
661 lines
17 KiB

use core::panic;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::process::exit;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Token
StringLit(String, i32, i32),
IntLit(String, i32, i32),
Keyword(String, i32, i32),
enum TokenizerState
enum Datatype
impl PartialEq for Datatype
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool
core::mem::discriminant(self) == core::mem::discriminant(&Datatype::Any) ||
core::mem::discriminant(other) == core::mem::discriminant(&Datatype::Any) ||
core::mem::discriminant(self) == core::mem::discriminant(other)
struct Function
name: String,
ins: Vec<Datatype>,
outs: Vec<Datatype>,
content: Vec<Operation>,
enum Operation
Enqueue(Datatype, String, i32, i32),
Dequeue(i32, i32),
Requeue(i32, i32),
Intrinsic(String, i32, i32),
FunctionCall(String, i32, i32),
If(Vec<Operation>, Option<Vec<Operation>>, i32, i32),
While(Vec<Operation>, i32, i32),
fn main()
let intrinsics: HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)> = HashMap::from(
("print", (Vec::from([Datatype::Any]), Vec::new())),
("-", (Vec::from([Datatype::Int, Datatype::Int]), Vec::from([Datatype::Int]))),
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2
let mut debug = false;
for arg in &args[3..]
match arg.as_str()
"-d" | "--debug" => debug = true,
_ => panic!("Unknown option {}", arg),
match args[1].as_str()
"-c" | "--compile" =>
let file_content = fs::read_to_string(&args[2]).expect("Could not read the source file");
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = tokenize(&file_content);
println!("---Done tokenizing, got {} tokens---", tokens.len());
let functions: Vec<Function> = extract_functions(&mut tokens, &intrinsics, debug);
println!("---Done extracting functions, got {} functions and reduced the token count to {}---", functions.len(), tokens.len());
let operations = parse_until_delimiter(&mut tokens.iter().peekable(), &intrinsics, None, debug);
println!("---Done parsing tokens into {} operations---", operations.len());
validate_function_calls(&operations, &functions, debug);
println!("---Done validating function calls---");
typecheck(&operations, &functions, &intrinsics, debug);
println!("---Done typechecking---");
_ => panic!("Unknown option {}", args[1])
fn typecheck(operations: &Vec<Operation>, functions: &Vec<Function>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, debug: bool)
for function in functions
if debug
println!("Now typechecking function '{}'", function.name);
typecheck_block(&function.content, &function.ins, &function.outs, functions, intrinsics, debug);
if debug
println!("Successfully typechecked function '{}'", function.name);
if debug
println!("Now typechecking main operations");
typecheck_block(operations, &Vec::new(), &Vec::new(), functions, intrinsics, debug);
if debug
println!("Successfully typechecked main operations");
fn typecheck_block(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, outs: &Vec<Datatype>, functions: &Vec<Function>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, debug: bool)
let actual_outs = get_return_type(operations, ins, functions, intrinsics, debug);
if &actual_outs != outs
let (line, col) = match operations.last()
Some(operation) =>
match operation
Operation::Enqueue(_, _, line, col) |
Operation::Requeue(line, col) |
Operation::FunctionCall(_, line, col) |
Operation::If(_, _, line, col) |
Operation::Intrinsic(_, line, col) |
Operation::While(_, line, col) |
Operation::Dequeue(line, col) => (*line, *col),
None => (-1, -1)
panic!("Wrong queue state at the end of a block, expected {:?} but got {:?} at {}:{}", outs, actual_outs, line, col);
fn get_return_type(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, functions: &Vec<Function>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, debug: bool) -> Vec<Datatype>
let type_queue: &mut Vec<Datatype> = &mut Vec::new();
let mut debug_string = String::from("");
for operation in operations
if debug
debug_string = format!("operation: {:?}: {:?}", operation, type_queue);
match operation
Operation::Dequeue(line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Attempted to dequeue an element while the queue was empty at {}:{}", line, col);
Operation::Enqueue(datatype, _, _, _) =>
Operation::Requeue(line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Attempted to requeue an element while the queue was empty at {}:{}", line, col);
let typ = type_queue.remove(0);
Operation::FunctionCall(function_name, line, col) =>
let function = functions.iter().find(|x| &x.name == function_name).unwrap();
if function.ins.len() > type_queue.len()
panic!("Attempted to call function '{}' at {}:{}, with insufficient elements in the queue, expected {:?} but got {:?}", function.name, line, col, function.ins, type_queue);
for in_type in &function.ins
let actual_type = type_queue.remove(0);
if in_type != &actual_type
panic!("Attempted to call function '{}' at {}:{} with a wrong parameter, expected {:?} but got {:?}", function.name, line, col, in_type, actual_type);
Operation::If(if_block, maybe_else_block, line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Encountered if block with an empty queue at {}:{}", line, col);
let comparison_type = type_queue.remove(0);
if comparison_type != Datatype::Int
panic!("Expected an int as an if condition but got {:?} instead at {}:{}", comparison_type, line, col);
if debug
println!("Starting to typecheck if block");
let if_ret = get_return_type(if_block, &type_queue, functions, intrinsics, debug);
let else_ret =
if let Some(else_block) = maybe_else_block
if debug
println!("Starting to typecheck else block");
get_return_type(else_block, &type_queue, functions, intrinsics, debug)
if if_ret != else_ret
panic!("Incompatible queue states after if/else construction, expected {:?} but got {:?}", if_ret, else_ret);
Operation::Intrinsic(intrinsic_name, line, col) =>
let io = intrinsics.get(intrinsic_name.as_str()).unwrap();
if io.0.len() > type_queue.len()
panic!("Attempted to call intrinsic '{}' at {}:{}, with insufficient elements in the queue, expected {:?} but got {:?}", intrinsic_name, line, col, io.0, type_queue);
for in_type in &io.0
let actual_type = type_queue.remove(0);
if in_type != &actual_type
panic!("Attempted to call intrinsic '{}' at {}:{} with a wrong parameter, expected {:?} but got {:?}", intrinsic_name, line, col, in_type, actual_type);
Operation::While(while_block, line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Encountered while block with an empty queue at {}:{}", line, col);
let &comparison_type = type_queue.get(0).unwrap();
if comparison_type != Datatype::Int
panic!("Expected an int as a while condition but got {:?} instead at {}:{}", comparison_type, line, col);
if debug
println!("Starting to typecheck while block");
typecheck_block(while_block, type_queue, type_queue, functions, intrinsics, debug);
if debug
println!("{} => {:?}", debug_string, type_queue);
return type_queue.clone();
fn validate_function_calls(operations: &Vec<Operation>, functions: &Vec<Function>, debug: bool)
for function in functions
validate_function_calls_in_block(&function.content, functions, debug);
if debug
println!("Successfully validated function calls in function '{}'", function.name);
validate_function_calls_in_block(operations, functions, debug);
if debug
println!("Successfully validated function calls in main operations");
fn validate_function_calls_in_block(block: &Vec<Operation>, functions: &Vec<Function>, debug: bool)
for operation in block
match operation
Operation::Intrinsic(_, _, _) | Operation::Enqueue(_, _, _, _) | Operation::Dequeue(_, _) | Operation::Requeue(_, _) => {},
Operation::FunctionCall(function_name, line, col) =>
if !functions.iter().any(|x| &x.name == function_name)
panic!("Call to unknown function {} at {}:{}", function_name, line, col);
Operation::If(if_block, maybe_else_block, _, _) =>
validate_function_calls_in_block(if_block, functions, debug);
if let Some(else_block) = maybe_else_block
validate_function_calls_in_block(else_block, functions, debug);
Operation::While(while_block, _, _) =>
validate_function_calls_in_block(while_block, functions, debug);
fn extract_functions(tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, debug: bool) -> Vec<Function>
let mut tokens_iter = tokens.iter().peekable();
let mut functions: Vec<Function> = Vec::new();
let mut new_tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
while let Some(token) = tokens_iter.next()
if let Token::Keyword(word, line, col) = token
if word == "function"
if debug
print!("Found a function at {}:{}", line, col);
let mut ins: Vec<Datatype> = Vec::new();
let maybe_token = tokens_iter.next();
match maybe_token
Some(token) =>
match token
Token::IntLit(_, line, col) | Token::StringLit(_, line, col) =>
panic!("Expected input parameters for a function but got {:?} instead at {}:{}", token, line, col);
Token::Keyword(word, line, col) =>
if word == "=>"
match word.as_str()
"any" => ins.push(Datatype::Any),
"str" => ins.push(Datatype::String),
"int" => ins.push(Datatype::Int),
_ => panic!("Expected input parameters for a function but got {} instead at {}:{}", word, line, col)
None => panic!("Unexpected end of file while extracting a function")
if debug
println!("ins: {:?}", ins);
let mut outs: Vec<Datatype> = Vec::new();
let maybe_token = tokens_iter.next();
match maybe_token
Some(token) =>
match token
Token::IntLit(_, line, col) | Token::StringLit(_, line, col) =>
panic!("Expected input parameters for a function but got {:?} instead at {}:{}", token, line, col);
Token::Keyword(word, line, col) =>
match word.as_str()
"any" => outs.push(Datatype::Any),
"str" => outs.push(Datatype::String),
"int" => outs.push(Datatype::Int),
"{" | "}" => panic!("Expected function name but got {} at {}:{}", word, line, col),
_ =>
if functions.iter().any(|x| &x.name == word)
panic!("Redeclaration of function '{}' at {}:{}", word, line, col);
if debug
println!("outs: {:?}", outs);
let block = parse_block(&mut tokens_iter, intrinsics, debug);
functions.push(Function {name: word.clone(), ins, outs, content: block});
None => panic!("Unexpected end of file while extracting a function")
return functions;
fn parse_block(tokens_iter: &mut Peekable<std::slice::Iter<Token>>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, debug: bool) -> Vec<Operation>
if let Some(Token::Keyword(word, line, col)) = tokens_iter.next()
if word != "{"
panic!("Expected '{{' to open a block but got {} at {}:{}", word, line, col);
panic!("Expected '{{' to open a block");
return parse_until_delimiter(tokens_iter, intrinsics, Some("}"), debug);
fn parse_until_delimiter(tokens_iter: &mut Peekable<std::slice::Iter<Token>>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Datatype>, Vec<Datatype>)>, delimiter: Option<&str>, debug: bool) -> Vec<Operation>
let mut operations: Vec<Operation> = Vec::new();
let maybe_token = tokens_iter.next();
match maybe_token
Some(token) =>
match token
Token::IntLit(value, line, col) =>
operations.push(Operation::Enqueue(Datatype::Int, value.clone(), *line, *col));
Token::StringLit(value, line, col) =>
operations.push(Operation::Enqueue(Datatype::String, value.clone(), *line, *col));
Token::Keyword(word, line, col) =>
if intrinsics.contains_key(word.as_str())
operations.push(Operation::Intrinsic(word.clone(), *line, *col));
else if word == "if"
let block = parse_block(tokens_iter, intrinsics, debug);
let else_block =
if let Some(Token::Keyword(maybe_else, _, _)) = tokens_iter.peek()
if maybe_else == "else"
Some(parse_block(tokens_iter, intrinsics, debug))
operations.push(Operation::If(block, else_block, *line, *col));
else if word == "while"
operations.push(Operation::While(parse_block(tokens_iter, intrinsics, debug), *line, *col));
else if word == "deq"
operations.push(Operation::Dequeue(*line, *col));
else if word == "req"
operations.push(Operation::Requeue(*line, *col));
else if Some(word.as_str()) == delimiter
return operations;
else if word == "{" || word == "function"
panic!("Unexpected keyword {} at {}:{}", word, line, col);
operations.push(Operation::FunctionCall(word.clone(), *line, *col));
None =>
if delimiter.is_some()
panic!("Reached the end of the file while parsing a block")
return operations;
fn usage()
println!("Usage: kurz -c path/to/file");
fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Vec<Token>
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
let mut line = 1;
let mut col = 1;
let mut state = TokenizerState::Whitespace;
let mut word = String::new();
let mut iter = text.chars().peekable();
while let Some(ch) = iter.next()
if ch == '/' && iter.peek() == Some(&'/')
state = TokenizerState::Comment;
match state
TokenizerState::Comment =>
if ch == '\n'
state = TokenizerState::Whitespace;
TokenizerState::Whitespace =>
// If ch is whitespace, do nothing
if !ch.is_whitespace()
match ch
'"' =>
state = TokenizerState::Quote;
_ =>
state = TokenizerState::Keyword;
TokenizerState::Quote =>
if ch == '"'
state = TokenizerState::Whitespace;
tokens.push(Token::StringLit(word.clone(), line, col));
TokenizerState::Keyword =>
if ch.is_whitespace()
state = TokenizerState::Whitespace;
if let Ok(_) = word.parse::<i64>()
tokens.push(Token::IntLit(word.clone(), line, col));
tokens.push(Token::Keyword(word.clone(), line, col));
match ch
'"' => panic!("Having '\"' in the middle of a word is not allowed"),
_ =>
col += 1;
if ch == '\n'
col = 1;
line += 1;
match state
TokenizerState::Quote =>
panic!("Encountered EOF before closing string");
TokenizerState::Whitespace | TokenizerState::Comment => {},
TokenizerState::Keyword =>
tokens.push(Token::Keyword(word.clone(), line, col));