Compare commits
No commits in common. "zig" and "rust" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
# ---> Rust
# Generated by Cargo
# will have compiled files and executables
# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries
# More information here
# These are backup files generated by rustfmt
# MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 3
name = "luaaaaah"
version = "0.1.0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = "luaaaaah"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 0x4261756D
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "luaaaaah_zig",
// In this case the main source file is merely a path, however, in more
// complicated build scripts, this could be a generated file.
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.addModule("types", b.addModule("types", .{
.source_file = .{ .path = "src/types.zig" }
exe.addModule("tokenizer", b.addModule("tokenizer", .{
.source_file = .{ .path = "src/tokenizer.zig" },
exe.addModule("parser", b.addModule("parser", .{
.source_file = .{ .path = "src/parser.zig" },
exe.addModule("treewalker", b.addModule("treewalker", .{
.source_file = .{ .path = "src/treewalker.zig" },
// This declares intent for the executable to be installed into the
// standard location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default
// step when running `zig build`).
// This *creates* a Run step in the build graph, to be executed when another
// step is evaluated that depends on it. The next line below will establish
// such a dependency.
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
// By making the run step depend on the install step, it will be run from the
// installation directory rather than directly from within the cache directory.
// This is not necessary, however, if the application depends on other installed
// files, this ensures they will be present and in the expected location.
// This allows the user to pass arguments to the application in the build
// command itself, like this: `zig build run -- arg1 arg2 etc`
if (b.args) |args| {
// This creates a build step. It will be visible in the `zig build --help` menu,
// and can be selected like this: `zig build run`
// This will evaluate the `run` step rather than the default, which is "install".
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
// Creates a step for unit testing. This only builds the test executable
// but does not run it.
const unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(unit_tests);
// Similar to creating the run step earlier, this exposes a `test` step to
// the `zig build --help` menu, providing a way for the user to request
// running the unit tests.
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
use crate::tokenizer::Token;
pub enum Rule
Terminal(u8, Token),
NonTerminal(u8, u8, u8)
pub const NONTERMINAL_NAMES: [&str; 115] =
pub const TERMINAL_RULES: [(u8, Token); 125] =
(57, Token::RoundOpen),
(34, Token::RoundClosed),
(8, Token::Comma),
(66, Token::DotDotDot),
(69, Token::Dot),
(39, Token::ColonColon),
(99, Token::Colon),
(15, Token::Semicolon),
(20, Token::Lt),
(98, Token::Equals),
(6, Token::Gt),
(81, Token::Name(String::new())),
(80, Token::Return),
(80, Token::Semicolon),
(80, Token::Break),
(43, Token::SquareOpen),
(42, Token::SquareClosed),
(87, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(105, Token::RoundClosed),
(72, Token::Name(String::new())),
(65, Token::Plus),
(65, Token::Minus),
(65, Token::Star),
(65, Token::Slash),
(65, Token::SlashSlash),
(65, Token::Caret),
(65, Token::Percent),
(65, Token::Ampersand),
(65, Token::Pipe),
(65, Token::GtGt),
(65, Token::LtLt),
(65, Token::DotDot),
(65, Token::Lt),
(65, Token::LtEquals),
(65, Token::Gt),
(65, Token::GtEquals),
(65, Token::EqualsEquals),
(65, Token::TildeEquals),
(65, Token::And),
(65, Token::Or),
(7, Token::Return),
(7, Token::Semicolon),
(7, Token::Break),
(47, Token::Do),
(18, Token::Else),
(50, Token::Else),
(84, Token::Elseif),
(49, Token::Then),
(94, Token::End),
(55, Token::Nil),
(55, Token::False),
(55, Token::True),
(55, Token::Numeral(String::new())),
(55, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(55, Token::DotDotDot),
(55, Token::Name(String::new())),
(21, Token::Nil),
(21, Token::False),
(21, Token::True),
(21, Token::Numeral(String::new())),
(21, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(21, Token::DotDotDot),
(21, Token::Name(String::new())),
(32, Token::Nil),
(32, Token::False),
(32, Token::True),
(32, Token::Numeral(String::new())),
(32, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(32, Token::DotDotDot),
(32, Token::Name(String::new())),
(2, Token::Nil),
(2, Token::False),
(2, Token::True),
(2, Token::Numeral(String::new())),
(2, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(2, Token::DotDotDot),
(2, Token::Name(String::new())),
(3, Token::Comma),
(3, Token::Semicolon),
(62, Token::Comma),
(62, Token::Semicolon),
(85, Token::For),
(13, Token::Name(String::new())),
(75, Token::Function),
(82, Token::Goto),
(58, Token::If),
(53, Token::In),
(33, Token::Local),
(36, Token::Name(String::new())),
(4, Token::Name(String::new())),
(5, Token::DotDotDot),
(5, Token::Name(String::new())),
(71, Token::Name(String::new())),
(104, Token::Repeat),
(29, Token::Return),
(114, Token::Semicolon),
(114, Token::Nil),
(114, Token::False),
(114, Token::True),
(114, Token::Numeral(String::new())),
(114, Token::StringLiteral(String::new())),
(114, Token::DotDotDot),
(114, Token::Name(String::new())),
(68, Token::Return),
(40, Token::Semicolon),
(40, Token::Break),
(22, Token::Semicolon),
(22, Token::Break),
(54, Token::End),
(70, Token::End),
(100, Token::End),
(11, Token::Name(String::new())),
(25, Token::End),
(78, Token::CurlyClosed),
(67, Token::Then),
(48, Token::Minus),
(48, Token::Not),
(48, Token::Hash),
(48, Token::Tilde),
(90, Token::Until),
(106, Token::Name(String::new())),
(79, Token::Name(String::new())),
(63, Token::While),
(23, Token::CurlyOpen),
(76, Token::CurlyClosed),
pub const NONTERMINAL_RULES: [(u8, u8, u8); 219] =
(80, 22, 29),
(80, 68, 114),
(80, 40, 22),
(80, 82, 81),
(80, 79, 44),
(80, 47, 25),
(80, 63, 46),
(80, 104, 59),
(80, 85, 30),
(80, 75, 89),
(80, 33, 0),
(80, 58, 93),
(80, 85, 31),
(80, 33, 11),
(80, 71, 87),
(80, 71, 73),
(80, 39, 51),
(87, 57, 105),
(87, 23, 78),
(105, 21, 34),
(44, 98, 21),
(72, 81, 95),
(95, 103, 27),
(95, 20, 60),
(95, 112, 27),
(95, 8, 36),
(103, 20, 60),
(60, 81, 6),
(7, 22, 29),
(7, 68, 114),
(7, 40, 22),
(7, 82, 81),
(7, 79, 44),
(7, 47, 25),
(7, 63, 46),
(7, 104, 59),
(7, 85, 30),
(7, 75, 89),
(7, 33, 0),
(7, 58, 93),
(7, 85, 31),
(7, 33, 11),
(7, 71, 87),
(7, 71, 73),
(7, 39, 51),
(50, 18, 7),
(74, 84, 61),
(64, 74, 64),
(64, 84, 61),
(61, 55, 49),
(49, 67, 7),
(55, 48, 55),
(55, 55, 109),
(55, 75, 113),
(55, 23, 78),
(55, 57, 14),
(55, 71, 77),
(55, 71, 26),
(55, 71, 87),
(55, 71, 73),
(109, 65, 55),
(21, 55, 96),
(21, 48, 55),
(21, 55, 109),
(21, 75, 113),
(21, 23, 78),
(21, 57, 14),
(21, 71, 77),
(21, 71, 26),
(21, 71, 87),
(21, 71, 73),
(32, 43, 28),
(32, 81, 45),
(32, 48, 55),
(32, 55, 109),
(32, 75, 113),
(32, 23, 78),
(32, 57, 14),
(32, 71, 77),
(32, 71, 26),
(32, 71, 87),
(32, 71, 73),
(28, 55, 9),
(9, 42, 45),
(45, 98, 55),
(2, 32, 3),
(2, 43, 28),
(2, 81, 45),
(2, 48, 55),
(2, 55, 109),
(2, 75, 113),
(2, 23, 78),
(2, 57, 14),
(2, 71, 77),
(2, 71, 26),
(2, 71, 87),
(2, 71, 73),
(3, 41, 62),
(3, 111, 41),
(3, 62, 32),
(38, 8, 55),
(113, 57, 1),
(1, 5, 52),
(1, 34, 25),
(52, 34, 25),
(13, 81, 102),
(102, 24, 56),
(102, 26, 24),
(102, 69, 81),
(102, 99, 81),
(56, 99, 81),
(26, 69, 81),
(24, 26, 24),
(24, 69, 81),
(73, 99, 101),
(101, 81, 87),
(51, 81, 39),
(112, 8, 36),
(27, 112, 27),
(27, 8, 36),
(36, 81, 103),
(96, 38, 96),
(96, 8, 55),
(111, 62, 32),
(41, 111, 41),
(41, 62, 32),
(91, 37, 91),
(91, 8, 81),
(37, 8, 81),
(35, 37, 35),
(35, 8, 81),
(4, 81, 91),
(5, 4, 83),
(5, 81, 91),
(83, 8, 66),
(71, 57, 14),
(71, 71, 77),
(71, 71, 26),
(71, 71, 87),
(71, 71, 73),
(14, 55, 34),
(29, 68, 114),
(114, 21, 15),
(114, 55, 96),
(114, 48, 55),
(114, 55, 109),
(114, 75, 113),
(114, 23, 78),
(114, 57, 14),
(114, 71, 77),
(114, 71, 26),
(114, 71, 87),
(114, 71, 73),
(40, 82, 81),
(40, 79, 44),
(40, 47, 25),
(40, 63, 46),
(40, 104, 59),
(40, 85, 30),
(40, 75, 89),
(40, 33, 0),
(40, 58, 93),
(40, 85, 31),
(40, 33, 11),
(40, 71, 87),
(40, 71, 73),
(40, 39, 51),
(22, 40, 22),
(22, 82, 81),
(22, 79, 44),
(22, 47, 25),
(22, 63, 46),
(22, 104, 59),
(22, 85, 30),
(22, 75, 89),
(22, 33, 0),
(22, 58, 93),
(22, 85, 31),
(22, 33, 11),
(22, 71, 87),
(22, 71, 73),
(22, 39, 51),
(97, 53, 10),
(10, 21, 16),
(89, 13, 113),
(0, 75, 19),
(19, 81, 113),
(93, 55, 12),
(12, 67, 54),
(54, 7, 70),
(54, 64, 100),
(54, 50, 94),
(70, 64, 100),
(70, 50, 94),
(100, 50, 94),
(31, 81, 17),
(17, 98, 92),
(92, 55, 108),
(46, 55, 16),
(108, 8, 88),
(88, 55, 110),
(110, 38, 16),
(110, 47, 25),
(11, 72, 44),
(11, 81, 95),
(16, 47, 25),
(25, 7, 94),
(59, 7, 86),
(59, 90, 55),
(86, 90, 55),
(30, 4, 97),
(78, 2, 76),
(106, 71, 77),
(106, 71, 26),
(77, 43, 107),
(107, 55, 42),
(79, 106, 35),
(79, 71, 77),
(79, 71, 26),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pub mod tokenizer;
pub mod parser;
pub mod grammar;
use std::{env, fs};
use crate::{tokenizer::{Token, tokenize}, parser::parse};
fn main()
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let file_content = fs::read_to_string(&args[1]).expect("Could not read source file");
match compile(&file_content)
Ok(()) =>
println!("Done compiling");
Err(msg) => println!("ERROR: {}", msg)
fn compile(file_content: &String) -> Result<(), &'static str>
let tokens: Vec<Token> = tokenize(&file_content)?;
println!("{:?}", tokens);
let node = parse(tokens)?;
println!("{:?}", node);
return Ok(());
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
const tokenize = @import("tokenizer.zig").tokenize;
const parse = @import("parser.zig").parse;
const treewalk = @import("treewalker.zig").interpret;
pub fn main() !void
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(args[1], .{});
defer file.close();
const content = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 13000);
const tokens = try tokenize(content, allocator);
var i: usize = 0;
while(i < tokens.len)
.string => |*data|
else => {}
i += 1;
var parserAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer parserAllocator.deinit();
const root = try parse(tokens, &parserAllocator);
try treewalk(root, allocator);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
use crate::tokenizer::Token;
pub fn parse(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return own(tokens);
fn own(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return parse_chunk(&tokens, &mut 0);
pub struct ChunkNode
block: BlockNode
pub struct BlockNode
stats: Vec<StatNode>,
retstat: Option<RetstatNode>
pub enum StatNode
Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode, rhs: ExplistNode },
While { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode },
Repeat { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode },
If { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode, elseifs: Vec<ElseifNode>, else_: Option<BlockNode> },
ForEq { var: String, start: ExpNode, end: ExpNode, change: Option<ExpNode>, body: BlockNode },
ForIn { vars: Vec<String>, exps: ExplistNode, body: BlockNode },
Function { name: FuncnameNode, body: FuncbodyNode },
LocalFunction { name: String, body: FuncbodyNode },
Local { attnames: AttnamelistNode, values: Option<ExplistNode> }
pub struct RetstatNode
values: Option<ExplistNode>
pub enum ExpNode
Unop(UnopType, Box<ExpNode>),
Binop { lhs: Box<ExpNode>, op: BinopType, rhs: Box<ExpNode> }
pub enum UnopType
Minus, LogicalNot, Length, BinaryNot,
pub enum BinopType
Lt, Gt, LtEquals, GtEquals, NotEquals, Equals,
Shl, Shr,
Add, Sub,
Mul, Div, IntDiv, Mod,
pub struct ExplistNode
exps: Vec<ExpNode>
pub struct TableconstructorNode
exps: Option<FieldlistNode>
pub struct FieldlistNode
exps: Vec<FieldNode>
pub enum FieldNode
IndexedAssignment { index: ExpNode, rhs: ExpNode },
Assignment { lhs: String, rhs: ExpNode },
pub struct VarlistNode
vars: Vec<VarNode>
pub struct FunctioncallNode
function: SuffixexpNode,
object_arg: Option<String>,
args: ArgsNode,
pub enum ArgsNode
pub struct ElseifNode
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
pub struct FuncnameNode
name: String,
dotted_names: Vec<String>,
first_arg: Option<String>,
pub struct ParlistNode
names: Vec<String>,
has_varargs: bool,
pub struct FuncbodyNode
pars: Option<ParlistNode>,
body: BlockNode,
pub struct AttnamelistNode
attnames: Vec<AttnameNode>
pub struct AttnameNode
name: String,
attribute: Option<String>,
pub enum VarNode
Indexed { value: SuffixexpNode, index: ExpNode },
Member { value: SuffixexpNode, name: String }
pub struct SuffixexpNode
first_part: SuffixexpFirstPart,
suffixes: Vec<SuffixexpSuffix>,
pub enum SuffixexpFirstPart // a:b:test() => a:b.test(b) => a.b.test(a, b)
pub enum SuffixexpSuffix
ArgsFirstArg(String, ArgsNode),
fn parse_chunk(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return Ok(ChunkNode { block: parse_block(tokens, i)? });
fn parse_block(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<BlockNode, &'static str>
let mut stats: Vec<StatNode> = Vec::new();
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] != Token::Return && tokens[*i] != Token::End && tokens[*i] != Token::Elseif &&
tokens[*i] != Token::Else
stats.push(parse_stat(tokens, i)?);
let retstat =
if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Return { Some(parse_retstat(tokens, i)?) }
else { None };
return Ok(BlockNode { stats, retstat });
fn parse_stat(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<StatNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of file while parsing stat");
match tokens[*i]
Token::Semicolon =>
*i += 1;
Token::Break =>
*i += 1;
Token::Goto =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of stream but expected name for goto");
return if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
Err("Expecting name for goto")
Token::Do =>
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Missing 'end' for do block");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Do(body));
Token::While =>
*i += 1;
let condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after while condition")
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Missing 'end' for do block");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::While { condition, body });
Token::Repeat =>
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Until
return Err("Expected 'until' after repeat body");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Repeat { condition: parse_exp(tokens, i)?, body });
Token::If =>
*i += 1;
let condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Then
return Err("Expected 'then' after if condition");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing if");
let mut elseifs: Vec<ElseifNode> = Vec::new();
while tokens[*i] == Token::Elseif
*i += 1;
let elseif_condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Then
return Err("Expected 'then' after elseif condition");
*i += 1;
elseifs.push(ElseifNode { condition: elseif_condition, body: parse_block(tokens, i)? });
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing if");
let else_ = if tokens[*i] == Token::Else
*i += 1;
Some(parse_block(tokens, i)?)
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' to close if");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::If { condition, body, elseifs, else_ });
Token::For =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing for");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing for after first name");
match tokens[*i]
Token::Equals =>
*i += 1;
let start = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Comma
return Err("Expected ',' after 'for eq' start value");
*i += 1;
let end = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens after end value in 'for eq'");
let change = if tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
Some(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after 'for eq' head");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' to close 'for eq'");
return Ok(StatNode::ForEq { var: name.clone(), start, end, change, body });
Token::Comma =>
let mut names = Vec::from([name.clone()]);
while tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing 'for in' namelist");
if let Token::Name(next_name) = &tokens[*i]
return Err("Expected another name in 'for in' namelist");
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing 'for in' namelist after name");
if tokens[*i] != Token::In
return Err("Expected 'in' after 'for in' namelist");
*i += 1;
let exps = parse_explist(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after 'for in' explist");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' after 'for in' body");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::ForIn { vars: names, exps, body });
_ => Err("Unexpected token after first name in for")
return Err("Expected name after 'for'");
Token::Function =>
*i += 1;
let funcname = parse_funcname(tokens, i)?;
return Ok(StatNode::Function { name: funcname, body: parse_funcbody(tokens, i)? });
Token::Local =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing local");
if tokens[*i] == Token::Function
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing local function");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::LocalFunction { name: name.clone(), body: parse_funcbody(tokens, i)? });
return Err("Expected local function name");
let attnames = parse_attnamelist(tokens, i)?;
let initials = if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Equals
*i += 1;
Some(parse_explist(tokens, i)?)
return Ok(StatNode::Local { attnames, values: initials });
Token::ColonColon =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing label");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::ColonColon
return Err("Expected '::' after name in label declaration");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Label(name.clone()));
return Err("Expected a name after '::' in label declaration")
Token::Name(_) | Token::RoundOpen =>
// assignment or functioncall
let suffix_expression = parse_suffixexp(tokens, i)?;
match tokens[*i]
Token::Equals =>
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode { vars: Vec::from([suffix_expression_to_var(suffix_expression)?]) }, rhs: parse_explist(tokens, i)? });
Token::Comma =>
let mut vars = Vec::from([suffix_expression_to_var(suffix_expression)?]);
while tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
vars.push(parse_var(tokens, i)?);
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Equals
return Err("Expected '=' for assignment");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode { vars }, rhs: parse_explist(tokens, i)? });
_ =>
if suffix_expression.suffixes.is_empty()
println!("{:?} {} {:?}", tokens[*i], i, suffix_expression);
return Err("Expected function call but suffix is empty");
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::Args(_)) = suffix_expression.suffixes.last()
return Ok(StatNode::Functioncall(suffix_expression_to_functioncall(suffix_expression)?));
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::ArgsFirstArg(_, _)) = suffix_expression.suffixes.last()
return Ok(StatNode::Functioncall(suffix_expression_to_functioncall(suffix_expression)?));
println!("{:?} {} {:?}", tokens[*i], i, suffix_expression.suffixes.last());
return Err("Expected function call");
_ =>
println!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", tokens[*i - 2], tokens[*i - 1], tokens[*i]);
Err("Unexpected token while parsing stat")
fn suffix_expression_to_functioncall(suffixexp: SuffixexpNode) -> Result<FunctioncallNode, &'static str>
let mut new_suffixexp = suffixexp;
let last = new_suffixexp.suffixes.pop();
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::Args(args)) = last
return Ok(FunctioncallNode { function: new_suffixexp, object_arg: None, args });
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::ArgsFirstArg(first_arg, args)) = last
return Ok(FunctioncallNode { function: new_suffixexp, object_arg: Some(first_arg.clone()), args });
return Err("Cannot convert suffixexp to functioncall");
fn suffix_expression_to_var(suffixexp: SuffixexpNode) -> Result<VarNode, &'static str>
if suffixexp.suffixes.is_empty()
return if let SuffixexpFirstPart::Name(name) = suffixexp.first_part
Err("Can only convert suffix exp without suffix to var if its first part is a name")
let mut new_suffixexp = suffixexp;
let last = new_suffixexp.suffixes.pop();
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::Dot(name)) = last
return Ok(VarNode::Member { value: new_suffixexp, name: name.clone() });
if let Some(SuffixexpSuffix::Indexed(index)) = last
return Ok(VarNode::Indexed { value: new_suffixexp, index: index });
return Err("Cannot convert suffixexp to var");
fn parse_var(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<VarNode, &'static str>
fn parse_args(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ArgsNode, &'static str>
if *i > tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing args");
match &tokens[*i]
Token::RoundOpen =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while paring bracketed args");
if tokens[*i] == Token::RoundClosed
*i += 1;
return Ok(ArgsNode::Bracketed(None));
let exps = parse_explist(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::RoundClosed
println!("|{:?}|{}|{:?}|", tokens[*i], i, exps);
return Err("Expected ')' to close bracketed args");
*i += 1;
return Ok(ArgsNode::Bracketed(Some(exps)));
Token::CurlyOpen =>
return Ok(ArgsNode::Tableconstructor(parse_tableconstructor(tokens, i)?));
Token::StringLiteral(name) =>
*i += 1;
return Ok(ArgsNode::Literal(name.clone()));
_ => return Err("Unexpected token while parsing args")
fn parse_suffixexp(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<SuffixexpNode, &'static str>
// primaryexp { '.' 'Name' | '[' exp']' | ':' 'Name' args | args }
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing suffixexp");
let first_part = match &tokens[*i]
Token::Name(name) =>
*i += 1;
Token::RoundOpen =>
*i += 1;
let ret = SuffixexpFirstPart::BracketedExpr(parse_exp(tokens, i)?);
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::RoundClosed
return Err("Expected ')' to close bracketed primary expression");
*i += 1;
_ => return Err("Unexpected token as first part of suffixexp")
let mut suffixes = Vec::new();
while *i < tokens.len()
match tokens[*i]
Token::Dot =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens but expected name for dotted suffix expression");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Err("Expected name for dotted suffix expression");
Token::SquareOpen =>
*i += 1;
suffixes.push(SuffixexpSuffix::Indexed(parse_exp(tokens, i)?));
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::SquareClosed
return Err("Expected ']' to close indexed suffix expression");
*i += 1;
Token::Colon =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens but expected name for dotted suffix expression");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
suffixes.push(SuffixexpSuffix::ArgsFirstArg(name.clone(), parse_args(tokens, i)?));
return Err("Expected name for dotted suffix expression");
Token::RoundOpen | Token::CurlyOpen | Token::StringLiteral(_) =>
suffixes.push(SuffixexpSuffix::Args(parse_args(tokens, i)?));
_ => break,
return Ok(SuffixexpNode { first_part, suffixes });
fn parse_retstat(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<RetstatNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Return
return Err("Expected 'return' to start retstat");
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] == Token::Semicolon || tokens[*i] == Token::Else || tokens[*i] == Token::Elseif ||
tokens[*i] == Token::End
if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Semicolon
*i += 1;
return Ok(RetstatNode { values: None });
let values = parse_explist(tokens, i)?;
if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Semicolon
*i += 1;
return Ok(RetstatNode { values: Some(values) });
fn parse_exp(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ExpNode, &'static str>
let lhs = parse_exp_primary(tokens, i)?;
return parse_exp_precedence(tokens, i, lhs, 0);
fn get_precedence(token: &Token) -> Result<u8, &'static str>
match token
Token::Or => Ok(2),
Token::And => Ok(4),
Token::Lt | Token::Gt | Token::LtEquals | Token::GtEquals | Token::TildeEquals | Token::EqualsEquals => Ok(6),
Token::Pipe => Ok(8),
Token::Tilde => Ok(10),
Token::Ampersand => Ok(12),
Token::LtLt | Token::GtGt => Ok(14),
Token::DotDot => Ok(16),
Token::Plus | Token::Minus => Ok(18),
Token::Star | Token::Slash | Token::SlashSlash | Token::Percent => Ok(20),
Token::Caret => Ok(22),
_ => Err("Tried to get precedence for unknown operator"),
fn get_binop(token: &Token) -> Result<BinopType, &'static str>
match token
Token::Or => Ok(BinopType::LogicalOr),
Token::And => Ok(BinopType::LocicalAnd),
Token::Lt => Ok(BinopType::Lt),
Token::Gt => Ok(BinopType::Lt),
Token::LtEquals => Ok(BinopType::LtEquals),
Token::GtEquals => Ok(BinopType::GtEquals),
Token::TildeEquals => Ok(BinopType::NotEquals),
Token::EqualsEquals => Ok(BinopType::Equals),
Token::Pipe => Ok(BinopType::BinaryOr),
Token::Tilde => Ok(BinopType::BinaryNot),
Token::Ampersand => Ok(BinopType::BinaryAnd),
Token::DotDot => Ok(BinopType::Concat),
Token::Plus => Ok(BinopType::Add),
Token::Minus => Ok(BinopType::Sub),
Token::Star => Ok(BinopType::Mul),
Token::Slash => Ok(BinopType::Div),
Token::SlashSlash => Ok(BinopType::IntDiv),
Token::Percent => Ok(BinopType::Mod),
Token::Caret => Ok(BinopType::Exp),
_ =>
println!("{:?}", token);
Err("Tried to get binop type for unknown operator")
fn is_binop(token: &Token) -> bool
match token
Token::Or | Token::And | Token::Lt | Token::Gt | Token::LtEquals | Token::GtEquals | Token::TildeEquals | Token::EqualsEquals |
Token::Pipe | Token::Tilde | Token::Ampersand | Token::LtLt | Token::GtGt | Token::DotDot | Token::Plus | Token::Minus |
Token::Star | Token::Slash | Token::SlashSlash | Token::Percent | Token::Caret =>
_ => false
fn is_right_associative(token: &Token) -> bool
return token == &Token::DotDot || token == &Token::Caret;
fn parse_exp_precedence(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize, lhs: ExpNode, min_precedence: u8) -> Result<ExpNode, &'static str>
let mut lhs = lhs;
while *i < tokens.len() && is_binop(&tokens[*i])
let precedence = get_precedence(&tokens[*i])?;
if precedence < min_precedence
let op = get_binop(&tokens[*i])?;
*i += 1;
let mut rhs = parse_exp_primary(tokens, i)?;
while *i < tokens.len() && is_binop(&tokens[*i]) && (get_precedence(&tokens[*i])? > precedence ||
(get_precedence(&tokens[*i])? == precedence && is_right_associative(&tokens[*i])))
rhs = parse_exp_precedence(tokens, i, rhs, precedence + if precedence == get_precedence(&tokens[*i])? {0} else {1})?;
lhs = ExpNode::Binop { lhs: Box::new(lhs), op, rhs: Box::new(rhs) };
return Ok(lhs);
fn parse_exp_primary(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ExpNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens but expected primary expression");
match &tokens[*i]
Token::Nil =>
*i += 1;
Token::True =>
*i += 1;
Token::False =>
*i += 1;
Token::Numeral(number_str) =>
*i += 1;
Ok(ExpNode::Numeral(number_str.parse::<f64>().map_err(|_| "Could not parse number")?))
Token::StringLiteral(string) =>
*i += 1;
Token::DotDotDot =>
*i += 1;
Token::Function =>
*i += 1;
Ok(ExpNode::Functiondef(parse_funcbody(tokens, i)?))
Token::CurlyOpen => Ok(ExpNode::Tableconstructor(parse_tableconstructor(tokens, i)?)),
Token::Minus =>
Ok(ExpNode::Unop(UnopType::Minus, Box::new(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)))
Token::Hash =>
Ok(ExpNode::Unop(UnopType::Length, Box::new(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)))
Token::Not =>
Ok(ExpNode::Unop(UnopType::LogicalNot, Box::new(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)))
Token::Tilde =>
Ok(ExpNode::Unop(UnopType::BinaryNot, Box::new(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)))
_ => Ok(ExpNode::Suffixexp(Box::new(parse_suffixexp(tokens, i)?))),
fn parse_tableconstructor(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<TableconstructorNode, &'static str>
fn parse_explist(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ExplistNode, &'static str>
let mut exps: Vec<ExpNode> = Vec::from([parse_exp(tokens, i)?]);
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
exps.push(parse_exp(tokens, i)?);
return Ok(ExplistNode { exps });
fn parse_funcname(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<FuncnameNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing funcname");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
let mut dotted_names = Vec::new();
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Dot
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing dotted part of funcname");
if let Token::Name(dotted_name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Err("Expected name in dotted funcname");
let first_arg = if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Colon
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing funcname first arg");
if let Token::Name(arg_name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Err("Expected name of first arg in funcname");
return Ok(FuncnameNode { name: name.clone(), dotted_names, first_arg });
return Err("Expected func name");
fn parse_funcbody(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<FuncbodyNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::RoundOpen
return Err("Expected '(' to start funcbody");
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing funcbody parlist");
let pars = if tokens[*i] == Token::RoundClosed
*i += 1;
let ret = Some(parse_parlist(tokens, i)?);
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::RoundClosed
return Err("Expected ')' to close funcbody parlist");
*i += 1;
let block = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
println!("{:?}", &tokens[(*i - 10)..(*i + 10)]);
return Err("Expected 'end' to close funcbody");
*i += 1;
return Ok(FuncbodyNode { pars, body: block });
fn parse_parlist(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ParlistNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing parlist");
if tokens[*i] == Token::DotDotDot
*i += 1;
return Ok(ParlistNode { names: Vec::new(), has_varargs: true });
let first_name = if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Err("Expected name to start parlist");
let mut names = Vec::from([first_name]);
let mut has_varargs = false;
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing parlist name list");
match &tokens[*i]
Token::Name(name) =>
*i += 1;
Token::DotDotDot =>
*i += 1;
has_varargs = true;
_ => return Err("Unexpected token while parsing parlist name list"),
return Ok(ParlistNode { names, has_varargs });
fn parse_attnamelist(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<AttnamelistNode, &'static str>
let mut attnames: Vec<AttnameNode> = Vec::from([parse_attname(tokens, i)?]);
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
attnames.push(parse_attname(tokens, i)?);
return Ok(AttnamelistNode { attnames });
fn parse_attname(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<AttnameNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens but expected name for attrib name");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
let attribute = if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Lt
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens but expected attribute");
if let Token::Name(attrib) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Gt
return Err("Exptected '>' to close attribute name");
return Err("Expected attribute in attrib name");
return Ok(AttnameNode { name: name.clone(), attribute });
return Err("Expected name for attrib name");
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Node
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct AmbiguousNode
pub fn cyk(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
let r = NONTERMINAL_NAMES.len();
let n = tokens.len();
macro_rules! index {
($x:expr, $y:expr, $z:expr) => {
($x + $y * n + ($z as usize) * n * n)
let mut p = vec![false; n * n * r];
//let mut back: Vec<Vec<(usize, u8, u8)>> = vec![Vec::new(); n * n * r];
println!("{n}, {r}, {}", p.len());
for s in 0..n
for (index, token) in TERMINAL_RULES
if let Token::Name(_) = tokens[s]
if let Token::Name(_) = token
p[index!(0, s, index)] = true
else if let Token::StringLiteral(_) = tokens[s]
if let Token::StringLiteral(_) = token
p[index!(0, s, index)] = true
else if let Token::Numeral(_) = tokens[s]
if let Token::Numeral(_) = token
p[index!(0, s, index)] = true
else if token == tokens[s]
p[index!(0, s, index)] = true
println!("Done initializing");
for l in 2..=n
for s in 1..=(n - l + 1)
for _p in 1..=(l-1)
for &(a, b, c) in &NONTERMINAL_RULES
if p[index!(_p - 1, s - 1, b)] && p[index!(l - _p - 1, s + _p - 1, c)]
let index = index!(l - 1, s - 1, a);
p[index] = true;
/* if !back[index].contains(&(_p, b, c))
back[index].push((_p, b, c));
let start_index = NONTERMINAL_NAMES.iter().position(|x| x == &"S_0").expect("no start index found");
if p[index!(n - 1, 0, start_index)]
println!("Is part of the language");
//return Ok(disambiguate(traverse_back(back, tokens, n, 1, start_index)));
return Err("Input is not part of the language")
fn traverse_back(back: Vec<Vec<(usize, u8, u8)>>, tokens: Vec<Token>, l: usize, s: usize, a: usize) -> AmbiguousNode
fn disambiguate(root: AmbiguousNode) -> Node
@ -1,2572 +0,0 @@
const Token = @import("tokenizer.zig").Token;
const TokenType = @import("tokenizer.zig").TokenType;
const std = @import("std");
const types = @import("types.zig");
const CodeRegion = @import("types.zig").CodeRegion;
pub const ChunkNode = struct
block: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
pub fn dump(self: *const ChunkNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("ChunkNode ({} - {}):\n", .{self.startRegion, self.endRegion});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("block: ", .{});
self.block.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const BlockNode = struct
stats: std.ArrayList(StatNode),
retstat: ?RetstatNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const BlockNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("BlockNode:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("stats:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.stats.items) |stat|
for (0..indent + 2) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
dumpStatNode(stat, indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("retstat: ", .{});
if(self.retstat == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
self.retstat.?.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const RetstatNode = struct
values: ?ExplistNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const RetstatNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Retstat Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("values: ", .{});
if(self.values == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
self.values.?.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const StatNode = union(enum)
Assignment: AssignmentNode,
Functioncall: FunctioncallNode,
Label: []u8,
Goto: []u8,
Do: BlockNode,
While: WhileNode,
Repeat: RepeatNode,
If: IfNode,
ForNumerical: ForNumericalNode,
ForGeneric: ForGenericNode,
Function: FunctionNode,
LocalFunction: LocalFunctionNode,
Local: LocalNode,
fn dumpStatNode(stat: StatNode, indent: usize) void
.Semicolon => std.debug.print("Semicolon\n", .{}),
.Assignment => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Functioncall => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Label => |*label| std.debug.print("Label: '{s}'\n", .{label.*}),
.Break => std.debug.print("Break\n", .{}),
.Goto => |*label| std.debug.print("Goto: '{s}'\n", .{label.*}),
.Do => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.While => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Repeat => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.If => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.ForNumerical => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.ForGeneric => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Function => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.LocalFunction => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Local => |*node| node.dump(indent),
pub const AssignmentNode = struct
lhs: VarlistNode, rhs: ExplistNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const AssignmentNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Assignment Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("lhs: ", .{});
self.lhs.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("rhs: ", .{});
self.rhs.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const WhileNode = struct
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const WhileNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("While Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("condition: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.condition, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const RepeatNode = struct
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const RepeatNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Repeat Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("condition: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.condition, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const IfNode = struct
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
elseifs: std.ArrayList(ElseifNode),
else_: ?BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const IfNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("If Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("condition: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.condition, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("elseifs:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.elseifs.items) |elseif|
for (0..indent + 2) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
elseif.dump(indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("else: ", .{});
if(self.else_ == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
self.else_.?.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const ForNumericalNode = struct
variable: []u8,
start: ExpNode,
end: ExpNode,
change: ?ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ForNumericalNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("For Numerical Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("variable: '{s}'\n", .{self.variable});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("start: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.start, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("end: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.end, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("change: ", .{});
if(self.change == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.start, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const ForGenericNode = struct
vars: std.ArrayList([]u8),
exps: ExplistNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ForGenericNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("For Generic Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("vars:\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.vars.items) |v|
for (0..(indent + 2)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{v});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
std.debug.print("exps: ", .{});
self.exps.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FunctionNode = struct
name: FuncnameNode,
body: FuncbodyNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FunctionNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Function Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: ", .{});
|||| + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const LocalFunctionNode = struct
name: []u8,
body: FuncbodyNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const LocalFunctionNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Local Function Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: '{s}'\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const LocalNode = struct
attnames: AttnamelistNode,
values: ?ExplistNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const LocalNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Local Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("attnames: ", .{});
self.attnames.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("values: ", .{});
if(self.values == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
self.values.?.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FunctioncallNode = struct
function: SuffixexpNode,
objectArg: ?[]u8,
args: ArgsNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FunctioncallNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Functioncall Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("function: ", .{});
dumpSuffixExpNode(self.function, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("object arg: ", .{});
if(self.objectArg == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{self.objectArg.?});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("args: ", .{});
dumpArgsNode(self.args, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const VarlistNode = struct
vars: std.ArrayList(VarNode),
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const VarlistNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Varlist Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("vars:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.vars.items) |item|
for (0..indent + 2) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
dumpVarNode(item, indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const ExplistNode = struct
exps: std.ArrayList(ExpNode),
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ExplistNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Explist Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("exps:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.exps.items) |item|
for (0..indent + 2) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
dumpExpNode(item, indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const ExpNode = union(enum)
Numeral: types.Numeral,
LiteralString: []u8,
Functiondef: FuncbodyNode,
Suffixexp: *SuffixexpNode,
Tableconstructor: TableconstructorNode,
Unop: UnopNode,
Binop: *BinopNode,
fn dumpExpNode(expNode: ExpNode, indent: usize) void
.Nil => std.debug.print("Nil\n", .{}),
.False => std.debug.print("False\n", .{}),
.True => std.debug.print("True\n", .{}),
.Numeral => |*numeral| std.debug.print("{}\n", .{numeral.*}),
.LiteralString => |*string| std.debug.print("LiteralString: '{s}'\n", .{string.*}),
.Varargs => std.debug.print("Varargs", .{}),
.Functiondef => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Suffixexp => |*node| dumpSuffixExpNode(node.*.*, indent),
.Tableconstructor => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Unop => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Binop => |*node| node.*.dump(indent),
pub const UnopNode = struct
unopType: UnopType,
exp: *ExpNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const UnopNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Unop Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("unop type: {}\n", .{self.unopType});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("exp: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.exp.*, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const BinopNode = struct
lhs: ExpNode,
op: BinopType,
rhs: ExpNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const BinopNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Binop Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("lhs: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.lhs, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("op: {}\n", .{self.op});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("rhs: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.rhs, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const ElseifNode = struct
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ElseifNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Elseif Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("condition: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.condition, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("body: ", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FuncnameNode = struct
name: []u8,
dottedNames: std.ArrayList([]u8),
firstArg: ?[]u8,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FuncnameNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Funcname Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: '{s}'\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("dottedNames:\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.dottedNames.items) |dottedName|
for (0..(indent + 2)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{dottedName});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("firstArg: ", .{});
if(self.firstArg == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{self.firstArg.?});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FuncbodyNode = struct
pars: ?ParlistNode,
body: BlockNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FuncbodyNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Funcbody Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("pars: ", .{});
if( == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
|||| + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
self.body.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const AttnamelistNode = struct
attnames: std.ArrayList(AttnameNode),
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const AttnamelistNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Attnamelist Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("attNames:\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.attnames.items) |attNames|
for (0..(indent + 2)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
attNames.dump(indent + 2);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const AttnameNode = struct
name: []u8,
attribute: ?[]u8,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const AttnameNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Funcname Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: '{s}'\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("attribute: ", .{});
if(self.attribute == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{self.attribute.?});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const SuffixexpNode = union(enum)
Normal: NormalSuffixNode,
Functioncall: *FunctioncallNode,
fn dumpSuffixExpNode(suffixexpNode: SuffixexpNode, indent: usize) void
.Normal => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Functioncall => |*node| node.*.dump(indent),
pub const ArgsNode = union(enum)
Bracketed: ?ExplistNode,
Tableconstructor: TableconstructorNode,
Literal: []u8,
fn dumpArgsNode(argsNode: ArgsNode, indent: usize) void
.Bracketed => |*name|
if(name.* == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
.Tableconstructor => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Literal => |*string| std.debug.print("Literal: '{s}'\n", .{string}),
pub const VarNode = union(enum)
Name: []u8,
Indexed: IndexedVarNode,
Member: MemberVarNode,
fn dumpVarNode(varNode: VarNode, indent: usize) void
.Name => |*name| std.debug.print("Name: '{s}'\n", .{name.*}),
.Indexed => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Member => |*node| node.dump(indent),
pub const IndexedVarNode = struct
value: SuffixexpNode,
index: ExpNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const IndexedVarNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Indexed Var Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("value: ", .{});
dumpSuffixExpNode(self.value, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("index: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.index, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const MemberVarNode = struct
value: SuffixexpNode,
name: []u8,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const MemberVarNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Member Var Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("value: ", .{});
dumpSuffixExpNode(self.value, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: '{s}'\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const TableconstructorNode = struct
exps: ?FieldlistNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const TableconstructorNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Tableconstructor Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("exps: ", .{});
if(self.exps == null)
std.debug.print("null\n", .{});
self.exps.?.dump(indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const UnopType = enum
Minus, LogicalNot, Length, BinaryNot,
pub const BinopType = enum
Lt, Gt, LtEquals, GtEquals, NotEquals, Equals,
Shl, Shr,
Add, Sub,
Mul, Div, IntDiv, Mod,
pub const ParlistNode = struct
names: std.ArrayList([]u8),
hasVarargs: bool,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ParlistNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Parlist Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("names:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.names.items) |name|
for (0..indent + 2) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("'{s}'\n", .{name});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("has Varargs: {}\n", .{self.hasVarargs});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const NormalSuffixNode = struct
firstPart: SuffixexpFirstPart,
suffixes: std.ArrayList(SuffixexpSuffix),
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const NormalSuffixNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Normal Suffix Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("First Part: ", .{});
dumpSuffixExpFirstPart(self.firstPart, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("Suffixes:\n", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.suffixes.items) |suffix|
for (0..(indent + 2)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
dumpSuffixSuffix(suffix, indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const SuffixexpFirstPart = union(enum)
Name: []u8,
BracketedExpr: ExpNode,
fn dumpSuffixExpFirstPart(suffixexpFirstPart: SuffixexpFirstPart, indent: usize) void
.Name => |*name| std.debug.print("Name: '{s}'\n", .{name.*}),
.BracketedExpr => |*node| dumpExpNode(node.*, indent),
pub const SuffixexpSuffix = union(enum)
Dot: []u8,
Indexed: ExpNode,
Args: ArgsNode,
ArgsFirstArg: ArgsFirstArgNode,
fn dumpSuffixSuffix(suffixexpSuffix: SuffixexpSuffix, indent: usize) void
.Dot => |*name| std.debug.print("Dot: '{s}'\n", .{name.*}),
.Indexed => |*node| dumpExpNode(node.*, indent),
.Args => |*node| dumpArgsNode(node.*, indent),
.ArgsFirstArg => |*node| node.dump(indent),
pub const ArgsFirstArgNode = struct
name: []u8,
rest: ArgsNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const ArgsFirstArgNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Args First Arg Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("name: '{s}'\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("rest: ", .{});
dumpArgsNode(, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FieldlistNode = struct
exps: std.ArrayList(FieldNode),
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FieldlistNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Fieldlist Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("exps: ", .{});
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("[\n", .{});
for(self.exps.items) |exp|
for (0..(indent + 2)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
dumpFieldNode(exp, indent + 2);
for (0..indent + 1) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub const FieldNode = union(enum)
IndexedAssignment: IndexedAssignmentNode,
Assignment: FieldAssignmentNode,
Exp: ExpNode,
pub const FieldAssignmentNode = struct
lhs: []u8,
rhs: ExpNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const FieldAssignmentNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Field Assignment Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("lhs: {s}\n", .{self.lhs});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("rhs: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.rhs, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
fn dumpFieldNode(fieldNode: FieldNode, indent: usize) void
.IndexedAssignment => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Assignment => |*node| node.dump(indent),
.Exp => |*node| dumpExpNode(node.*, indent),
pub const IndexedAssignmentNode = struct
index: ExpNode,
rhs: ExpNode,
startRegion: CodeRegion,
endRegion: CodeRegion,
fn dump(self: *const IndexedAssignmentNode, indent: usize) void
std.debug.print("Indexed Assignment Node:\n", .{});
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("{{\n", .{});
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("index: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.index, indent + 1);
for (0..(indent + 1)) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("rhs: ", .{});
dumpExpNode(self.rhs, indent + 1);
for (0..indent) |_|
std.debug.print("\t", .{});
std.debug.print("}}\n", .{});
pub fn parse(tokens: []Token, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ChunkNode
var i: usize = 0;
const maybeParsedChunk = parseChunk(tokens, &i, allocator) catch |err|
//std.debug.print("{any}: data: {any}, type: {any}\n", .{tokens[i].region, tokens[i].tokenData, tokens[i].tokenType});
return err;
return maybeParsedChunk;
const ParserError = error
fn parseChunk(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ChunkNode
const block = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
return ChunkNode { .block = block, .startRegion = block.startRegion, .endRegion = block.endRegion };
fn parseBlock(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) ParserError!BlockNode
var ret = BlockNode { .stats = std.ArrayList(StatNode).init(allocator.*.allocator()), .retstat = null, .startRegion = tokens[i.*].region, .endRegion = tokens[i.*].region };
while(i.* < tokens.len and
tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Return and
tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End and
tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Elseif and
tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Else
try ret.stats.append(try parseStat(tokens, i, allocator));
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Return)
ret.retstat = try parseRetstat(tokens, i, allocator);
ret.endRegion = if(i.* - 1 < tokens.len) tokens[i.* - 1].region else tokens[tokens.len - 1].region;
return ret;
fn parseStat(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !StatNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFParsing;
TokenType.Semicolon =>
i.* += 1;
return StatNode.Semicolon;
TokenType.Break =>
i.* += 1;
return StatNode.Break;
TokenType.Goto =>
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFExpectedNameForGoto;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Name)
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .Goto = name };
return error.ExpectedNameForGoto;
TokenType.Do =>
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.MissingEndForDoBlock;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .Do = body };
TokenType.While =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
const condition = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Do)
return error.MissingDoAfterWhileCondition;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.MissingEndForWhileBody;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .While = WhileNode { .body = body, .condition = condition, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Repeat =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Until)
return error.ExpectedUntilAfterRepeatBody;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .Repeat = RepeatNode { .body = body, .condition = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.If =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
const condition = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Then)
return error.ExpectedThenAfterIfCondition;
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFAfterIfBody;
var ifNode = IfNode { .body = body, .condition = condition, .elseifs = std.ArrayList(ElseifNode).init(allocator.*.allocator()), .else_ = null, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
while(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Elseif)
i.* += 1;
const elseifCondition = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Then)
return error.ExpectedThenAfterElseifCondition;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
try ifNode.elseifs.append(ElseifNode { .body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator), .condition = elseifCondition, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion });
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFAfterElseifs;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Else)
i.* += 1;
ifNode.else_ = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.ExpectedEndClosingIf;
ifNode.endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .If = ifNode };
TokenType.For =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameAfterFor;
const variable = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
TokenType.Equals =>
i.* += 1;
const start = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Comma)
return error.ExpectedCommaAfterForEqStartValue;
i.* += 1;
const end = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFAfterForEqEndValue;
var change: ?ExpNode = null;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
change = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Do)
return error.ExpectedDoAfterForEqHead;
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.ExpectedEndAfterForEqBody;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .ForNumerical = ForNumericalNode { .variable = variable, .start = start, .end = end, .change = change, .body = body, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Comma =>
var names = std.ArrayList([]u8).init(allocator.*.allocator());
try names.append(variable);
while(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedAnotherNameInForInNamelist;
try names.append(tokens[i.*].tokenData.string);
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFAfterNameInForInNamelist;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.In)
return error.ExpectedInAfterForInNamelist;
i.* += 1;
const exps = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Do)
return error.ExpectedDoAfterForInExplist;
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.ExpectedEndAfterForInBody;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .ForGeneric = ForGenericNode { .vars = names, .exps = exps, .body = body, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.In =>
i.* += 1;
const exps = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Do)
return error.ExpectedDoAfterForInExplist;
i.* += 1;
const body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.ExpectedEndAfterForInBody;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
var names = try std.ArrayList([]u8).initCapacity(allocator.allocator(), 1);
try names.insert(0, variable);
return StatNode { .ForGeneric = ForGenericNode { .vars = names, .exps = exps, .body = body, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
else => return error.UnexpectedTokenAfterFirstNameInFor,
TokenType.Function =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
const name = try parseFuncname(tokens, i, allocator);
const body = try parseFuncbody(tokens, i, allocator);
return StatNode { .Function = FunctionNode { .name = name, .body = body, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = body.endRegion } };
TokenType.Local =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInLocal;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Function)
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedLocalFunctionName;
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .LocalFunction = LocalFunctionNode { .name = name, .body = try parseFuncbody(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
var ret = LocalNode { .attnames = try parseAttnamelist(tokens, i, allocator), .values = null, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Equals)
i.* += 1;
ret.values = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
ret.endRegion = ret.values.?.endRegion;
return StatNode { .Local = ret };
TokenType.ColonColon =>
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameAfterDoubleColonInLabelDeclaration;
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.ColonColon)
return error.ExpectedDoubleColonAfterNameInLabelDeclaration;
i.* += 1;
return StatNode { .Label = name };
TokenType.Name, TokenType.RoundOpen =>
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
const suffixExp = try parseSuffixExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
.Normal => return error.ExpectedFunctioncall,
.Functioncall => |functioncall| return StatNode { .Functioncall = functioncall.* },
TokenType.Equals =>
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
var lhs = std.ArrayList(VarNode).init(allocator.allocator());
try lhs.append(try suffixExpToVar(suffixExp, startRegion, endRegion));
const rhs = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
return StatNode { .Assignment = AssignmentNode { .lhs = VarlistNode { .vars = lhs, .startRegion = endRegion, .endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region }, .rhs = rhs, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = rhs.endRegion } };
TokenType.Comma =>
var varlistNode = VarlistNode { .vars = std.ArrayList(VarNode).init(allocator.allocator()), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
try varlistNode.vars.append(try suffixExpToVar(suffixExp, startRegion, tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region));
while(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
try varlistNode.vars.append(try parseVar(tokens, i, allocator));
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Equals)
return error.ExpectedEqAfterAssignmentVarList;
varlistNode.endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
const rhs = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
return StatNode { .Assignment = AssignmentNode { .lhs = varlistNode, .rhs = rhs, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = rhs.endRegion } };
else =>
.Normal => return error.ExpectedFunctioncall,
.Functioncall => |functioncall| return StatNode { .Functioncall = functioncall.* },
else =>
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{tokens[i.*]});
return error.NotImplemented;
fn parseRetstat(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !RetstatNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Return)
return error.ExpectedReturnStartingRetstat;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or
tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Semicolon or tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Else or tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Elseif or tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.End)
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Semicolon)
i.* += 1;
return RetstatNode { .values = null, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region };
const values = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
var endRegion = values.endRegion;
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Semicolon)
endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return RetstatNode { .values = values, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion };
fn parseExp(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) ParserError!ExpNode
const lhs = try parseExpPrimary(tokens, i, allocator);
return parseExpPrecedence(tokens, i, allocator, lhs, 0);
fn parseExpPrimary(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ExpNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFExpectedPrimaryExpression;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
TokenType.Nil =>
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode.Nil;
TokenType.True =>
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode.True;
TokenType.False =>
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode.False;
TokenType.Numeral =>
const numeral = tokens[i.*].tokenData.numeral;
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode { .Numeral = numeral };
TokenType.StringLiteral =>
const string = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode { .LiteralString = string };
TokenType.DotDotDot =>
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode.Varargs;
TokenType.Function =>
i.* += 1;
return ExpNode { .Functiondef = try parseFuncbody(tokens, i, allocator) };
TokenType.CurlyOpen => return ExpNode { .Tableconstructor = try parseTableconstructor(tokens, i, allocator) },
TokenType.Minus =>
i.* += 1;
const unop = try allocator.allocator().create(ExpNode);
unop.* = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
const endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ExpNode { .Unop = UnopNode { .unopType = UnopType.Minus, .exp = unop, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Hash =>
i.* += 1;
const unop = try allocator.allocator().create(ExpNode);
unop.* = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
const endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ExpNode { .Unop = UnopNode { .unopType = UnopType.Length, .exp = unop, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Not =>
i.* += 1;
const unop = try allocator.allocator().create(ExpNode);
unop.* = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
const endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ExpNode { .Unop = UnopNode { .unopType = UnopType.LogicalNot, .exp = unop, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Tilde =>
i.* += 1;
const unop = try allocator.allocator().create(ExpNode);
unop.* = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
const endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ExpNode { .Unop = UnopNode { .unopType = UnopType.BinaryNot, .exp = unop, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
else =>
const suffixexp = try allocator.allocator().create(SuffixexpNode);
suffixexp.* = try parseSuffixExp(tokens, i, allocator);
return ExpNode { .Suffixexp = suffixexp };
fn parseExpPrecedence(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, lhs: ExpNode, minPrecedence: u8) !ExpNode
var currentLhs = lhs;
while(i.* < tokens.len and isBinop(tokens[i.*]))
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
const precedence = try getPrecedence(tokens[i.*]);
if(precedence < minPrecedence)
const op = try getBinopType(tokens[i.*]);
i.* += 1;
var rhs = try parseExpPrimary(tokens, i, allocator);
while(i.* < tokens.len and isBinop(tokens[i.*]) and
(try getPrecedence(tokens[i.*]) > precedence or
(try getPrecedence(tokens[i.*]) == precedence and isRightAssociative(tokens[i.*]))))
const associativityBoost: u8 = if(try getPrecedence(tokens[i.*]) == precedence) 0 else 1;
rhs = try parseExpPrecedence(tokens, i, allocator, rhs, precedence + associativityBoost);
const binop = try allocator.allocator().create(BinopNode);
binop.* = BinopNode { .lhs = currentLhs, .op = op, .rhs = rhs, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region };
currentLhs = ExpNode { .Binop = binop };
return currentLhs;
fn isRightAssociative(token: Token) bool
return token.tokenType == TokenType.DotDot or token.tokenType == TokenType.Caret;
fn getBinopType(token: Token) !BinopType
return switch(token.tokenType)
TokenType.Or => BinopType.LogicalOr,
TokenType.And => BinopType.LocicalAnd,
TokenType.Lt => BinopType.Lt,
TokenType.Gt => BinopType.Gt,
TokenType.LtEquals => BinopType.LtEquals,
TokenType.GtEquals => BinopType.GtEquals,
TokenType.LtLt => BinopType.Shl,
TokenType.GtGt=> BinopType.Shr,
TokenType.TildeEquals => BinopType.NotEquals,
TokenType.EqualsEquals => BinopType.Equals,
TokenType.Pipe => BinopType.BinaryOr,
TokenType.Tilde => BinopType.BinaryNot,
TokenType.Ampersand => BinopType.BinaryAnd,
TokenType.DotDot => BinopType.Concat,
TokenType.Plus => BinopType.Add,
TokenType.Minus => BinopType.Sub,
TokenType.Star => BinopType.Mul,
TokenType.Slash => BinopType.Div,
TokenType.SlashSlash => BinopType.IntDiv,
TokenType.Percent => BinopType.Mod,
TokenType.Caret => BinopType.Exp,
else => error.NoBinopTypeForOperator,
fn getPrecedence(token: Token) !u8
return switch(token.tokenType)
TokenType.Or => 2,
TokenType.And => 4,
TokenType.Lt, TokenType.Gt, TokenType.LtEquals, TokenType.GtEquals, TokenType.TildeEquals, TokenType.EqualsEquals => 6,
TokenType.Pipe => 8,
TokenType.Tilde => 10,
TokenType.Ampersand => 12,
TokenType.LtLt, TokenType.GtGt => 14,
TokenType.DotDot => 16,
TokenType.Plus, TokenType.Minus => 18,
TokenType.Star, TokenType.Slash, TokenType.SlashSlash, TokenType.Percent => 20,
TokenType.Caret => 22,
else => error.NoPrecedenceForOperator,
fn isBinop(token: Token) bool
return switch(token.tokenType)
TokenType.Or, TokenType.And, TokenType.Lt, TokenType.Gt, TokenType.LtEquals, TokenType.GtEquals, TokenType.TildeEquals, TokenType.EqualsEquals,
TokenType.Pipe, TokenType.Tilde, TokenType.Ampersand, TokenType.LtLt, TokenType.GtGt, TokenType.DotDot, TokenType.Plus, TokenType.Minus,
TokenType.Star, TokenType.Slash, TokenType.SlashSlash, TokenType.Percent, TokenType.Caret => true,
else => false
fn parseExplist(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ExplistNode
const startRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
var ret = ExplistNode { .exps = std.ArrayList(ExpNode).init(allocator.allocator()), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
try ret.exps.append(try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator));
while(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
try ret.exps.append(try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator));
ret.endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ret;
fn parseFuncname(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !FuncnameNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedFuncname;
const startRange = tokens[i.*].region;
var ret = FuncnameNode { .name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string, .dottedNames = std.ArrayList([]u8).init(allocator.allocator()), .firstArg = null, .startRegion = startRange, .endRegion = startRange };
i.* += 1;
while(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Dot)
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameInDottedFuncname;
try ret.dottedNames.append(tokens[i.*].tokenData.string);
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Colon)
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameOfFirstArgInFuncname;
ret.firstArg = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
ret.endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ret;
fn parseFuncbody(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !FuncbodyNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.RoundOpen)
return error.ExpectedRoundOpenStartingFuncbody;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInFuncbodyParlist;
var pars: ?ParlistNode = null;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.RoundClosed)
i.* += 1;
pars = try parseParlist(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.RoundClosed)
return error.ExpectedRoundClosedClosingFuncbodyParlist;
i.* += 1;
const ret = FuncbodyNode { .body = try parseBlock(tokens, i, allocator), .pars = pars, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = tokens[i.*].region };
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.End)
return error.ExpectedEndClosingFuncbody;
i.* += 1;
return ret;
fn parseParlist(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ParlistNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInParlist;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.DotDotDot)
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return ParlistNode { .names = std.ArrayList([]u8).init(allocator.allocator()), .hasVarargs = true, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion };
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameStartingParlist;
var ret = ParlistNode { .names = std.ArrayList([]u8).init(allocator.allocator()), .hasVarargs = false, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
try ret.names.append(tokens[i.*].tokenData.string);
i.* += 1;
while(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInParlistNameList;
TokenType.Name =>
try ret.names.append(tokens[i.*].tokenData.string);
i.* += 1;
TokenType.DotDotDot =>
i.* += 1;
ret.hasVarargs = true;
else => return error.UnexpectedTokenInParlistNameList,
ret.endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ret;
fn parseAttnamelist(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !AttnamelistNode
// TODO: What happens if this is reaches EOF?
var ret = AttnamelistNode { .attnames = std.ArrayList(AttnameNode).init(allocator.allocator()), .startRegion = tokens[i.*].region, .endRegion = tokens[i.*].region };
try ret.attnames.append(try parseAttname(tokens, i));
while(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Comma)
i.* += 1;
try ret.attnames.append(try parseAttname(tokens, i));
ret.endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ret;
fn parseSuffixExp(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !SuffixexpNode
// primaryexp { '.' 'Name' | '[' exp']' | ':' 'Name' args | args }
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInSuffixExp;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
const firstPart = try switch(tokens[i.*].tokenType)
TokenType.Name =>
nameBlock: {
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
break :nameBlock SuffixexpFirstPart { .Name = name };
TokenType.RoundOpen =>
roundOpenBlock: {
i.* += 1;
const ret = SuffixexpFirstPart { .BracketedExpr = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator) };
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.RoundClosed)
return error.ExpectedRoundClosedClosingBracketedPrimaryExp;
i.* += 1;
break :roundOpenBlock ret;
else => error.UnexpectedTokenAsFirstPartOfSuffixExp,
var suffixes = std.ArrayList(SuffixexpSuffix).init(allocator.allocator());
while(i.* < tokens.len)
TokenType.Dot =>
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameInDottedSuffixExp;
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
try suffixes.append(SuffixexpSuffix { .Dot = name });
TokenType.SquareOpen =>
i.* += 1;
try suffixes.append(SuffixexpSuffix { .Indexed = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator) });
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.SquareClosed)
return error.ExpectedSquareClosedClosingIndexedSuffixExp;
i.* += 1;
TokenType.Colon =>
const argsFirstArgStartRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedNameInArgsFirstArgSuffixExp;
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
const argsFirstArgEndRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
try suffixes.append(SuffixexpSuffix { .ArgsFirstArg = ArgsFirstArgNode { .name = name, .rest = try parseArgs(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = argsFirstArgStartRegion, .endRegion = argsFirstArgEndRegion } });
TokenType.RoundOpen, TokenType.CurlyOpen, TokenType.StringLiteral =>
try suffixes.append(SuffixexpSuffix { .Args = try parseArgs(tokens, i, allocator) });
else => break,
const endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
const last = suffixes.getLastOrNull();
if(last != null)
SuffixexpSuffix.Args => |*args|
_ = suffixes.pop();
const functioncall = try allocator.allocator().create(FunctioncallNode);
functioncall.* = FunctioncallNode
.function = SuffixexpNode { .Normal = NormalSuffixNode { .firstPart = firstPart, .suffixes = suffixes, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } },
.args = args.*,
.objectArg = null,
.startRegion = startRegion,
.endRegion = endRegion,
return SuffixexpNode
.Functioncall = functioncall,
SuffixexpSuffix.ArgsFirstArg => |*node|
_ = suffixes.pop();
const functioncall = try allocator.allocator().create(FunctioncallNode);
functioncall.* = FunctioncallNode
.function = SuffixexpNode { .Normal = NormalSuffixNode { .firstPart = firstPart, .suffixes = suffixes, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } },
.args =,
.objectArg =,
.startRegion = startRegion,
.endRegion = endRegion,
return SuffixexpNode
.Functioncall = functioncall,
else => {}
return SuffixexpNode { .Normal = NormalSuffixNode { .firstPart = firstPart, .suffixes = suffixes, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
fn parseVar(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !VarNode
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
return suffixExpToVar(try parseSuffixExp(tokens, i, allocator), startRegion, tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region);
fn parseAttname(tokens: []Token, i: *usize) !AttnameNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectednameInAttribName;
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
var ret = AttnameNode { .name = name, .attribute = null, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.Lt)
ret.attribute = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Name)
return error.ExpectedAttributeInAttrib;
ret.endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Gt)
return error.ExpectedGtInAttrib;
return ret;
fn parseArgs(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !ArgsNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInArgs;
TokenType.RoundOpen =>
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInBracketedArgs;
if(tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.RoundClosed)
i.* += 1;
return ArgsNode { .Bracketed = null };
const exps = try parseExplist(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.RoundClosed)
return error.ExpectedRoundClosedClosingBracketedArgs;
i.* += 1;
return ArgsNode { .Bracketed = exps };
TokenType.CurlyOpen => return ArgsNode { .Tableconstructor = try parseTableconstructor(tokens, i, allocator) },
TokenType.StringLiteral =>
const value = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 1;
return ArgsNode { .Literal = value };
else => return error.UnexpectedTokenInArgs,
fn parseTableconstructor(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !TableconstructorNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.CurlyOpen)
return error.ExpectedCurlyOpenOpeningTableconstructor;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* < tokens.len and tokens[i.*].tokenType == TokenType.CurlyClosed)
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return TableconstructorNode { .exps = null, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion };
var ret = TableconstructorNode { .exps = try parseFieldlist(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.CurlyClosed)
return error.ExpectedCurlyClosedClosingTableconstructor;
ret.endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return ret;
fn parseFieldlist(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !FieldlistNode
const startRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
var ret = FieldlistNode { .exps = std.ArrayList(FieldNode).init(allocator.allocator()), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = startRegion };
try ret.exps.append(try parseField(tokens, i, allocator));
while(i.* < tokens.len and isFieldsep(tokens[i.*]))
i.* += 1;
try ret.exps.append(try parseField(tokens, i, allocator));
if(i.* < tokens.len and isFieldsep(tokens[i.*]))
i.* += 1;
ret.endRegion = tokens[@min(i.*, tokens.len) - 1].region;
return ret;
fn isFieldsep(token: Token) bool
return token.tokenType == TokenType.Comma or token.tokenType == TokenType.Semicolon;
fn parseField(tokens: []Token, i: *usize, allocator: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !FieldNode
if(i.* >= tokens.len)
return error.ReachedEOFInField;
const startRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
TokenType.SquareOpen =>
i.* += 1;
const index = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator);
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.SquareClosed)
return error.ExpectedSquareClosedClosingIndexedField;
i.* += 1;
if(i.* >= tokens.len or tokens[i.*].tokenType != TokenType.Equals)
return error.ExpectedEqualsInIndexedFieldExpression;
const endRegion = tokens[i.*].region;
i.* += 1;
return FieldNode { .IndexedAssignment = IndexedAssignmentNode { .index = index, .rhs = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } };
TokenType.Name =>
if(i.* + 1 < tokens.len and tokens[i.* + 1].tokenType == TokenType.Equals)
const name = tokens[i.*].tokenData.string;
i.* += 2;
return FieldNode { .Assignment = FieldAssignmentNode { .lhs = name, .rhs = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator), .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = tokens[i.* - 1].region } };
return FieldNode { .Exp = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator) };
else => return FieldNode { .Exp = try parseExp(tokens, i, allocator) },
fn suffixExpToVar(suffixexp: SuffixexpNode, startRegion: CodeRegion, endRegion: CodeRegion) !VarNode
var exp = suffixexp.Normal;
if(exp.suffixes.items.len == 0)
return VarNode { .Name = exp.firstPart.Name };
const last = exp.suffixes.pop();
return switch(last)
SuffixexpSuffix.Dot => |*name| VarNode { .Member = MemberVarNode { .name = name.*, .value = SuffixexpNode { .Normal = exp }, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } },
SuffixexpSuffix.Indexed => |*index| VarNode { .Indexed = IndexedVarNode { .index = index.*, .value = SuffixexpNode { .Normal = exp }, .startRegion = startRegion, .endRegion = endRegion } },
else => error.ExpectedDotOrIndexedSuffixWhenConvertingSuffixExpToVar,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Token
And, Break, Do, Else, Elseif, End,
False, For, Function, Goto, If, In,
Local, Nil, Not, Or, Repeat, Return,
Then, True, Until, While,
Plus, Minus, Star, Slash, Percent, Caret, Hash,
Ampersand, Tilde, Pipe, LtLt, GtGt, SlashSlash,
EqualsEquals, TildeEquals, LtEquals, GtEquals, Lt, Gt, Equals,
RoundOpen, RoundClosed, CurlyOpen, CurlyClosed, SquareOpen, SquareClosed, ColonColon,
Semicolon, Colon, Comma, Dot, DotDot, DotDotDot,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum TokenizerState
Quote, SingleQuote, Name, Number, Zero,
A, B, D, E, F, G, I, L, N, O, R, T, U, W,
Plus, Minus, Star, Slash, Percent, Caret, Hash,
Ampersand, Tilde, Pipe, Lt, Gt, Equals, RoundOpen, RoundClosed, CurlyOpen, CurlyClosed, SquareOpen, SquareClosed,
Colon, Semicolon, Comma, Dot,
An, Br, Do, El, En, Fa, Fo, Fu, Go, If, In, Lo, Ni, No, Or, Re, Th, Tr, Un, Wh,
LtLt, GtGt, SlashSlash, EqualsEquals, TildeEquals, LtEquals, GtEquals, ColonColon, DotDot,
SmallCommentStart, QuoteBackslash, SingleQuoteBackslash, String, HexNumberX, ExpNumber,
And, Bre, Els, End, Fal, For, Fun, Got, Loc, Nil, Not, Rep, Ret, The, Tru, Unt, Whi,
DotDotDot, HexNumber, QuoteBackslashZ, SingleQuoteBackslashZ,
BigCommentLongBracketStart, SmallComment,
Brea, Else, Fals, Func, Goto, Loca, Repe, Retu, Then, True, Unti, Whil, HexExpNumber,
BigComment, BigCommentLongBracketEnd,
Break, Elsei, False, Funct, Local, Repea, Retur, Until, While,
Elseif, Functi, Repeat, Return,
fn tokenize_update_index_and_state(last_index: &mut i32, index: usize, state: &mut TokenizerState, new_state: TokenizerState)
*last_index = index as i32;
*state = new_state;
fn tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index: &mut i32, index: usize, token: &mut Option<Token>, state: &mut TokenizerState, new_token: Option<Token>, new_state: TokenizerState)
tokenize_update_index_and_state(last_index, index, state, new_state);
*token = new_token;
fn tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index: &mut i32, index: usize, state: &mut TokenizerState, new_state: TokenizerState, token_str: &mut String, ch: char)
tokenize_update_index_and_state(last_index, index, state, new_state);
fn tokenize_terminal(last_index: &mut i32, index: usize, token: &mut Option<Token>, state: &mut TokenizerState, new_token: Option<Token>, new_state: TokenizerState, token_str: &mut String, ch: char)
tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, index, token, state, new_token, new_state);
fn tokenize_backtrack(last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, state: &mut TokenizerState) -> Result<(), &'static str>
return tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, token.clone().unwrap());
fn tokenize_backtrack_name(last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, state: &mut TokenizerState) -> Result<(), &'static str>
if *last_index == -1 || token.is_none()
println!("{}|{}|{:?} | {:?}", last_index, index, token, tokens);
return Err("Lexerr");
*index = *last_index as usize;
*last_index = -1;
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::Start;
return Ok(());
fn tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, state: &mut TokenizerState, new_token: Token) -> Result<(), &'static str>
if *last_index == -1 || token.is_none()
println!("{}|{}|{:?} | {:?}", last_index, index, token, tokens);
return Err("Lexerr");
*index = *last_index as usize;
*last_index = -1;
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::Start;
return Ok(());
fn tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, state: &mut TokenizerState, ch: char) -> Result<(), &'static str>
if ch.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || ch == '_'
tokenize_update_index_and_state(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Name);
tokenize_backtrack_name(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?;
return Ok(());
fn tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, state: &mut TokenizerState, ch: char, new_token: Token) -> Result<(), &'static str>
if ch.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || ch == '_'
tokenize_update_index_and_state(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Name);
tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, new_token)?;
return Ok(());
fn tokenize_char(state: &mut TokenizerState, ch: char, last_index: &mut i32, index: &mut usize, token: &mut Option<Token>, token_str: &mut String, tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, long_bracket_level: &mut u32) -> Result<(), &'static str>
match state
TokenizerState::Start =>
match ch
'-' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Minus), TokenizerState::Minus),
'a' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("a".to_string())), TokenizerState::A, token_str, ch),
'b' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("b".to_string())), TokenizerState::B, token_str, ch),
'd' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("d".to_string())), TokenizerState::D, token_str, ch),
'e' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("e".to_string())), TokenizerState::E, token_str, ch),
'f' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("f".to_string())), TokenizerState::F, token_str, ch),
'i' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("i".to_string())), TokenizerState::I, token_str, ch),
'g' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("g".to_string())), TokenizerState::G, token_str, ch),
'l' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("l".to_string())), TokenizerState::L, token_str, ch),
'n' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("n".to_string())), TokenizerState::N, token_str, ch),
'o' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("o".to_string())), TokenizerState::O, token_str, ch),
'r' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("r".to_string())), TokenizerState::R, token_str, ch),
't' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("t".to_string())), TokenizerState::T, token_str, ch),
'u' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("u".to_string())), TokenizerState::U, token_str, ch),
'w' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name("w".to_string())), TokenizerState::W, token_str, ch),
',' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Comma), TokenizerState::Comma),
'=' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Equals), TokenizerState::Equals),
'(' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::RoundOpen), TokenizerState::RoundOpen),
')' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::RoundClosed), TokenizerState::RoundClosed),
'.' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Dot), TokenizerState::Dot),
':' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Colon), TokenizerState::Colon),
'{' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::CurlyOpen), TokenizerState::CurlyOpen),
'}' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::CurlyClosed), TokenizerState::CurlyClosed),
'[' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::SquareOpen), TokenizerState::SquareOpen),
']' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::SquareClosed), TokenizerState::SquareClosed),
'+' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Plus), TokenizerState::Plus),
'~' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Tilde), TokenizerState::Tilde),
'>' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Gt), TokenizerState::Gt),
'<' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Lt), TokenizerState::Lt),
'#' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Hash), TokenizerState::Hash),
'|' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Pipe), TokenizerState::Pipe),
'&' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Ampersand), TokenizerState::Ampersand),
'%' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Percent), TokenizerState::Percent),
'*' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Star), TokenizerState::Star),
'/' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Slash), TokenizerState::Slash),
';' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Semicolon), TokenizerState::Semicolon),
'^' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Caret), TokenizerState::Caret),
'0' => tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Numeral("0".to_string())), TokenizerState::Zero, token_str, ch),
'"' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'\'' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
_ =>
if ch.is_whitespace() { }
else if ch.is_ascii_alphabetic() || ch == '_'
tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Name(ch.to_string())), TokenizerState::Name, token_str, ch);
else if ch.is_numeric() && ch.is_ascii()
tokenize_terminal(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::Numeral(ch.to_string())), TokenizerState::Number, token_str, ch);
todo!("State {:?}, Char {}", state, ch);
TokenizerState::Quote =>
match ch
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::QuoteBackslash;
'"' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::StringLiteral(token_str.clone())), TokenizerState::String),
_ =>
TokenizerState::QuoteBackslash =>
match ch
'a' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'b' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
't' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'n' | '\n' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'v' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'f' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'r' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'"' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'\'' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
'z' =>
*state = TokenizerState::QuoteBackslashZ;
_ => return Err("Unknown escape sequence"),
TokenizerState::QuoteBackslashZ =>
match ch
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::QuoteBackslash;
'"' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::StringLiteral(token_str.clone())), TokenizerState::String),
_ =>
if !ch.is_whitespace()
*state = TokenizerState::Quote;
TokenizerState::SingleQuote =>
match ch
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuoteBackslash;
'\'' =>
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::StringLiteral(token_str.clone()));
*state = TokenizerState::String;
_ =>
TokenizerState::SingleQuoteBackslash =>
match ch
'a' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'b' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
't' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'n' | '\n' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'v' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'f' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'r' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'"' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'\'' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
'z' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuoteBackslashZ;
_ => return Err("Unknown escape sequence"),
TokenizerState::SingleQuoteBackslashZ =>
match ch
'\\' =>
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuoteBackslash;
'\'' =>
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::StringLiteral(token_str.clone()));
*state = TokenizerState::String;
_ =>
if !ch.is_whitespace()
*state = TokenizerState::SingleQuote;
TokenizerState::String =>
let content = token_str.clone();
tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, Token::StringLiteral(content))?;
TokenizerState::Name => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Zero =>
match ch
'x' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::HexNumberX;
_ =>
if ch.is_numeric() && ch.is_ascii()
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::Numeral(token_str.clone()));
tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?;
TokenizerState::HexNumberX =>
if ch.is_ascii() && ch.is_numeric() || match ch
'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => true,
_ => false,
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::Numeral(token_str.clone()));
*state = TokenizerState::HexNumber;
tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?;
TokenizerState::HexNumber =>
match ch
'p' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::HexExpNumber;
_ =>
if ch.is_ascii() && ch.is_numeric() || match ch
'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => true,
_ => false,
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::Numeral(token_str.clone()));
tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?;
TokenizerState::Number =>
match ch
'e' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::ExpNumber;
_ =>
if ch.is_numeric() && ch.is_ascii()
*last_index = *index as i32;
*token = Some(Token::Numeral(token_str.clone()));
tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?;
TokenizerState::Comma | TokenizerState::RoundOpen | TokenizerState::RoundClosed |
TokenizerState::CurlyOpen | TokenizerState::CurlyClosed | TokenizerState::Plus |
TokenizerState::TildeEquals | TokenizerState::EqualsEquals | TokenizerState::Hash |
TokenizerState::GtEquals | TokenizerState::LtEquals | TokenizerState::SquareOpen |
TokenizerState::SquareClosed | TokenizerState::Pipe | TokenizerState::Ampersand |
TokenizerState::Percent | TokenizerState::Star | TokenizerState::Semicolon |
TokenizerState::Caret | TokenizerState::DotDotDot | TokenizerState::GtGt |
TokenizerState::LtLt | TokenizerState::SlashSlash => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Tilde =>
match ch
'=' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::TildeEquals), TokenizerState::TildeEquals),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Gt =>
match ch
'>' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::GtGt), TokenizerState::GtGt),
'=' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::GtEquals), TokenizerState::GtEquals),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Lt =>
match ch
'>' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::LtLt), TokenizerState::LtLt),
'=' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::LtEquals), TokenizerState::LtEquals),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Slash =>
match ch
'/' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::SlashSlash), TokenizerState::SlashSlash),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Dot =>
match ch
'.' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::DotDot), TokenizerState::DotDot),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::DotDot =>
match ch
'.' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::DotDotDot), TokenizerState::DotDotDot),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Colon =>
match ch
':' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::ColonColon), TokenizerState::ColonColon),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Equals =>
match ch
'=' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, Some(Token::EqualsEquals), TokenizerState::EqualsEquals),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::Minus =>
match ch
'-' => tokenize_terminal_no_str(last_index, *index, token, state, None, TokenizerState::SmallCommentStart),
_ => tokenize_backtrack(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state)?,
TokenizerState::SmallCommentStart =>
match ch
'[' =>
*token = None;
*state = TokenizerState::BigCommentLongBracketStart;
'\n' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Start;
*last_index = -1;
_ =>
*state = TokenizerState::SmallComment;
TokenizerState::SmallComment =>
match ch
'\n' =>
*state = TokenizerState::Start;
*last_index = -1;
_ => { }
TokenizerState::BigCommentLongBracketStart =>
match ch
'=' =>
*long_bracket_level += 1;
'[' =>
*state = TokenizerState::BigComment;
_ => return Err("Malformed long bracket at the beginning of a big comment"),
TokenizerState::BigComment =>
match ch
']' =>
*state = TokenizerState::BigCommentLongBracketEnd;
_ => { }
TokenizerState::BigCommentLongBracketEnd =>
match ch
'=' =>
if *long_bracket_level == 0
return Err("Long bracket level too big when ending big comment");
*long_bracket_level -= 1;
']' =>
if *long_bracket_level != 0
return Err("Long bracket level too small when ending big comment");
*state = TokenizerState::Start;
_ => return Err("Malformed long bracket when ending big comment"),
TokenizerState::A =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::An, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::An =>
match ch
'd' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::And, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::And => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::And)?,
TokenizerState::W =>
match ch
'h' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Wh, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Wh =>
match ch
'i' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Whi, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Whi =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Whil, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Whil =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::While, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::While => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::While)?,
TokenizerState::B =>
match ch
'r' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Br, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Br =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Bre, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Bre =>
match ch
'a' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Brea, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Brea =>
match ch
'k' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Break, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Break => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Break)?,
TokenizerState::G =>
match ch
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Go, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Go =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Got, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Got =>
match ch
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Goto, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Goto => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Goto)?,
TokenizerState::R =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Re, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Re =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Ret, token_str, ch),
'p' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Rep, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Ret =>
match ch
'u' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Retu, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Retu =>
match ch
'r' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Retur, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Retur =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Return, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Return => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Return)?,
TokenizerState::Rep =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Repe, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Repe =>
match ch
'a' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Repea, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Repea =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Repeat, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Repeat => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Repeat)?,
TokenizerState::N =>
match ch
'i' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Ni, token_str, ch),
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::No, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::No =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Not, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Not => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Not)?,
TokenizerState::Ni =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Nil, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Nil => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Nil)?,
TokenizerState::T =>
match ch
'h' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Th, token_str, ch),
'r' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Tr, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Th =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::The, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::The =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Then, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Then => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Then)?,
TokenizerState::Tr =>
match ch
'u' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Tru, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Tru =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::True, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::True => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::True)?,
TokenizerState::E =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::El, token_str, ch),
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::En, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::En =>
match ch
'd' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::End, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::End => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::End)?,
TokenizerState::El =>
match ch
's' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Els, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Els =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Else, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Else =>
match ch
'i' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Elsei, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Else)?,
TokenizerState::Elsei =>
match ch
'f' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Elseif, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Elseif => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Elseif)?,
TokenizerState::O =>
match ch
'r' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Or, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Or => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Or)?,
TokenizerState::D =>
match ch
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Do, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Do => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Do)?,
TokenizerState::I =>
match ch
'f' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::If, token_str, ch),
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::In, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::In => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::In)?,
TokenizerState::If => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::If)?,
TokenizerState::F =>
match ch
'a' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fa, token_str, ch),
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fo, token_str, ch),
'u' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fu, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Fu =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fun, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Fun =>
match ch
'c' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Func, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Func =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Funct, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Funct =>
match ch
'i' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Functi, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Functi =>
match ch
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Functio, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Functio =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Function, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Function => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Function)?,
TokenizerState::Fa =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fal, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Fal =>
match ch
's' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Fals, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Fals =>
match ch
'e' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::False, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::False => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::False)?,
TokenizerState::Fo =>
match ch
'r' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::For, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::For => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::For)?,
TokenizerState::L =>
match ch
'o' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Lo, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Lo =>
match ch
'c' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Loc, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Loc =>
match ch
'a' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Loca, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Loca =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Local, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Local => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Local)?,
TokenizerState::U =>
match ch
'n' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Un, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Un =>
match ch
't' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Unt, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Unt =>
match ch
'i' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Unti, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Unti =>
match ch
'l' => tokenize_terminal_no_token(last_index, *index, state, TokenizerState::Until, token_str, ch),
_ => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch)?,
TokenizerState::Until => tokenize_alphanumeric_nonstart_custom(last_index, index, tokens, token, token_str, state, ch, Token::Until)?,
_ => todo!("State: {:?}", state),
return Ok(());
pub fn tokenize(file_content: &String) -> Result<Vec<Token>, &'static str>
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
let mut state = TokenizerState::Start;
let char_vec: Vec<char> = file_content.chars().collect();
let mut last_index: i32 = -1;
let mut index = 0;
let mut token: Option<Token> = None;
let mut token_str: String = String::new();
let mut long_bracket_level = 0;
while index < char_vec.len()
let ch = char_vec[index];
tokenize_char(&mut state, ch, &mut last_index, &mut index, &mut token, &mut token_str, &mut tokens, &mut long_bracket_level)?;
index += 1;
match state
TokenizerState::Name => tokenize_backtrack_name(&mut last_index, &mut index, &mut tokens, &mut token, &mut token_str, &mut state)?,
TokenizerState::End => tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(&mut last_index, &mut index, &mut tokens, &mut token, &mut token_str, &mut state, Token::End)?,
TokenizerState::And => tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(&mut last_index, &mut index, &mut tokens, &mut token, &mut token_str, &mut state, Token::And)?,
TokenizerState::Semicolon => tokenize_backtrack_custom_token(&mut last_index, &mut index, &mut tokens, &mut token, &mut token_str, &mut state, Token::Semicolon)?,
TokenizerState::Number =>
if let Some(numeral_token) = token
if let Token::Numeral(_) = numeral_token
return Err("In number state but current token is not a numeral")
return Err("In number state but no current token")
TokenizerState::Start =>
if token.is_some()
return Err("Finished tokenizing in the start state but the token was non-empty");
_ => todo!("state: {:?} {:?}", state, token),
return Ok(tokens);
@ -1,1246 +0,0 @@
const types = @import("types.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const CodeRegion = @import("types.zig").CodeRegion;
const CodeLocation = @import("types.zig").CodeLocation;
pub const TokenType = enum
And, Break, Do, Else, Elseif, End,
False, For, Function, Goto, If, In,
Local, Nil, Not, Or, Repeat, Return,
Then, True, Until, While,
Plus, Minus, Star, Slash, Percent, Caret, Hash,
Ampersand, Tilde, Pipe, LtLt, GtGt, SlashSlash,
EqualsEquals, TildeEquals, LtEquals, GtEquals, Lt, Gt, Equals,
RoundOpen, RoundClosed, CurlyOpen, CurlyClosed, SquareOpen, SquareClosed, ColonColon,
Semicolon, Colon, Comma, Dot, DotDot, DotDotDot,
const TokenData = union(enum)
string: []u8,
numeral: types.Numeral,
pub const Token = struct
tokenType: TokenType,
tokenData: TokenData,
region: CodeRegion,
const TokenizerState = enum
Quote, SingleQuote, Name, Number, Zero,
A, B, D, E, F, G, I, L, N, O, R, T, U, W,
Plus, Minus, Star, Slash, Percent, Caret, Hash,
Ampersand, Tilde, Pipe, Lt, Gt, Equals, RoundOpen, RoundClosed, CurlyOpen, CurlyClosed, SquareOpen, SquareClosed,
Colon, Semicolon, Comma, Dot,
An, Br, Do, El, En, Fa, Fo, Fu, Go, If, In, Lo, Ni, No, Or, Re, Th, Tr, Un, Wh,
LtLt, GtGt, SlashSlash, EqualsEquals, TildeEquals, LtEquals, GtEquals, ColonColon, DotDot,
SmallCommentStart, QuoteBackslash, SingleQuoteBackslash, String, HexNumberX, ExpNumber,
And, Bre, Els, End, Fal, For, Fun, Got, Loc, Nil, Not, Rep, Ret, The, Tru, Unt, Whi,
DotDotDot, HexNumber, QuoteBackslashZ, SingleQuoteBackslashZ,
BigCommentLongBracketStart, SmallComment,
Brea, Else, Fals, Func, Goto, Loca, Repe, Retu, Then, True, Unti, Whil, HexExpNumber,
BigComment, BigCommentLongBracketEnd,
Break, Elsei, False, Funct, Local, Repea, Retur, Until, While,
Elseif, Functi, Repeat, Return,
fn tokenizeUpdateIndexAndState(lastIndex: *?usize, index: ?usize, state: *TokenizerState, newState: TokenizerState, region: *CodeRegion) void
lastIndex.* = index;
state.* = newState;
if(index == null)
region.*.start = null;
region.*.length = 0;
if(region.*.start == null)
// TODO: There is no line/col info here and plumbing it to here would be pain.
region.*.start = CodeLocation { .col = 0, .line = 0 };
region.*.length += 1;
fn tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex: *?usize, index: ?usize, tokenType: *?TokenType, state: *TokenizerState, newTokenType: ?TokenType, newState: TokenizerState, region: *CodeRegion) void
tokenizeUpdateIndexAndState(lastIndex, index, state, newState, region);
tokenType.* = newTokenType;
fn tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex: *?usize, index: usize, tokenType: *?TokenType, state: *TokenizerState, newTokenType: ?TokenType, newState: TokenizerState, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), ch: u8, region: *CodeRegion) !void
tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index, tokenType, state, newTokenType, newState, region);
try tokenStr.append(ch);
fn tokenizeTerminalIntNum(lastIndex: *?usize, index: usize, tokenType: *?TokenType, state: *TokenizerState, newTokenType: TokenType, newState: TokenizerState, tokenNumeral: *?types.Numeral, ch: u8, region: *CodeRegion) !void
tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index, tokenType, state, newTokenType, newState, region);
return error.NoDigit;
const digitValue = @as(i64, ch - '0');
if(tokenNumeral.* == null)
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = digitValue };
.Integer => |*n| n.* = n.* * 10 + digitValue,
.Float => return error.ExpectedIntGotFloat
fn tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex: *?usize, index: usize, state: *TokenizerState, newState: TokenizerState, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), ch: u8, region: *CodeRegion) !void
tokenizeUpdateIndexAndState(lastIndex, index, state, newState, region);
try tokenStr.*.append(ch);
fn tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex: *?usize, index: *usize, tokens: *std.ArrayList(Token), tokenType: *?TokenType, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), tokenNumeral: *?types.Numeral, state: *TokenizerState, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, region: *CodeRegion) !void
try tokenizeBacktrackCustomToken(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, tokenType.*.?, allocator, region);
fn tokenizeBacktrackCustomToken(lastIndex: *?usize, index: *usize, tokens: *std.ArrayList(Token), tokenType: *?TokenType, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), tokenNumeral: *?types.Numeral, state: *TokenizerState, newTokenType: TokenType, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, region: *CodeRegion) !void
if(lastIndex.* == null or tokenType.* == null)
return error.LexError;
if(newTokenType == TokenType.StringLiteral or newTokenType == TokenType.Name)
const content = try allocator.alloc(u8, tokenStr.*.items.len);
@memcpy(content, tokenStr.*.items);
try tokens.append(Token { .tokenType = newTokenType, .tokenData = TokenData { .string = content }, .region = region.* });
try tokens.append(Token { .tokenType = newTokenType, .region = region.*, .tokenData = if(tokenType.*.? == TokenType.Numeral) TokenData { .numeral = tokenNumeral.*.? }
else TokenData.none
tokenNumeral.* = null;
index.* = lastIndex.*.?;
// region is reset in tokenizeTerminalBase since null is passed as index
tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, null, tokenType, state, null, TokenizerState.Start, region);
fn tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex: *?usize, index: *usize, tokens: *std.ArrayList(Token), tokenType: *?TokenType, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), tokenNumeral: *?types.Numeral, state: *TokenizerState, ch: u8, newTokenType: TokenType, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, region: *CodeRegion) !void
if(std.ascii.isAlphanumeric(ch) or ch == '_')
try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.Name, tokenStr, ch, region);
try tokenizeBacktrackCustomToken(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, newTokenType, allocator, region);
fn tokenizeChar(state: *TokenizerState, ch: u8, lastIndex: *?usize, index: *usize, tokenType: *?TokenType, tokenStr: *std.ArrayList(u8), tokenNumeral: *?types.Numeral, tokens: *std.ArrayList(Token), longBracketLevel: *u32, region: *CodeRegion, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
TokenizerState.Start =>
'-' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Minus, TokenizerState.Minus, region),
',' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Comma, TokenizerState.Comma, region),
'=' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Equals, TokenizerState.Equals, region),
'(' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.RoundOpen, TokenizerState.RoundOpen, region),
')' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.RoundClosed, TokenizerState.RoundClosed, region),
'.' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Dot, TokenizerState.Dot, region),
':' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Colon, TokenizerState.Colon, region),
'{' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.CurlyOpen, TokenizerState.CurlyOpen, region),
'}' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.CurlyClosed, TokenizerState.CurlyClosed, region),
'[' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.SquareOpen, TokenizerState.SquareOpen, region),
']' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.SquareClosed, TokenizerState.SquareClosed, region),
'+' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Plus, TokenizerState.Plus, region),
'~' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Tilde, TokenizerState.Tilde, region),
'>' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Gt, TokenizerState.Gt, region),
'<' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Lt, TokenizerState.Lt, region),
'#' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Hash, TokenizerState.Hash, region),
'|' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Pipe, TokenizerState.Pipe, region),
'&' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Ampersand, TokenizerState.Ampersand, region),
'%' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Percent, TokenizerState.Percent, region),
'*' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Star, TokenizerState.Star, region),
'/' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Slash, TokenizerState.Slash, region),
';' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Semicolon, TokenizerState.Semicolon, region),
'^' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Caret, TokenizerState.Caret, region),
'a' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.A, tokenStr, ch, region),
'b' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.B, tokenStr, ch, region),
'd' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.D, tokenStr, ch, region),
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.E, tokenStr, ch, region),
'f' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.F, tokenStr, ch, region),
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.I, tokenStr, ch, region),
'g' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.G, tokenStr, ch, region),
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.L, tokenStr, ch, region),
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.N, tokenStr, ch, region),
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.O, tokenStr, ch, region),
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.R, tokenStr, ch, region),
't' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.T, tokenStr, ch, region),
'u' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.U, tokenStr, ch, region),
'w' => try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.W, tokenStr, ch, region),
'0' => try tokenizeTerminalIntNum(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Numeral, TokenizerState.Zero, tokenNumeral, ch, region),
'"' =>
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'\'' =>
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
else =>
else if(std.ascii.isAlphabetic(ch) or ch == '_')
try tokenizeTerminalStr(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Name, TokenizerState.Name, tokenStr, ch, region);
else if(std.ascii.isDigit(ch))
try tokenizeTerminalIntNum(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.Numeral, TokenizerState.Number, tokenNumeral, ch, region);
std.debug.print("{}: {c}\n", .{state.*, ch});
return error.NotImplemented;
TokenizerState.Quote =>
'\\' => state.* = TokenizerState.QuoteBackslash,
'"' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.StringLiteral, TokenizerState.String, region),
else => try tokenStr.*.append(ch),
TokenizerState.QuoteBackslash =>
'a' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{0007}');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'b' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{0008}');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
't' =>
try tokenStr.append('\t');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'n' | '\n' =>
try tokenStr.append('\n');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'v' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{000b}');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'f' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{000c}');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'r' =>
try tokenStr.append('\r');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'\\' =>
try tokenStr.append('\\');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'"' =>
try tokenStr.append('\"');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'\'' =>
try tokenStr.append('\'');
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
'z' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.QuoteBackslashZ;
else => return error.UnknownEscapeSequence,
TokenizerState.QuoteBackslashZ =>
'\\' => state.* = TokenizerState.QuoteBackslash,
'"' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.StringLiteral, TokenizerState.String, region),
else =>
try tokenStr.append(ch);
state.* = TokenizerState.Quote;
// Noop,
// "The escape sequence '\z' skips the following span of whitespace characters, including line breaks;"
TokenizerState.SingleQuote =>
'\\' => state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuoteBackslash,
'\'' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.StringLiteral, TokenizerState.String, region),
else => try tokenStr.append(ch),
TokenizerState.SingleQuoteBackslash =>
'a' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{0007}');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'b' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{0008}');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
't' =>
try tokenStr.append('\t');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'n' | '\n' =>
try tokenStr.append('\n');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'v' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{000b}');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'f' =>
try tokenStr.append('\u{000c}');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'r' =>
try tokenStr.append('\r');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'\\' =>
try tokenStr.append('\\');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'"' =>
try tokenStr.append('\"');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'\'' =>
try tokenStr.append('\'');
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
'z' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuoteBackslashZ;
else => return error.UnknownEscapeSequence,
TokenizerState.SingleQuoteBackslashZ =>
'\\' => state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuoteBackslash,
'\'' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.StringLiteral, TokenizerState.String, region),
else =>
try tokenStr.append(ch);
state.* = TokenizerState.SingleQuote;
// Noop,
// "The escape sequence '\z' skips the following span of whitespace characters, including line breaks;"
TokenizerState.String => try tokenizeBacktrackCustomToken(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, TokenType.StringLiteral, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Name => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Zero =>
'x' =>
try tokenStr.*.append(ch);
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.HexNumberX;
'.' => return error.NotImplemented,
else =>
const digitValue = @as(i64, ch - '0');
lastIndex.* = index.*;
if(tokenNumeral.* == null)
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = digitValue };
tokenType.* = TokenType.Numeral;
tokenNumeral.*.?.Integer = tokenNumeral.*.?.Integer * 10 + digitValue;
try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region);
TokenizerState.HexNumberX =>
lastIndex.* = index.*;
tokenType.* = TokenType.Numeral;
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = @as(i64, ch - '0') };
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = @as(i64, std.ascii.toLower(ch) - 'a') };
try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region);
TokenizerState.HexNumber =>
'p' =>
try tokenStr.*.append(ch);
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.HexExpNumber;
else =>
lastIndex.* = index.*;
tokenType.* = TokenType.Numeral;
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = @as(i64, ch - '0') };
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = @as(i64, std.ascii.toLower(ch) - 'a') };
try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region);
TokenizerState.Number =>
'e' =>
try tokenStr.*.append(ch);
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.ExpNumber;
'.' => return error.NotImplemented,
else =>
const digitValue = @as(i64, ch - '0');
lastIndex.* = index.*;
if(tokenNumeral.* == null)
tokenNumeral.* = types.Numeral { .Integer = digitValue };
tokenType.* = TokenType.Numeral;
tokenNumeral.*.?.Integer = tokenNumeral.*.?.Integer * 10 + digitValue;
try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region);
TokenizerState.Comma, TokenizerState.RoundOpen, TokenizerState.RoundClosed,
TokenizerState.CurlyOpen, TokenizerState.CurlyClosed, TokenizerState.Plus,
TokenizerState.TildeEquals, TokenizerState.EqualsEquals, TokenizerState.Hash,
TokenizerState.GtEquals, TokenizerState.LtEquals, TokenizerState.SquareOpen,
TokenizerState.SquareClosed, TokenizerState.Pipe, TokenizerState.Ampersand,
TokenizerState.Percent, TokenizerState.Star, TokenizerState.Semicolon,
TokenizerState.Caret, TokenizerState.DotDotDot, TokenizerState.GtGt,
TokenizerState.LtLt, TokenizerState.SlashSlash => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Tilde =>
'=' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.TildeEquals, TokenizerState.TildeEquals, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Gt =>
switch (ch)
'>' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.GtGt, TokenizerState.GtGt, region),
'=' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.GtEquals, TokenizerState.GtEquals, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Lt =>
'<' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.LtLt, TokenizerState.LtLt, region),
'=' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.LtEquals, TokenizerState.LtEquals, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Slash =>
'/' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.SlashSlash, TokenizerState.SlashSlash, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Dot =>
'.' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.DotDot, TokenizerState.DotDot, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.DotDot =>
'.' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.DotDotDot, TokenizerState.DotDotDot, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Colon =>
':' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.ColonColon, TokenizerState.ColonColon, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Equals =>
'=' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, TokenType.EqualsEquals, TokenizerState.EqualsEquals, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Minus =>
'-' => tokenizeTerminalBase(lastIndex, index.*, tokenType, state, null, TokenizerState.SmallCommentStart, region),
else => try tokenizeBacktrack(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.SmallCommentStart =>
'[' =>
tokenType.* = null;
state.* = TokenizerState.BigCommentLongBracketStart;
'\n' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.Start;
lastIndex.* = null;
else =>
state.* = TokenizerState.SmallComment;
TokenizerState.SmallComment =>
'\n' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.Start;
lastIndex.* = null;
else => { }
TokenizerState.BigCommentLongBracketStart =>
'=' =>
longBracketLevel.* += 1;
'[' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.BigComment;
else => return error.LongBracketMalformedStartBigComment,
TokenizerState.BigComment =>
']' =>
state.* = TokenizerState.BigCommentLongBracketEnd;
else => { },
TokenizerState.BigCommentLongBracketEnd =>
'=' =>
if(longBracketLevel.* == 0)
return error.LongBracketLevelTooBigEndBigComment;
longBracketLevel.* -= 1;
']' =>
if(longBracketLevel.* != 0)
return error.LongBracketLevelTooSmallEndBigComment;
state.* = TokenizerState.Start;
else => return error.LongBracketMalformedSmallEndBigComment,
TokenizerState.A =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.An, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.An =>
'd' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.And, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.And => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.And, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.W =>
'h' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Wh, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Wh =>
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Whi, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Whi =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Whil, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Whil =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.While, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.While => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.While, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.B =>
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Br, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Br =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Bre, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Bre =>
'a' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Brea, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Brea =>
'k' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Break, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Break => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Break, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.G =>
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Go, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Go =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Got, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Got =>
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Goto, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Goto => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Goto, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.R =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Re, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Re =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Ret, tokenStr, ch, region),
'p' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Rep, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Ret =>
'u' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Retu, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Retu =>
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Retur, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Retur =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Return, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Return => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Return, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Rep =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Repe, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Repe =>
'a' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Repea, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Repea =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Repeat, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Repeat => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Repeat, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.N =>
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Ni, tokenStr, ch, region),
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.No, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.No =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Not, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Not => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Not, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Ni =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Nil, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Nil => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Nil, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.T =>
'h' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Th, tokenStr, ch, region),
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Tr, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Th =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.The, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.The =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Then, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Then => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Then, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Tr =>
'u' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Tru, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Tru =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.True, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.True => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.True, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.E =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.El, tokenStr, ch, region),
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.En, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.En =>
'd' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.End, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.End => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.End, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.El =>
's' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Els, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Els =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Else, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Else =>
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Elsei, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Else, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Elsei =>
'f' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Elseif, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Elseif => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Elseif, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.O =>
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Or, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Or => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Or, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.D =>
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Do, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Do => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Do, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.I =>
'f' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.If, tokenStr, ch, region),
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.In, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.In => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.In, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.If => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.If, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.F =>
'a' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fa, tokenStr, ch, region),
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fo, tokenStr, ch, region),
'u' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fu, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fu =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fun, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fun =>
'c' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Func, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Func =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Funct, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Funct =>
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Functi, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Functi =>
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Functio, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Functio =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Function, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Function => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Function, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fa =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fal, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fal =>
's' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Fals, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fals =>
'e' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.False, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.False => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.False, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Fo =>
'r' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.For, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.For => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.For, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.L =>
'o' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Lo, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Lo =>
'c' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Loc, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Loc =>
'a' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Loca, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Loca =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Local, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Local => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Local, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.U =>
'n' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Un, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Un =>
't' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Unt, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Unt =>
'i' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Unti, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Unti =>
'l' => try tokenizeTerminalNoToken(lastIndex, index.*, state, TokenizerState.Until, tokenStr, ch, region),
else => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Name, allocator, region),
TokenizerState.Until => try tokenizeAlphanumericNonstart(lastIndex, index, tokens, tokenType, tokenStr, tokenNumeral, state, ch, TokenType.Until, allocator, region),
else =>
std.debug.print("{}\n", . {state.*});
return error.NotImplemented;
pub fn tokenize(fileContent: []u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]Token
var tokens = std.ArrayList(Token).init(allocator);
var state: TokenizerState = TokenizerState.Start;
var lastIndex: ?usize = null;
var index: usize = 0;
var tokenType: ?TokenType = null;
var tokenStr = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer tokenStr.deinit();
var tokenNumeral: ?types.Numeral = null;
var longBracketLevel: u32 = 0;
var region = CodeRegion { .start = null, .length = 0 };
while(index < fileContent.len)
const ch = fileContent[index];
try tokenizeChar(&state, ch, &lastIndex, &index, &tokenType, &tokenStr, &tokenNumeral, &tokens, &longBracketLevel, ®ion, allocator);
if(region.start != null and region.start.?.col == 0 and region.start.?.line == 0)
region.start = calculatePoint(fileContent, index);
index += 1;
if(longBracketLevel != 0)
return error.UnbalancedLongBracketLevel;
try tokenizeChar(&state, '\n', &lastIndex, &index, &tokenType, &tokenStr, &tokenNumeral, &tokens, &longBracketLevel, ®ion, allocator);
if(region.start != null and region.start.?.col == 0 and region.start.?.line == 0)
region.start = calculatePoint(fileContent, index);
return tokens.toOwnedSlice();
fn calculatePoint(fileContent: []u8, index: usize) CodeLocation
var ret = CodeLocation { .col = 1, .line = 1 };
for(0..index) |i|
ret.col += 1;
if(fileContent[i] == '\n')
ret.line += 1;
ret.col = 1;
return ret;
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
const parser = @import("parser.zig");
const types = @import("types.zig");
pub fn interpret(root: parser.ChunkNode, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
var _ENV = types.Table { .entries= std.ArrayList(types.TableEntry).init(allocator) };
try walkChunk(root, &_ENV, allocator);
fn walkChunk(node: parser.ChunkNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
try walkBlock(node.block, environment, allocator);
fn walkBlock(node: parser.BlockNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
for(node.stats.items) |stat|
try walkStat(stat, environment, allocator);
if(node.retstat != null)
try walkRetstat(node.retstat.?, environment, allocator);
fn walkStat(node: parser.StatNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
.Assignment => |assignmentNode|
return try walkAssignmentNode(assignmentNode, environment, allocator);
else =>
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{node});
return error.NotImplemented;
fn walkRetstat(node: parser.RetstatNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
_ = node;
_ = environment;
_ = allocator;
return error.NotImplemented;
fn walkAssignmentNode(node: parser.AssignmentNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void
const results = try walkExplist(node.rhs, environment, allocator);
var i: usize = 0;
_ = results;
_ = i;
for(node.lhs.vars.items) |variable|
.Indexed => |indexedNode|
_ = indexedNode;
return error.NotImplemented;
else => return error.NotImplemented,
fn walkExplist(node: parser.ExplistNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]types.Value
var results = std.ArrayList(types.Value).init(allocator);
for(node.exps.items) |exp|
try results.append(try walkExp(exp, environment, allocator, false));
return results.toOwnedSlice();
fn walkExp(node: parser.ExpNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, isVariadicFunction: bool) !types.Value
.Nil => return types.Value.Nil,
.False => return types.Value { .Bool = false },
.True => return types.Value { .Bool = true },
.Numeral => |numeral| return types.Value { .Numeral = numeral },
.LiteralString => |string| return types.Value { .String = string },
.Varargs =>
return error.NotImplemented;
return error.UseVarargsOutsideVariadicFunction;
.Suffixexp => |suffixExp|
return walkSuffixexp(suffixExp.*, environment, allocator);
else =>
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{node});
return error.NotImplemented;
return error.NotImplemented;
fn walkSuffixexp(node: parser.SuffixexpNode, environment: *types.Table, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !types.Value
_ = allocator;
.Normal => |normal|
.Name => |name|
std.debug.print("name: {s}\n", .{name});
std.debug.print("val: {!}\n", .{environment.get(types.Value { .String = name })});
else =>
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{normal.firstPart});
return error.NotImplemented;
else =>
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{node});
return error.NotImplemented;
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub const NumeralTag = enum
pub fn isFloatExactInt(value: f64) bool
return value == 0 or (std.math.isNormal(value) and @floor(value) == value);
pub const Numeral = union(NumeralTag)
Integer: i64,
Float: f64,
pub fn rawEqual(self: Numeral, other: Numeral) bool
if(@as(NumeralTag, self) == @as(NumeralTag, other))
.Float => |value| return value == other.Float,
.Integer => |value| return value == other.Integer,
// Other is the respective other type
.Float => |value|
return isFloatExactInt(value) and @as(u64, @intFromFloat(value)) == other.Integer;
.Integer => |value|
return isFloatExactInt(other.Float) and @as(u64, @intFromFloat(other.Float)) == value;
test "float int equality"
const a = Numeral { .Float = 12.0 };
const b = Numeral { .Integer = 12 };
try std.testing.expect(a.rawEqual(b));
try std.testing.expect(b.rawEqual(a));
try std.testing.expect(a.rawEqual(a));
try std.testing.expect(b.rawEqual(b));
const c = Numeral { .Float = (0.2 + 0.1) * 10.0 };
const d = Numeral { .Integer = 3 };
try std.testing.expect(c.rawEqual(d));
try std.testing.expect(d.rawEqual(c));
try std.testing.expect(c.rawEqual(c));
try std.testing.expect(d.rawEqual(d));
const e = Numeral { .Float = 3.2 };
try std.testing.expect(!a.rawEqual(e));
try std.testing.expect(!b.rawEqual(e));
try std.testing.expect(!c.rawEqual(e));
try std.testing.expect(!d.rawEqual(e));
try std.testing.expect(!e.rawEqual(a));
try std.testing.expect(!e.rawEqual(b));
try std.testing.expect(!e.rawEqual(c));
try std.testing.expect(!e.rawEqual(d));
pub const TableEntry = struct
key: Value,
value: Value,
pub const Table = struct
entries: std.ArrayList(TableEntry),
pub fn get(self: Table, key: Value) Value
if(@as(ValueTag, key) == ValueTag.Nil)
return Value.Nil;
for (self.entries.items) |entry|
return entry.value;
return Value.Nil;
pub const ValueTag = enum
pub const Value = union(ValueTag)
Bool: bool,
Numeral: Numeral,
String: []const u8,
Table: *Table,
pub fn rawEqual(self: Value, other: Value) bool
if(@as(ValueTag, self) != @as(ValueTag, other))
return false;
.Nil => return true,
.Bool => |value| return value == other.Bool,
.Numeral => |value| return value.rawEqual(other.Numeral),
.String => |value| return std.mem.eql(u8, value, other.String),
.Table => |value| return value == other.Table,
test "Value equalities"
const a = Value { .Bool = true };
const b = Value { .Numeral = Numeral { .Integer = 1 } };
// true != 1
try std.testing.expect(!a.rawEqual(b));
// 1 != true
try std.testing.expect(!b.rawEqual(a));
const c = Value { .Bool = false };
// true != false
try std.testing.expect(!a.rawEqual(c));
// false!= true
try std.testing.expect(!c.rawEqual(a));
const d = Value { .Bool = true };
// true == true
try std.testing.expect(a.rawEqual(d));
// true == true
try std.testing.expect(d.rawEqual(a));
const e = Value { .String = "foo" };
const f = Value { .String = "bar" };
// foo != bar
try std.testing.expect(!e.rawEqual(f));
// bar != foo
try std.testing.expect(!f.rawEqual(e));
const g = Value { .String = "foo" };
// foo != foo
try std.testing.expect(e.rawEqual(g));
// foo != foo
try std.testing.expect(g.rawEqual(e));
var table = Table { .entries = std.ArrayList(TableEntry).init(std.testing.allocator) };
const h = Value { .Table = &table };
var table2 = Table { .entries = std.ArrayList(TableEntry).init(std.testing.allocator) };
const i = Value { .Table = &table2 };
const j = Value { .Table = &table2 };
try std.testing.expect(h.rawEqual(h));
try std.testing.expect(i.rawEqual(i));
try std.testing.expect(!h.rawEqual(i));
try std.testing.expect(!i.rawEqual(h));
try std.testing.expect(i.rawEqual(j));
try std.testing.expect(!h.rawEqual(j));
test "Table get"
var a = Table { .entries = std.ArrayList(TableEntry).init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer a.entries.deinit();
try a.entries.append(TableEntry { .key = Value { .Bool = true }, .value = Value { .String = "foo" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(a.get(Value { .Bool = true }).String, "foo");
try std.testing.expectEqual(a.get(Value.Nil), Value.Nil);
try std.testing.expectEqual(a.get(Value { .Numeral = Numeral { .Integer = 12 } }), Value.Nil);
var c = a.get(Value { .Bool = true });
c.String = "bar";
try std.testing.expectEqual(a.get(Value { .Bool = true }).String, "foo");
pub const CodeRegion = struct
start: ?CodeLocation,
length: usize,
pub const CodeLocation = struct
line: usize,
col: usize,
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
a, b = 12, test(32, 4)
local t=(string.find(,'m') and originalField.tableAction) or c.tableAction or originalField.tableAction or tableActionGeneric
b = {["a"] = 23}
for i=0, 10 do b[i] = 2^23 end
function test(a, b)
return 42 + a / b
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