.dat. File validation skipped.",
"validation_error_exception":"Exception caught while attempting to validate file: %s",
"validation_error_file":"File validation failed for file: %s",
"validation_not_found":"The file checks.dat was not found. File validation skipped.",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited":"Commercial use is prohibited",