Start work on a LL inspired parser since CYK is too slow

This commit is contained in:
0x4261756D 2023-07-19 12:57:37 +02:00
parent e53734dcca
commit c3e2565ff9
1 changed files with 492 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,494 @@
use std::{slice::Iter, iter::{Peekable, Map}, collections::HashMap};
use crate::tokenizer::Token;
pub fn parse(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return own(tokens);
fn own(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return parse_chunk(&tokens, &mut 0);
pub struct ChunkNode
block: BlockNode
pub struct BlockNode
stats: Vec<StatNode>,
retstat: Option<RetstatNode>
pub enum StatNode
Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode, rhs: ExplistNode },
While { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode },
Repeat { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode },
If { condition: ExpNode, body: BlockNode, elseifs: Vec<ElseifNode>, else_: Option<BlockNode> },
ForEq { var: String, start: ExpNode, end: ExpNode, change: Option<ExpNode>, body: BlockNode },
ForIn { vars: Vec<String>, exps: ExplistNode, body: BlockNode },
Function { name: FuncnameNode, body: FuncbodyNode },
LocalFunction { name: String, body: FuncbodyNode },
Local { attnames: AttnamelistNode, values: Option<ExplistNode> }
pub struct RetstatNode
values: ExplistNode
pub struct ExpNode
pub struct ExplistNode
exps: Vec<ExpNode>
pub struct VarlistNode
vars: Vec<VarNode>
pub struct FunctioncallNode
function: SuffixexpNode,
object_arg: Option<String>,
args: ArgsNode,
pub struct ArgsNode
pub struct ElseifNode
condition: ExpNode,
body: BlockNode,
pub struct FuncnameNode
pub struct FuncbodyNode
pub struct AttnamelistNode
pub enum VarNode
Indexed { value: PrefixexpNode, index: ExpNode },
Member { value: PrefixexpNode, name: String }
pub enum PrefixexpNode
fn parse_chunk(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
return Ok(ChunkNode { block: parse_block(tokens, i)? });
fn parse_block(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<BlockNode, &'static str>
let mut stats: Vec<StatNode> = Vec::new();
while *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] != Token::Return
stats.push(parse_stat(tokens, i)?);
let retstat =
if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Return { Some(parse_retstat(tokens, i)?) }
else { None };
return Ok(BlockNode { stats, retstat });
fn parse_stat(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<StatNode, &'static str>
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of file while parsing stat");
match tokens[*i]
Token::Semicolon =>
*i += 1;
Token::Break =>
*i += 1;
Token::Goto =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of stream but expected name for goto");
return if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
Err("Expecting name for goto")
Token::Do =>
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Missing 'end' for do block");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Do(body));
Token::While =>
*i += 1;
let condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after while condition")
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Missing 'end' for do block");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::While { condition, body });
Token::Repeat =>
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Until
return Err("Expected 'until' after repeat body");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Repeat { condition: parse_exp(tokens, i)?, body });
Token::If =>
*i += 1;
let condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Then
return Err("Expected 'then' after if condition");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing if");
let mut elseifs: Vec<ElseifNode> = Vec::new();
while tokens[*i] == Token::Elseif
*i += 1;
let elseif_condition = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Then
return Err("Expected 'then' after elseif condition");
*i += 1;
elseifs.push(ElseifNode { condition: elseif_condition, body: parse_block(tokens, i)? });
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing if");
let else_ = if tokens[*i] == Token::Else
*i += 1;
Some(parse_block(tokens, i)?)
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' to close if");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::If { condition, body, elseifs, else_ });
Token::For =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing for");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing for after first name");
match tokens[*i]
Token::Equals =>
*i += 1;
let start = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Comma
return Err("Expected ',' after 'for eq' start value");
*i += 1;
let end = parse_exp(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens after end value in 'for eq'");
let change = if tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
Some(parse_exp(tokens, i)?)
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after 'for eq' head");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' to close 'for eq'");
return Ok(StatNode::ForEq { var: name.clone(), start, end, change, body });
Token::Comma =>
let mut names = Vec::from([name.clone()]);
while tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing 'for in' namelist");
if let Token::Name(next_name) = &tokens[*i]
return Err("Expected another name in 'for in' namelist");
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing 'for in' namelist after name");
if tokens[*i] != Token::In
return Err("Expected 'in' after 'for in' namelist");
*i += 1;
let exps = parse_explist(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Do
return Err("Expected 'do' after 'for in' explist");
*i += 1;
let body = parse_block(tokens, i)?;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::End
return Err("Expected 'end' after 'for in' body");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::ForIn { vars: names, exps, body });
_ => Err("Unexpected token after first name in for")
return Err("Expected name after 'for'");
Token::Function =>
*i += 1;
let funcname = parse_funcname(tokens, i)?;
return Ok(StatNode::Function { name: funcname, body: parse_funcbody(tokens, i)? });
Token::Local =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing local");
if tokens[*i] == Token::Function
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing local function");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::LocalFunction { name: name.clone(), body: parse_funcbody(tokens, i)? });
return Err("Expected local function name");
let attnames = parse_attnamelist(tokens, i)?;
let initials = if *i < tokens.len() && tokens[*i] == Token::Equals
*i += 1;
Some(parse_explist(tokens, i)?)
return Ok(StatNode::Local { attnames, values: initials });
Token::ColonColon =>
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len()
return Err("Reached end of tokens while parsing label");
if let Token::Name(name) = &tokens[*i]
*i += 1;
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::ColonColon
return Err("Expected '::' after name in label declaration");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Label(name.clone()));
return Err("Expected a name after '::' in label declaration")
Token::Name(_) | Token::RoundOpen =>
// assignment or functioncall
let suffix_expression = parse_suffixexp(tokens, i)?;
match tokens[*i]
Token::Equals =>
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode { vars: Vec::from([suffix_expression_to_var(suffix_expression)]) }, rhs: parse_explist(tokens, i)? });
Token::Comma =>
let mut vars = Vec::from([suffix_expression_to_var(suffix_expression)]);
while tokens[*i] == Token::Comma
*i += 1;
vars.push(parse_var(tokens, i)?);
if *i >= tokens.len() || tokens[*i] != Token::Equals
return Err("Expected '=' for assignment");
*i += 1;
return Ok(StatNode::Assignment { lhs: VarlistNode { vars }, rhs: parse_explist(tokens, i)? });
_ =>
if let SuffixexpNode()
_ => Err("Unexpected token while parsing stat")
fn suffix_expression_to_var(suffixexp: SuffixexpNode) -> VarNode
fn parse_var(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<VarNode, &'static str>
fn parse_args(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ArgsNode, &'static str>
fn parse_suffixexp(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<SuffixexpNode, &'static str>
// primaryexp { '.' 'Name' | '[' exp']' | ':' 'Name' args | args }
fn parse_retstat(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<RetstatNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
fn parse_exp(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ExpNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
fn parse_explist(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<ExplistNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
fn parse_funcname(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<FuncnameNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
fn parse_funcbody(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<FuncbodyNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
fn parse_attnamelist(tokens: &Vec<Token>, i: &mut usize) -> Result<AttnamelistNode, &'static str>
todo!("{:?}", tokens[*i])
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Node
@ -14,13 +500,7 @@ pub struct AmbiguousNode
pub fn parse(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<Node, &'static str>
return cyk(tokens);
pub fn cyk(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<Node, &'static str>
pub fn cyk(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<ChunkNode, &'static str>
let r = NONTERMINAL_NAMES.len();
let n = tokens.len();