
22 lines
865 B
Raw Normal View History

0xff11 123 , () ~ ~= > >> >= < << <= / // . .. ... : :: = == - --
-- asdf
--[==========[asdfasdf]==========] zzzz
[===[test]]=]==]===] zzzzz
a ab an anb ando and
w wo wh who whi whio whil whilo while whileo
b bo br bro bre breo brea breao break breako
g gz go goz got gotz goto gotoz
r ro re reo ret rep reto repo retu repe retuo repeo retur repea returo repeao return repeat returno repeato
n nz ni no niz noz nil not nilz notz
t to th tr tho the tro tru then true theno trueo
e eo el en elo eno els end elso endo else elso elsei elseif elseio elseifo
o oo or oro
d dz do doz
i io if in ifo ino
f fz fo fa fu foz faz fuz for fal fun forz falz funz fals func falsz funcz false funct falsez functz functi functiz functio functioz function functionz
l lz lo loz loc locz loca locaz local localz
u uo un uno unt unto unti untio until untilo